1,057 research outputs found
The Phantom of the OPERA: Superluminal Neutrinos
This report presents a brief review on the experimental measurements of the
muon neutrino velocities from the OPERA, Fermilab and MINOS experiments and
that of the (anti)-electron neutrino velocities from the supernova SN1987A, and
consequently on the theoretical attempts to attribute the data as signals for
superluminality of neutrinos. Different scenarios on how to understand and
treat the background fields in the effective field theory frameworks are
pointed out. Challenges on interpreting the OPERA result as a signal of
neutrino superluminality are briefly reviewed and discussed. It is also pointed
out that a covariant picture of Lorentz violation may avoid the refutation on
the OPERA experiment.Comment: 10 latex pages. Final version for journal publicatio
NuTeV Anomaly & Strange-Antistrange Asymmetry
The NuTeV Collaboration reported a value of measured in
neutrino-nucleon deep inelastic scattering, and found that the value is three
standard deviations from the world average value of other electroweak
measurements. If this result cannot be explained within conventional physics,
it must imply some novel physics beyond the standard model. We report the
correction from the asymmetric strange-antistrange sea by using both the
light-cone baryon-meson fluctuation model and the chiral quark model, and show
that a significant part of the NuTeV anomaly can be explained by the
strange-antistrange asymmetry.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Talk at ICHEP04, August 16-22, 2004, Beijing,
The x-Dependent Helicity Distributions for Valence Quarks in Nucleons
We derive simple relations between the polarized and unpolarized valence
quark distributions in a light-cone SU(6) quark-spectator model for nucleons.
The explicit x-dependent Wigner rotation effect for the light-flavor quarks is
calculated. It is shown that the mass difference between the scalar and vector
spectators could reproduce the up and down valence quark asymmetry that
accounts for the observed ratio . The proton, neutron, and
deuteron polarization asymmetries, , , and , are in
agreement with the available data by taking into account the Wigner rotation
effect. The calculated -dependent helicity distributions of the up and down
valence quarks are compared with the recent results from semi-inclusive hadron
asymmetries in polarized deep inelastic scattering by the Spin Muon
Collaboration.Comment: 20 pages, latex, with 4 postscript figures, to be published in
Phys.Lett.B, small corrections to reference
NuTeV Anomaly Versus Strange-Antistrange Asymmetry
We report the correction from the asymmetric strange-antistrange sea of the
nucleon by using both the light-cone baryon-meson fluctuation model and the
chiral quark model, and show that a significant part of the NuTeV anomaly can
be explained by the strange-antistrange asymmetry. We also show that the
calculated asymmetry are compatible with the NuTeV data by
including some additional symmetric quark contribution.Comment: 4 Latex pages, 1 figure, talk presented at International Conference
on QCD and Hadronic Physics, Beijing, China, June 16-20, 200
Effect due to compositeness of nucleons in deep inelastic lepton nucleus scattering
The off-shell behaviors of bound nucleons in deep inelastic lepton nucleus
scattering are discussed in two scenarios with the basic constituents chosen to
be baryon-mesons and quark-gluons respectively in light-cone formalism. It is
found that when taking into account the effect due to internal quark structure
of nucleons, the derived scaling variable for bound nucleons and the calculated
nuclear structure functions are different from those in considering the
baryon-mesons as the effective elementary constituents. This implies that the
pure baryon-meson descriptions of nuclei give the inaccurate off-shell behavior
of the bound nucleon structure function, thereby the quark-gluons seem to be
the most appropriate degrees of freedom for nuclear descriptions. It is also
shown that the EMC effect cannot be explained by nuclear binding effect from a
sound theoretical basis.Comment: 18 LaTex pages, 4 figures (not included), to be published in
Int.J.Mod Phys.
Fermion Families from Two Layer Warped Extra Dimensions
In extra dimensions, the quark and lepton mass hierarchy can be reproduced
from the same order bulk mass parameters, and standard model fermion families
can be generated from one generation in the high dimensional space. We try to
explain the origin of the same order bulk mass parameters and address the
family replication puzzle simultaneously. We show that they correlate with each
other. We construct models that families are generated from extra dimensional
space, and in the meantime the bulk mass parameters of same order emerge
naturally. The interesting point is that the bulk mass parameters, which are in
same order, correspond to the eigenvalues of a Schr\"{o}dinger-like equation.
We also discuss the problem existing in this approach.Comment: 21 latex pages, final version to appear in JHE
A Theoretical Diagnosis on Light Speed Anisotropy from GRAAL Experiment
The light speed anisotropy, i.e., the variation of the light speed with
respect to the direction in an "absolute" reference frame, is a profound issue
in physics. The one-way experiment, performed at the GRAAL facility of the
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, reported results on
the light speed anisotropy by Compton scattering of laser photons on
high-energy electrons. So far, most articles concerned with the GRAAL data have
established only the upper bounds on the anisotropy parameters based on
available theories. We use a new theory of the Lorentz invariance violation to
analyse the available GRAAL data and obtain the stringent upper limit of the
order on the Lorentz violation parameters. In the meantime,
we also can reproduce the allowed light speed anisotropy appearing in the
azimuthal distribution of the GRAAL experimental data, and find that the
best-fit parameters are compatible with the competitive upper bounds.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, final version in journal publicatio
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