2,713 research outputs found
Brane-world cosmological perturbations: a covariant approach
The standard cosmological model, based on general relativity with an
inflationary era, is very effective in accounting for a broad range of observed
features of the universe. However, the ongoing puzzles about the nature of dark
matter and dark energy, together with the problem of a fundamental theoretical
framework for inflation, indicate that cosmology may be probing the limits of
validity of general relativity. The early universe provides a testing ground
for theories of gravity, since gravitational dynamics can lead to
characteristic imprints on the CMB and other cosmological observations.
Precision cosmology is in principle a means to constrain and possibly falsify
candidate quantum gravity theories like M theory. Generalized Randall-Sundrum
brane-worlds provide a phenomenological means to test aspects of M theory. I
outline the 1+3-covariant approach to cosmological perturbations in these
brane-worlds, and its application to CMB anisotropies.Comment: Based on a talk at the Brane-world Gravity Workshop, Yukawa
Institute, Jan 2002. 17 pages, 4 figure
Brane-world gravity
The observable universe could be a 1+3-surface (the "brane") embedded in a
1+3+d-dimensional spacetime (the "bulk"), with standard-model particles and
fields trapped on the brane while gravity is free to access the bulk. At least
one of the d extra spatial dimensions could be very large relative to the
Planck scale, which lowers the fundamental gravity scale, possibly even down to
the electroweak (~ TeV) level. This revolutionary picture arises in the
framework of recent developments in M theory. The 1+10-dimensional M theory
encompasses the known 1+9-dimensional superstring theories, and is widely
considered to be a promising potential route to quantum gravity. General
relativity cannot describe gravity at high enough energies and must be replaced
by a quantum gravity theory, picking up significant corrections as the
fundamental energy scale is approached. At low energies, gravity is localized
at the brane and general relativity is recovered, but at high energies gravity
"leaks" into the bulk, behaving in a truly 1+3+d-dimensional way. This
introduces significant changes to gravitational dynamics and perturbations,
with interesting testable implications for high-energy astrophysics, black
holes and cosmology. Brane-world models offer a phenomenological way to test
some of the novel predictions and corrections to general relativity that are
implied by M theory. This review discusses the geometry, dynamics and
perturbations of simple brane-world models for cosmology and astrophysics,
mainly focusing on warped 5-dimensional brane-worlds based on the
Randall-Sundrum models.Comment: Corrections, improvements, new references; to appear in Living
Reviews of Relativity; 58 pages, revtex4, 13 fig
Is the Universe homogeneous?
The standard model of cosmology is based on the existence of homogeneous
surfaces as the background arena for structure formation. Homogeneity underpins
both general relativistic and modified gravity models and is central to the way
in which we interpret observations of the CMB and the galaxy distribution.
However, homogeneity cannot be directly observed in the galaxy distribution or
CMB, even with perfect observations, since we observe on the past lightcone and
not on spatial surfaces. We can directly observe and test for isotropy, but to
link this to homogeneity, we need to assume the Copernican Principle. First, we
discuss the link between isotropic observations on the past lightcone and
isotropic spacetime geometry: what observations do we need to be isotropic in
order to deduce spacetime isotropy? Second, we discuss what we can say with the
Copernican assumption. The most powerful result is based on the CMB: the
vanishing of the dipole, quadrupole and octupole of the CMB is sufficient to
impose homogeneity. Real observations lead to near-isotropy on large scales -
does this lead to near-homogeneity? There are important partial results, and we
discuss why this remains a difficult open question. Thus we are currently
unable to prove homogeneity of the Universe on large-scales, even with the
Copernican Principle. However we can use observations of the CMB, galaxies and
clusters to test homogeneity itself.Comment: Based on an invited talk at a Theo Murphy Meeting "Testing general
relativity with cosmology". Minor corrections, references updated. To appear
Phil. Trans. R. Soc.
Geometry and dynamics of the brane-world
Recent developments in string theory have led to 5-dimensional warped
spacetime models in which standard-model fields are confined to a 3-brane (the
observed universe), while gravity can propagate in the fifth dimension. Gravity
is localized near the brane at low energies, even if the extra dimension is
noncompact. A review is given of the classical geometry and dynamics of these
brane-world models. The field equations on the brane modify the general
relativity equations in two ways: local 5-D effects are imprinted on the brane
as a result of its embedding, and are significant at high energies; nonlocal
effects arise from the 5-D Weyl tensor. The Weyl tensor transmits tidal
(Coulomb), gravitomagnetic and gravitational wave effects to the brane from the
5-D nonlocal gravitational field. Local high-energy effects modify the dynamics
of inflation, and increase the amplitude of scalar and tensor perturbations
generated by inflation. Nonlocal effects introduce new features in cosmological
perturbations. They induce a non-adiabatic mode in scalar perturbations and
massive modes in vector and tensor perturbations, and they can support vector
perturbations even in the absence of matter vorticity. In astrophysics, local
and nonlocal effects introduce fundamental changes to gravitational collapse
and black hole solutions.Comment: Minor corrections to Eqs. 14, 42, 64, and reference update
Covariant velocity and density perturbations in quasi-Newtonian cosmologies
Recently a covariant approach to cold matter universes in the zero-shear
hypersurfaces (or longitudinal) gauge has been developed. This approach reveals
the existence of an integrability condition, which does not appear in standard
non-covariant treatments. A simple derivation and generalization of the
integrability condition is given, based on showing that the quasi-Newtonian
models are a sub-class of the linearized `silent' models. The solution of the
integrability condition implies a propagation equation for the acceleration. It
is shown how the velocity and density perturbations are then obtained via this
propagation equation. The density perturbations acquire a small
relative-velocity correction on all scales, arising from the fully covariant
general relativistic analysis.Comment: 11 pages Revtex; to appear Phys. Rev.
Detecting extra dimensions with gravity wave spectroscopy: the black string brane-world
Using the black string between two branes as a model of a brane-world black
hole, we compute the gravity wave perturbations and identify the features
arising from the additional polarizations of the graviton. The standard
four-dimensional gravitational wave signal acquires late-time oscillations due
to massive modes of the graviton. The Fourier transform of these oscillations
shows a series of spikes associated with the masses of the Kaluza-Klein modes,
providing in principle a spectroscopic signature of extra dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Comments on the frequency and detectability of
the massive mode signal added, and title modified. Version accepted for
publication in Phys. Rev. Let
Stress effects in structure formation
Residual velocity dispersion in cold dark matter induces stresses which lead
to effects that are absent in the idealized dust model. A previous Newtonian
analysis showed how this approach can provide a theoretical foundation for the
phenomenological adhesion model. We develop a relativistic kinetic theory
generalization which also incorporates the anisotropic velocity dispersion that
will typically be present. In addition to density perturbations, we consider
the rotational and shape distortion properties of clustering. These quantities
together characterize the linear development of density inhomogeneity, and we
find exact solutions for their evolution. As expected, the corrections are
small and arise only in the decaying modes, but their effect is interesting.
One of the modes for density perturbations decays less rapidly than the
standard decaying mode. The new rotational mode generates precession of the
axis of rotation. The new shape modes produce additional distortion that
remains frozen in during the subsequent (linear) evolution, despite the rapid
decay of the terms that caused it.Comment: significantly improved discussion of kinetic theory of CDM velocity
dispersion; to appear Phys. Rev.
Asymmetric brane-worlds with induced gravity
The Randall-Sundrum scenario, with a 1+3-dimensional brane in a 5-dimensional
bulk spacetime, can be generalized in various ways. We consider the case where
the Z2-symmetry at the brane is relaxed, and in addition the gravitational
action is generalized to include an induced gravity term on the brane. We
derive the complete set of equations governing the gravitational dynamics for a
general brane and bulk, and identify how the asymmetry and the induced gravity
act as effective source terms in the projected field equations on the brane.
For a Friedmann brane in an anti de Sitter bulk, the solution of the Friedmann
equation is given by the solution of a quartic equation. We find the
perturbative solutions for small asymmetry, which has an effect at late times.Comment: references added; version to appear Phys Rev
Cosmological perturbations in Horava-Lifshitz theory without detailed balance
In the Horava-Lifshitz theory of quantum gravity, two conditions -- detailed
balance and projectability -- are usually assumed. The breaking of
projectability simplifies the theory, but it leads to serious problems with the
theory. The breaking of detailed balance leads to a more complicated form of
the theory, but it appears to resolve some of the problems. Sotiriou, Visser
and Weinfurtner formulated the most general theory of Horava-Lifshitz type
without detailed balance. We compute the linear scalar perturbations of the FRW
model in this form of HL theory. We show that the higher-order curvature terms
in the action lead to a gravitational effective anisotropic stress on small
scales. Specializing to a Minkowski background, we study the spin-0 scalar mode
of the graviton, using a gauge-invariant analysis, and find that it is stable
in both the infrared and ultraviolet regimes for . However,
in this parameter range the scalar mode is a ghost.Comment: Some typos were corrected. Verison appeared in Phys. Rev. D81, 024009
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