2 research outputs found

    South African buffalo-derived Theileria parva is distinct from other buffalo and cattle-derived T. parva

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    Theileria parva is a protozoan parasite transmitted by the brown-eared ticks, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Rhipicephalus zambeziensis. Buffaloes are the parasite’s ancestral host, with cattle being the most recent host. The parasite has two transmission modes namely, cattle–cattle and buffalo–cattle transmission. Cattle–cattle T. parva transmission causes East Coast fever (ECF) and January disease syndromes. Buffalo to cattle transmission causes Corridor disease. Knowledge on the genetic diversity of South African T. parva populations will assist in determining its origin, evolution and identify any cattle–cattle transmitted strains. To achieve this, genomic DNA of blood and in vitro culture material infected with South African isolates (8160, 8301, 8200, 9620, 9656, 9679, Johnston, KNP2, HL3, KNP102, 9574, and 9581) were extracted and paired-end whole genome sequencing using Illumina HiSeq 2500 was performed. East and southern African sample data (Chitongo Z2, Katete B2, Kiambu Z464/C12, Mandali Z22H10, Entebbe, Nyakizu, Katumba, Buffalo LAWR, and Buffalo Z5E5) was also added for comparative purposes. Data was analyzed using BWA and SAMtools variant calling with the T. parva Muguga genome sequence used as a reference. Buffalo-derived strains had higher genetic diversity, with twice the number of variants compared to cattle-derived strains, confirming that buffaloes are ancestral reservoir hosts of T. parva. Host specific SNPs, however, could not be identified among the selected 74 gene sequences. Phylogenetically, strains tended to cluster by host with South African buffalo-derived strains clustering with buffalo-derived strains. Among the buffalo-derived strains, South African strains were genetically divergent from other buffalo-derived strains indicating possible geographic sub-structuring. Geographic substructuring was also observed within South Africa strains. The knowledge generated from this study indicates that to date, ECF is not circulating in buffalo from South Africa. It also shows that T. parva has historically been present in buffalo from South Africa before the introduction of ECF and was not introduced into buffalo during the ECF epidemic.The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Developmenthttp://www.frontiersin.org/Geneticsam2022Veterinary Tropical Disease

    Investigations into the carrier-state of Theileria sp. (buffalo) in cattle

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    The Theileria are apicomplexan parasites transmitted by ticks to vertebrate hosts. Most Theileria species exhibit some form of host or vector specificity, since under endemic conditions only a limited number of tick species act as vectors and not all vertebrate hosts are able to maintain a persistent carrier state. Data for Theileria sp. (buffalo) suggest host specificity for African buffalo (Syncerus caffer). However, T. sp. (buffalo) infections in cattle co-grazing with African buffalo have been reported in Kenya and schizonts were cultured from these infected cattle, raising questions regarding host specificity. A Corridor disease outbreak in 2013 on a ranch in South Africa where cattle co-grazed with Theileria parva and T. sp. (buffalo) infected buffalo presented the opportunity to investigate the possible carrier-state of T. sp. (buffalo) in cattle using real-time PCR analysis. Almost all buffalo (n = 19, 95%) were infected with T. sp. (buffalo) and showed CP values (22-20) indicative of high parasitemia similar to that observed for buffalo in endemic areas. Conversely, only ~14-27% cattle (n = 69, 100, 96) were positive with CP values (31-40) suggesting low parasitemia and a carrier state epidemiology different from African buffalo. Long term monitoring of T. sp. (buffalo) positive cattle showed that most cattle lost their parasitemia or presented fluctuating parasitemia around the PCR assay detection limit. A single splenectomized animal showed a persistent carrier state. The general trends and epidemiology observed in cattle infected with T. sp. (buffalo) are similar to that seen for buffalo-adapted T. parva, for which a defined carrier state in cattle has not yet been proven. The study suggests that cattle may be infected by T. sp. (buffalo) but are not definitive hosts that play an important part in the epidemiology of this parasite.The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisherieshttps://www.elsevier.com/locate/ijppawam2020Veterinary Tropical Disease