9 research outputs found

    Fibular osteocutaneous free flap reconstruction of the mandible after resection of ossifying fibroma in a seven-year old child

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      Ossifying fibromas (OSF) belong to a group of benign fibro-osseous neoplasms encountered almost exclusively in the craniofacial skeleton. The clinical course is typically asymptomatic. However, discomfort in the mouth begins to develop once the neoplasm progressively extends, causing an overgrowth of bone resulting in pain and facial asym­metry. The development of craniofacial bone tumors in children is quite a rare occurrence. In international medical literature, the described cases typically involve young adolescent patients, with very few case reports of craniofacial neoplasms in children under the age of seven [1, 2]. In the current case report, we present a seven-year-old patient with a biopsy-proven ossifying fibroma. The patient underwent a resection of the neoplasm with reconstruction. One of the major issues encountered in reconstruction of the mandible using a vascularized fibular flap in children is the growth potential of the fibula in comparison to the mandible, resulting in a symmetrical facial image. The use of a fibular osteocutaneous free flap in reconstruction of mandibular deficits in children is a favourable solution. The use of this type of flap permits functional restoration and significantly improved facial cosmesis. The union of the mandible with the integrated fibula is still a topic of ongoing discussion and one must be prepared for possible further orthognathic procedures after completing the growth of the craniofacial skeleton

    Femoral neck fracture following intramedullary nailing with misplacement of an end cup: report of two cases

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    Femoral neck fracture is an unusual complication of intramedullary fixation of a broken femur. We report on two cases of femoral neck fractures attributed to misplacement of an end cup and subsequent invasive maneuvers in an effort to remove it. Iatrogenic fractures of the femoral neck during or after intramedullary nailing are reported in the medical literature. Authors associate it with many possible technical mistakes performed during the procedure, yet no complications after missed end cup placement were noted. We suggest that the fractures described below were a consequence of injury to the vascular supply and bone stock of the initially intact femoral neck

    Prevention and therapy of acute and chronic wounds using NPWT devices during the COVID-19 pandemic, recommendation from The NPWT Working Group

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    Recent SARS-CoV-2 pandemic leading to a rapidly increasing number of hospitalizations enforced reevaluation of wound management strategies. The optimal treatment strategy for patients with chronic wounds and those recovering from emergency and urgent oncological surgery should aim to minimize the number of hospital admissions, as well as the number of surgical procedures and decrease the length of stay to disburden the hospital staff and to minimize viral infection risk. One of the potential solutions that could help to achieve these goals may be the extensive and early use of NPWT devices in the prevention of wound healing complications. Single-use NPWT devices are helpful in outpatient wound treatment and SSI prevention (ciNPWT) allowing to minimize in-person visits to the health care center while still providing the best possible wound-care. Stationary NPWT should be used in deep SSI and perioperative wound healing disorders as soon as possible. Patient’s education and telemedical support with visual wound healing monitoring and video conversations have the potential to minimize the number of unnecessary in-person visits in patients with wounds and therefore substantially increase the level of care

    Totally implantable central venous access ports

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    Całkowicie implantowane systemy dożylnego podawania leków (tzw. porty dożylne) stanowią niezwykle dogodne rozwiązanie u chorych poddanych chemioterapii. Metoda ta znajduje coraz szersze zastosowanie. Rocznie 700-1000 dorosłym chorym w Polsce wszczepia się port donaczyniowy. Z inicjatywy krajowego konsultanta w dziedzinie onkologii klinicznej odbyło się spotkanie uzgodnieniowe w celu ustalenia zasad bezpiecznego stosowania portów w Polsce. W spotkaniu uczestniczyło 26 ekspertów z 17 ośrodków onkologicznych. Rezultatem spotkania stało się uzgodnienie zasad przedstawionych w formie standardów i zaleceń. Uzgodnienia dotyczyły wskazań do zastosowania portów, kwalifikacji chorych, warunków technicznych implantacji i okresu obserwacji po zabiegu, zapobiegania i leczenia powikłań infekcyjnych i powikłań zakrzepowych, szkolenia personelu obsługującego porty, informacji przekazywanej chorym.Totally implantable central venous access ports are very useful in chemotherapic treatment. It gains wider application. In Poland they are implanted in 700-1000 patient annually. National Consultant in Clinical Oncology at meeting with 26 experts from 17 oncologic centers established the principles of safe implantation of ports in Poland. The meeting resulted in report on standards and recommendations containing: recommendation on ports application, patients’ qualification, implantation technics and follow-up observation, prevention and treatment of infection and thrombotic complication, professional staff training and information for patients

    Nurses’ Readiness to Undertake Controlled Negative Pressure Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Wounds—Research Report

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    Local wound treatment with negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) shortens the healing process but requires the supervision of trained medical personnel for administering the therapeutic procedures. Professional supervision and control of the effectiveness of NPWT, as well as education conducted by nurses, are of particular importance for therapeutic and caring processes, both in hospital and at home. The aim of the study was the assessment of the perception of NPWT by certified nurses in the topical treatment of chronic wounds. The study was conducted using the method of estimation and a diagnostic survey with the proprietary NPWT perception questionnaire: 495 subjects were enrolled in the study and 401 respondents aged 25–67 years qualified for statistical analysis. Despite their experience and competence, the respondents critically assessed their knowledge, pointing to an average subjective level of knowledge related to wound treatment and a low level of knowledge related to NPWT. Most of the respondents had no experience of independent treatment using this method. The data obtained from the questionnaire clearly indicate theoretical preparation and high motivation to undertake activities related to the implementation of NPWT in their own practice. Low readiness values suggested that the subjects did not have the resources or the ability to implement the method. The perception of NPWT in the surveyed group of nurses was determined by numerous factors, including self-assessment of their own knowledge, motivation and readiness to use NPWT. A high level of NPWT perception was noted, despite low motivation related to the availability and knowledge of the method. Theoretical knowledge is insufficient to implement innovative methods in local wound treatment. Practical skills and motivation are indispensable elements that should be met during the training and education of nurses in the field of wound care

    Clinical, Histological, Cytogenetic and Molecular Analysis of Monozygous Twins with Wilms Tumor

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    The familial occurrence of childhood cancers has been proven for a long time. Wilms’ tumors often do not have a clear germline genetic cause. However, approximately 2% of all nephroblastoma cases are familial. Descriptions of twins with the same cancer are extremely rare, so our aim was to present the background of the available literature of the occurrence of Wilms’ tumor in a pair of monozygotic twin girls with detailed clinical, histological, and molecular analysis. Two twins were born of unrelated Caucasian parents. Family history revealed no known chronic diseases or malformations. At the age of 3.5 years, the first twin was admitted to the emergency department due to hematuria and abdominal pain. Ultrasound examination revealed an enlarged right kidney, 12.8 cm, with a mass in the upper pole measuring 56 × 69 × 78 mm. The second girl was referred for an abdominal ultrasound, which revealed a right kidney measuring 8.6 cm with a central mass measuring 54 × 45 × 41 mm. Both children underwent surgical resection, and the histopathological result showed a mixed form of nephroblastoma, predominantly epithelioid with residual blastemal compartment. Detailed clinical, histological, cytogenetic, and molecular analyses were performed on both sisters. It was also decided to identify environmental factors. Information was obtained that the girls’ parents run a farm and regularly use pesticides and chemical rodenticides. Based on our observations and the available literature, Wilms tumor in monozygotic twins may be present. Both genetic and environmental factors may be involved in the development of tumors. After excluding methylation abnormalities and mutations in the genes studied, we questioned whether the onset of Wilms tumor in both sisters could be the result of exposure of the twins’ parents to pesticides

    Prevention and therapy of acute and chronic wounds using NPWT devices during the COVID-19 pandemic, recommendation from The NPWT Working Group

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    Recent SARS-CoV-2 pandemic leading to a rapidly increasing number of hospitalizations enforced reevaluation of wound management strategies. The optimal treatment strategy for patients with chronic wounds and those recovering from emergency and urgent oncological surgery should aim to minimize the number of hospital admissions, as well as the number of surgical procedures and decrease the length of stay to disburden the hospital staff and to minimize viral infection risk. One of the potential solutions that could help to achieve these goals may be the extensive and early use of NPWT devices in the prevention of wound healing complications. Single-use NPWT devices are helpful in outpatient wound treatment and SSI prevention (ciNPWT) allowing to minimize in-person visits to the health care center while still providing the best possible wound-care. Stationary NPWT should be used in deep SSI and perioperative wound healing disorders as soon as possible. Patient’s education and telemedical support with visual wound healing monitoring and video conversations have the potential to minimize the number of unnecessary in-person visits in patients with wounds and therefore substantially increase the level of care

    Diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer in adult patients — Recommendations of Polish Scientific Societies and the National Oncological Strategy. 2022 Update [Diagnostyka i leczenie raka tarczycy u chorych dorosłych — Rekomendacje Polskich Towarzystw Naukowych oraz Narodowej Strategii Onkologicznej. Aktualizacja na rok 2022]

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    The guidelines Thyroid Cancer 2022 are prepared based on previous Polish recommendations updated in 2018. They consider international guidelines — American Thyroid Association (ATA) 2015 and National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN); however, they are adapted according to the ADAPTE process. The strength of the recommendations and the quality of the scientific evidence are assessed according to the GRADE system and the ATA 2015 and NCCN recommendations. The core of the changes made in the Polish recommendations is the inclusion of international guidelines and the results of those scientific studies that have already proven themselves prospectively.These extensions allow de-escalation of the therapeutic management in low-risk thyroid carcinoma, i.e., enabling active surveillance in papillary microcarcinoma to be chosen alternatively to minimally invasive techniques after agreeing on such management with the patient. Further extensions allow the use of thyroid lobectomy with the isthmus (hemithyroidectomy) in low-risk cancer up to 2 cm in diameter, modification of the indications for postoperative radioiodine treatment toward personalized approach, and clarification of the criteria used during postoperative L-thyroxine treatment. At the same time, the criteria for the preoperative differential diagnosis of nodular goiter in terms of ultrasonography and fine-needle aspiration biopsy have been clarified, and the rules for the histopathological examination of postoperative thyroid material have been updated. New, updated rules for monitoring patients after treatment are also presented.The updated recommendations focus on ensuring the best possible quality of life after thyroid cancer treatment while maintaining the good efficacy of this treatment