12 research outputs found

    Evidence-based workplace design and the role of end-user participation

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    Real Estate and HousingArchitecture and The Built Environmen

    Experimental investigations of welding induced temperature gradients and distortions in a segment of an OSD

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    Orthotropic bridge decks are susceptible to fatigue cracks which are influenced by the thickness of their components, welding procedure, type of the weld, the position of the considered detail in relation to the local loading condition and by residual stresses due to welding. The above-mentioned parameters determine the detail category for fatigue resistance. This research focuses on an experimental investigation of the temperature distribution and distortions due to the welding of a connection between the deck plate, longitudinal stiffener and crossbeam. Three specimens were welded with dimensions of: 900x400 mm deck plate, 350mm deep trapezoidal longitudinal stiffener and 600mm long crossbeam in a workshop of a bridge fabricator. The crossbeams were manufactured with Haibach cope holes. The thickness of the deck plate and crossbeam was 15 mm, and the thickness of the longitudinal stiffener was 8mm. During the welding, the temperature was measured using a FLIRGreen Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Steel & Composite Structure

    Op zoek naar een tevredenheidsnorm

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    Dit rapport brengt verslag uit van de zoektocht naar de betekenis en toepassingsmogelijkheden van een tevredenheidsnorm. Wat is een tevredenheidsnorm? Voor welke huisvestingskenmerken is normering van medewerkerstevredenheid hierover relevant? Moet de norm gedifferentieerd worden per thema of is één norm voor alle huisvestingskenmerken gewenst? Hoe kan een norm worden vertaald in huisvestingsbeleid en besluitvorming in concrete (her)huisvestingsprojecten, algemeen en specifiek bij LNV? Kunnen data uit crosscase analyse van eerder geëvalueerde projecten als referentie dienen voor het opstellen van een norm? Op al deze vragen wordt in dit rapport een antwoord gezocht. Over de bevindingen ten aanzien van de medewerkerstevredenheid over de huisvesting in acht geëvalueerde projecten is een afzonderlijk rapport uitgebracht.Real Estate Managemen

    The influence of the workplace on perceived productivity

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    Increasing productivity, stimulating knowledge sharing and satisfying employees. Three objectives which are heard quite often during the design phase of an office. Both latter objectives are often perceived as ways to increasing productivity as well. The Center for People and Buildings (CfPB) in Delft, The Netherlands, has conducted a number of case studies into employee satisfaction with the working environment and perceived productivity – i.e the extent to which employees appraise the physical environment of the office as supporting their productivity.. This paper focuses on physical characteristics of the office that might influence the perceived productivity. According to our data (over 10.000 respondents from 71 case studies), the ability to concentrate has a substantial influence on the perceived productivity in general, as well as of the individual, the team and the organisation. Respondents that are more satisfied with the ability to concentrate are also more likely to experience the workplace as supportive for their productivity. The possibility to communicate only has impact on the perceived team and organisational productivity. According to the results, employees rate the general productivity primarily on the basis of their individual productivity, rather than team productivity or organisational productivity. In connection to work processes it appeared that for particular work processes employees judge the functionality and comfort of the workplace as most important in affecting their perceived productivity. These research findings may help facility managers in dealing with workplace design and workplace management. It gives the facility manager a solid input to decision making about the best possible office concept by taking into account the preferences of employees.Real Estate and HousingArchitecture and The Built Environmen

    Performance of office buildings from a user's perspective

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    In the field of environmental psychology a long tradition exists in Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) or building-in-use studies. Nowadays facility managers and real estate managers seem to show a growing interest in ex post evaluation of buildings, too, particularly in connection to ex ante assessments in the briefing and design phase. The aim of this paper is to discuss general objectives and methods of POE and to show how research findings can be used in (re-)designing and management of office buildings. The approach is illustrated by a case study of an office building of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture. This building has been assessed by using the WEDI working environment diagnostic tool. The results are used to support decision making in the present renovation of the ministries headquarter in The Hague and the real estate management of other ministerial buildings. The paper ends with a series of lessons learnt from a cross-case analysis of eight office buildings and a preview into work in progress on a search for a satisfaction index that might be used in accommodation policy and for benchmarking purposes.Real Estate Managemen

    Werkplekspel helpt bij betrekken nieuwe huisvesting

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    Om een nieuw kantoorconcept succesvol functionerend te krijgen, moeten medewerkers begrijpen waarom het er komt en hoe ze er het beste samen in kunnen werken. Daarvoor is bewustwording van het eigen handelen, de nieuwe omgangsvormen en de werkwijze van belang. Het Center for People and Buildings (CfPB) ontwikkelde daarom een generiek instrument dat het bewustwordingsproces kan faciliteren: het werkplekspel.Real Estate and HousingArchitecture and The Built Environmen

    De CfPB indicator 2011: De beleving in kaart gebracht

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    De inrichting van kantoren varieert van veel werkplekken in één open ruimte tot één werkplek in een afgesloten kamer. Daar zitten allerlei varianten tussenin. Ontwikkelingen zoals Het Nieuwe Werken en het gemakkelijker op andere manieren en plaatsen kunnen werken, zijn vaak aanleiding voor een verandering van de fysieke werkomgeving. Maar hoe wordt die werkomgeving gewaardeerd door de gebruikers? Het is voor organisaties vaak wenselijk om zich met soortgelijke organisaties en huisvestingsconcepten te vergelijken. Wat zijn de verschillen?Real Estate and HousingArchitecture and The Built Environmen

    Indicator met tevredenheid: Benchmarken op waardering huisvesting

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    Om adequaat te kunnen sturen op de huisvesting heeft een organisatie goede informatie nodig. Onderzoeksresultaten over gebruik en beleving van de huisvesting vormen een belangrijke kennisbron. Hieraan kan een organisatie aflezen of de doelstellingen zijn bereikt. Kale cijfers zijn echter niet altijd voldoende informatief. Hoe verhoudt de waardering van de huisvesting zich tot die van andere organisaties? Is de medewerkertevredenheid of de ervaren arbeidsproductiviteit hoger of lager dan gemiddeld? Geven de resultaten aanleiding tot interventies? De CfPB tevredenheidsindicator biedt uitkomst.Real Estate and HousingArchitecture and The Built Environmen