39 research outputs found

    Morphological estimation of incomplete uterine scar rupture (dehiscence) in post- cesarean deliveries. Immunohistochemical studies

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    Objectives: No studies were found that analysed the properties of the caesarean scar, therefore the new study analysedthe myometrial immunohistochemical expression of elastin, collagen type VI, alpha smooth muscle actin, smooth musclemyosin heavy chain, and endothelial cell marker CD31.The aim of the study was to determine the risk of uterine rupture in future pregnancies.Material and methods: A total of 89 women of Caucasian ethnicity were eligible: 20 healthy pregnant women, who underwentrepeat caesarean section complicated by incomplete uterine scar rupture before labour, and 69 healthy pregnantwomen, who underwent repeat caesarean section without subsequent uterine scar rupture as the control group. In all cases,uterine tissue sample from the scarred region was collected during the caesarean section operation.Results: The lack of observed significant changes of elastin, collagen type VI, alpha smooth muscle actin, smooth musclemyosin heavy chain and endothelial cell marker CD31 concentrations in ruptured and unruptured uteri indicates that thesecomponents cannot be found to be a marker of risk of uterine rupture in future pregnancies.Conclusions: It could be suggested that the examined components do not contribute to the mechanism of maintainingintegrity and are not responsible for the biomechanical properties of the uterine scar

    Diet composition versus lipid profile in blood of teenagers from secondary school in Szczecin

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    WSTĘP. Prawidłowe żywienie młodzieży należy do najważniejszych czynników wpływających na rozwój fizyczny, dobre samopoczucie, zdolność do uczenia się i kondycję zdrowotną w dalszym okresie życia. Na sposób żywienia młodych osób ma wpływ wiele czynników. Do najczęściej wymienianych należą: sytuacja materialna, poziom wiedzy żywieniowej rodziców/opiekunów, czas przebywania poza domem, oddziaływanie grupy rówieśniczej, mody w żywieniu, promocje żywności oraz medialne kreowanie szczupłej sylwetki. Popełniane błędy mogą hamować przebieg procesów wzrostowo- rozwojowych, pogarszać stan psychiczny i zwiększać ryzyko zachorowań na choroby dietozależne. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badania wykonano zimą 2008 roku w grupie 55 wolontariuszy (24 dziewcząt i 31 chłopców), uczniów jednego z liceów ogólnokształcących w Szczecinie. Informacje na temat spożycia żywności uzyskano metodą bieżącego notowania w ciągu 7 dni. W dietach młodzieży wyliczono zawartość 28 składników pokarmowych przy użyciu programu komputerowego "Dietetyk 2" (IŻŻ, Warszawa). W surowicy krwi licealistów (po uzyskaniu zgody Komisji Bioetycznej) wykonano analizę profilu lipidowego (cholesterol całkowity, cholesterol frakcji HDL i frakcji LDL oraz triglicerydy) przy użyciu fotometru EPOLL 20. W metodzie enzymatycznej stosowano odczynniki firmy BioSystems. Stan odżywienia uczniów określono za pomocą wskaźnika masy ciała (BMI, body mass index). WYNIKI. Diety uczniów zawierały za mało składników energetycznych i wielu spośród analizowanych składników pokarmowych w stosunku do dziennego zapotrzebowania. Niedobory były bardziej widoczne w przypadku dziewcząt. Średnie stężenie cholesterolu, jego frakcji oraz triglicerydów w surowicy krwi uczniów było w normie. U dziewcząt wynosiło: 159,0 mg/dl (cholesterol całkowity), 58,0 mg/dl (cholesterol frakcji HDL), 82,2 mg/dl (cholesterol frakcji LDL) i 93,5 mg/dl (triglicerydy), a u chłopców odpowiednio: 152,1 mg/dl, 52,9 mg/dl, 79,6 mg/dl oraz 97,9 mg/dl. Średni wskaźnik aterogenności diety Keysa przekraczał przyjęte wartości referencyjne (dziewczęta 48,6, chłopcy 50,3), a wielkość ilorazu P/S była zbyt niska (0,34-0,35). Średnie BMI w badanej grupie dziewcząt wynosiło 20,7 kg/m2, a w grupie chłopców - 21,8 kg/m2. Około 17% chłopców miało nadwagę. WNIOSEK. Skład diet uczniów ze Szczecina może oddziaływać aterogennie. Endokrynologia, Otyłość i Zaburzenia Przemiany Materii 2010, tom 6, nr 4, 196-200INTRODUCTION. Balanced diet of young people is one of the most important factor that has an impact on fitness, physical development, state of mind, ability to learn and sanitary conditions in further stages of life. Generally, many factors may affect healthy food choices of teenagers. Most common are: financial status, nutritional knowledge of parents or guardian persons, length of free time, influence of peers, eating habits, food products discounts and promotion of a slender bodies in television. Inappropriate diet may inhibit growth and development processes, lead to bad psychical condition and development of diet-dependent disease. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Interview was performed among 55 volunteers (24 girls and 31 boys) from secondary school from Szczecin during winter of 2008. Information concerning diet of each student were obtained by direct noting during 7 days trial . In all collected diets 28 nutritional ingredients were calculated by means of "Dietetyk 2" software (IŻŻ, Warszawa). In a blood serum of secondary school students (after agreement paper from Bioethical Commission) total cholesterol (with its fractions of HDL and LDL) and triglycerides were measured with Photometer EPOLL 20. Nutritional status of students were calculated by means of BMI (body mass index) coefficient. RESULTS. In comparison to daily nutrition requirements, diet of each student was low in analysed nutrients and energy. Generally diet of girls were much more scarce in nutrients compared to boys. Average concentration of total cholesterol, its fractions HDL, LDL and triglycerides in blood serum were at optimal level. Among girls, measurements were as follow: 159.0 mg/dl, 58.0 mg/dl, 82.2 mg/ dl and 93.5 mg/dl. In group of boys were 152.1 mg/dl, 52.9 mg/dl, 79.6 mg/dl and 97.9 mg/dl, respectively. Average atherogenic index of Keys diet was 48.6 for girls and 50.3 for boys, and was higher than common reference index. P/S indicator measurements ranged from 0,34 to 0,35. Average BMI in group of girls and boys were 20,7 kg/m2 and 21,8 kg/m2, respectively. About 17% boys were overweighed. CONCLUSION. Compositions of diets analyzed for secondary school students from Szczecin may act atherogenic. Endocrinology, Obesity and Metabolic Disorders 2010, vol. 6, No 4, 196-20

    Aterogenicity index of diet and the blood lipid profile of young men

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    WSTĘP. Z doniesień literaturowych dotyczących oceny sposobu żywienia studentów wynika, że mężczyźni popełniają liczne błędy wyrażające się między innymi wysokim spożyciem tłuszczu ogółem oraz nieprawidłową strukturą energetyczną posiłków. Celem autorów badań była ocena związku między składem zwyczajowo spożywanej diety a profilem lipidowym krwi u mężczyzn. MATERIAŁ I METODY. W badaniach wzięło udział 24 studentów wolontariuszy w wieku 22-24 lat. Stan odżywienia oceniono metodami antropometrycznymi, wyliczając wskaźnik masy ciała (BMI, body mass index) i wskaźnik talia-biodro (WHR, waist to hip ratio). Dokonano analizy profilu lipidowego w osoczu. Mężczyzn podzielono na trzy grupy w zależności od stężenia cholesterolu całkowitego we krwi. W tych grupach oceniano zależność między składem racji pokarmowej a wynikami analizy profilu lipidowego. Informacje na temat sposobu żywienia zebrano metodą bieżącego notowania w ciągu 7 dni poprzedzających pobranie krwi. Wyliczono średnią zawartość energii, błonnika, cholesterolu oraz 27 składników odżywczych w całodziennej racji pokarmowej. Do oceny aterogenności diety zastosowano dwa współczynniki: współczynnik P/S oraz współczynnik Keysa. Wyniki z wyliczeń poddano analizie statystycznej za pomocą testu Tukeya. WYNIKI. Z wyliczeń struktury BMI wynika, że większość osób - 71,5% - miała prawidłową masę ciała, 8% mężczyzn miało niedowagę, a u 20,5% występowała otyłość. Wartości WHR z kolei wskazują, że proporcje ciała typu androidalnego miało 32% respondentów. Wahania profilu lipidowego krwi dotyczyły głównie stężenia cholesterolu całkowitego i występowały u 24% mężczyzn. Średnie stężenie cholesterolu w osoczu wynosiło 163,2 mg/dl, frakcji HDL, frakcji LDL i triglicerydów odpowiednio 50, 90 i 118,5 mg/dl. Z analizy składu codziennej racji pokarmowej wynika, że wzrostowi stężenia cholesterolu całkowitego we krwi towarzyszył wzrost zawartości cholesterolu w diecie oraz tłuszczu ogółem, nasyconych i jednonienasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych. Natomiast spożycie wielonienasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych i pirydoksyny było najwyższe w grupie o najniższym stężeniu cholesterolu, kobalaminy zaś w grupie o najwyższym jego stężeniu. Wykazano zbyt duży udział energii z tłuszczu, kosztem energii z węglowodanów. Dotyczyło to szczególnie grupy drugiej i trzeciej (odpowiednio 39,6 i 38,5%). Z obliczeń średniej wielkości współczynnika aterogenności diety Keysa wynika, że zarówno w grupie drugiej, jak i trzeciej jego wartość, wynosząca odpowiednio 49,96 i 49,81, odbiegała od wartości pożądanych. Podobną zależność zaobserwowano w przypadku współczynnika P/S, który w grupach drugiej i trzeciej był zbliżony i wynosił 0,37 i 0,38, a w pierwszej grupie - 0,55. WNIOSKI. Skład codziennej racji pokarmowej studentów ze Szczecina stanowił zagrożenie wystąpieniem miażdżycy w późniejszym okresie życia. Zwyczajowa dieta studentów była jedną z przyczyn zaburzeń profilu lipidowego krwi, obserwowanych u części osób. Skład diety przyczynił się do wystąpienia otyłości u około jednej piątej respondentów.INTRODUCTION. After collecting the data from trial of feeding habits of students, we can assume that males make numerous mistakes because they consume high-fat meals with inappropriate energetic load. The aim of this trial was to get to know if common diet might induce changes in lipid profile of young males. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The trial was performed with 24 volunteers aged between 22 and 24. Nutritional status was estimated by means of BMI and WHR. Moreover, individual lipid profiles in serum were also measured. Men were divided into three groups based on total cholesterol concentration in blood. Based on information collected through one week before blood sampling, compositions of food portions between those groups were compared. Average content of energy, fiber, cholesterol and other 27 nutritional elements in daily food intake (DNR, daily nutritional ration) were counted. Atherogenic index in several diets was estimated using P/S and Keys factors. Statistical analysis of the results obtained was carried out using Tukey’s test. RESULTS. Analyses of BMI revealed, that 8% of males were underweighted, 71,5% had correct weight but 20,5% were obese. WHR results clearly showed that androidal body proportions had only 32% of volunteers. Moreover, abnormal lipid profiles measured by total cholesterol level in blood had 24% of examined subjects. Mean cholesterol concentration in serum was 163,2 mg/ml, fractions HDL, LDL and triglyceride 50, 90 and 118,5 mg/ml respectively. Analyses of DNR composition, revealed that during increase of whole cholesterol in blood we have also observed higher amounts of cholesterol, general fat, saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. Nevertheless, consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids and pyridoxine was the highest in group with the lowest level of cholesterol, but vitamin B12 in group with the highest concentration of cholesterol. Further results showed increased level of energy obtained from fat at the cost of energy from carbohydrates mainly in second and third group (39,6 and 38,5% respectively). Atherogenic index of Keys diet, was in second (49,96) as well in third (49,81) group on inappropriate level. Similar correlation was observed for P/S factor, where in II and III groups were the similar 0,37 and 0,38 but in first it was 0,55. CONCLUSIONS. Composition from the Stettin students DNR made up the threat the pronouncement of arteriosclerosis in the later period of the life. Students usual diet was one from the reasons of the disorders of the blood lipid profile, observed at the part persons. The composition of the diet increased to the pronouncement of obesity at about the one fifth respondents

    Changes in the IGF-1 and TNF-α synthesis pathways before and after three-month reduction diet with low glicemic index in women with PCOS

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    Objectives: An increase in IGF-I and TNF-α may be a cardioprotective effect. To examine the relationships between IGF-I and TNF-α and test the anthropometric and biochemical parameters before and after a low-glycemic index reduction diet using a correlation matrix. Material and methods: Twenty-two women diagnosed with PCOS according to Rotterdam’s criteria were eligible for this study, which analysed the results before and after a three months dietary intervention. Body composition measurements were determined by bioimpedance and performed twice, along with the labelling of lipid, carbohydrate and hormonal profiles. IGF-I and TNF-α were also determined in the serum. Results: Before dietary intervention, a significant correlation was observed. A correlation was also noted between the increase in TNF-α and DHEA-SO4, FSH, glucose level and total cholesterol. The increase in IGF-I was not related to anth­ropometric measurements: however, its concentration was observed to be related to the level of SHBG and HDL. After dietary intervention, the correlation between TNF-α and muscle mass percentage was confirmed, as was the correlation between WHR and fasting blood glucose levels. A significant negative correlation was observed between extracellular water, provided in litres, and SHBG level. Conclusions: One important role of IGF-I in PCOS pathogenesis is the stimulation of increased synthesis of SHBG and HDL. The increased level of IGF-I after the reduction diet had a cardioprotective effect. TNF-α inhibits FSH synthesis, preventing the growth of numerous follicles. Its synthesis is also related to DHEA-SO4. After three-month reduction diet does not significantly reduce TNF-α

    A Low Glycemic Index Decreases Inflammation by Increasing the Concentration of Uric Acid and the Activity of Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx3) in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

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    Introduction: According to a review of the literature, there is a lack of data on the mechanisms that participate in the suppression of inflammation that accompanies polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Additionally, the changes in oxidative status resulting from a low-calorie diet have not been studied in a group of women with PCOS, and the oxidation and reduction processes associated with PCOS have not been explained. Material and methods: The study involved 49 women who were diagnosed with PCOS according to Rotterdam’s criteria, and 24 women voluntarily agreed to a three-month dietary intervention. The dietary intervention was carried out for 3 months. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx3) activity, the Ferric reducing ability of plasma, and uric acid concentration were measured spectrophotometrically both before and after the intervention. Statistical analysis was performed with the Statistica 10.0 software package, and a Pearson’s correlation matrix was generated. Results: A lower concentration of GPx3 was observed in women with PCOS (before the dietetic intervention began) compared with the GPx3 levels in healthy women. A relationship was shown between GPx3 levels and the concentration of prolactin, insulin on fasting, and triglycerides. After the dietary intervention, increases in uric acid and GPx3 activity were noted, as well as numerous relationships between anthropometric and biochemical parameters. The ferric reducing/antioxidant power did not change significantly. Conclusions: Inhibiting the effect of prolactin (by the level of reactive oxygen species) on the activity of GPx3 could be a starting point for the increase in antioxidative stress and the development of the inflammatory state associated with PCOS pathophysiology. Following a low-calorie diet with a lower glycemic index is proposed to silence inflammation by increasing the concentration of uric acid. During GPx3 mobilization, women with PCOS have a higher demand for selenium, and its deficiencies may contribute to disordered thyroid hormone synthesis. The three-month dietary intervention did not silence redox processes in the examined group of women

    Short-Chain Fatty Acids, Maternal Microbiota and Metabolism in Pregnancy

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    Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), as products of intestinal bacterial metabolism, are particularly relevant in the diagnosis of intestinal dysbiosis. The most common studies of microbiome metabolites include butyric acid, propionic acid and acetic acid, which occur in varying proportions depending on diet, age, coexisting disease and other factors. During pregnancy, metabolic changes related to the protection of energy homeostasis are of fundamental importance for the developing fetus, its future metabolic fate and the mother’s health. SCFAs act as signaling molecules that regulate the body’s energy balance through G-protein receptors. GPR41 receptors affect metabolism through the microflora, while GPR43 receptors are recognized as a molecular link between diet, microflora, gastrointestinal tract, immunity and the inflammatory response. The possible mechanism by which the gut microflora may contribute to fat storage, as well as the occurrence of gestational insulin resistance, is blocking the expression of the fasting-induced adipose factor. SCFAs, in particular propionic acid via GPR, determine the development and metabolic programming of the fetus in pregnant women. The mechanisms regulating lipid metabolism during pregnancy are similar to those found in obese people and those with impaired microbiome and its metabolites. The implications of SCFAs and metabolic disorders during pregnancy are therefore critical to maternal health and neonatal development. In this review paper, we summarize the current knowledge about SCFAs, their potential impact and possible mechanisms of action in relation to maternal metabolism during pregnancy. Therefore, they constitute a contemporary challenge to practical nutritional therapy. Material and methods: The PubMed database were searched for “pregnancy”, “lipids”, “SCFA” in conjunction with “diabetes”, “hypertension”, and “microbiota”, and searches were limited to work published for a period not exceeding 20 years in the past. Out of 2927 publication items, 2778 papers were excluded from the analysis, due to being unrelated to the main topic, conference summaries and/or articles written in a language other than English, while the remaining 126 publications were included in the analysis

    A Properly Balanced Reduction Diet and/or Supplementation Solve the Problem with the Deficiency of These Vitamins Soluble in Water in Patients with PCOS

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an increasingly common problem for women in the reproductive age throughout the entire world. A reduction diet with a low glycaemic index (GI) has proved to support the treatment of PCOS. The aim of the study was to analyse the influence of the diet on the level of vitamins soluble in water. The study included 55 women, 40 of which suffered from PCOS (identified by means of the Rotterdam Criteria) and 15 healthy women of the Caucasian race. The level of vitamins before and after the dietary intervention was measured. The diet was a reduction diet with a reduced glycaemic index (GI). Biochemical analyses were made on the basis of liquid chromatography—Infinity 1260 Binary liquid chromatography (LC) Agilent Technology. The level of vitamins in the serum was analysed together with the consumption before and after the dietary intervention. A higher level of vitamin C in the plasma was observed before and after the dietary intervention in the PCOS group in comparison to the control group despite the lower intake of this vitamin in the PCOS group. The remaining vitamins were at a comparable or lower level (B1, B3, B5, B6 and B12). After the dietary intervention, only B1 and B9 were at a clearly lower level (a trend of p = 0.093 and p = 0.085). A properly balanced reduction diet with reduced GI improves the supply of vitamins in women with PCOS. An additional recommendation should be the additional supplementation of B1, niacinamide and the combination of folates with inositol. The level of vitamin C in the plasma may not be a good marker of its supply in the PCOS group

    Gastrointestinal Disorders and Atopic Dermatitis in Infants in the First Year of Life According to ROME IV Criteria—A Possible Association with the Mode of Delivery and Early Life Nutrition

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    Background: Functional gastrointestinal disorders are very common condition. The aim of this study is to evaluate the implications of the mode of pregnancy termination and early infant feeding on the incidence of gastrointestinal disorders and atopic dermatitis at birth and 3, 6, and 12 months of age. Methods: This study included 82 pregnant women and their newborns born at term. All newborns were examined at birth and 3, 6, and 12 months of age according to the ROME IV criteria. Results: In children born after cesarean section, the incidence of regurgitation was significantly higher. In children fed mostly or exclusively with formula, dry skin with allergic features was observed more often compared to breastfed children, but this relation was statistically significant only at the age of 12 months. The use of antibiotic therapy increased the risk of allergic skin lesions by almost seven times at 3 months of life. Gastrointestinal disorders in the form of regurgitation, colic, and constipation occur within the period of up to 12 months of the child’s life and may be related to the mode of the termination of pregnancy via cesarean section and the use of artificial feeding or antibiotic therapy. The occurrence of atopic dermatitis in infants at 12 months of life is correlated with the mode of the termination of pregnancy after cesarean section. Conclusions: One of the risk factors for the occurrence of atopic dermatitis and gastrointestinal disorders in the period up to 12 months of the child’s life may be a cesarean section and the use of formula feeding or antibiotic therapy

    A Low Glycemic Index Decreases Inflammation by Increasing the Concentration of Uric Acid and the Activity of Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx3) in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

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    Introduction: According to a review of the literature, there is a lack of data on the mechanisms that participate in the suppression of inflammation that accompanies polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Additionally, the changes in oxidative status resulting from a low-calorie diet have not been studied in a group of women with PCOS, and the oxidation and reduction processes associated with PCOS have not been explained. Material and methods: The study involved 49 women who were diagnosed with PCOS according to Rotterdam’s criteria, and 24 women voluntarily agreed to a three-month dietary intervention. The dietary intervention was carried out for 3 months. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx3) activity, the Ferric reducing ability of plasma, and uric acid concentration were measured spectrophotometrically both before and after the intervention. Statistical analysis was performed with the Statistica 10.0 software package, and a Pearson’s correlation matrix was generated. Results: A lower concentration of GPx3 was observed in women with PCOS (before the dietetic intervention began) compared with the GPx3 levels in healthy women. A relationship was shown between GPx3 levels and the concentration of prolactin, insulin on fasting, and triglycerides. After the dietary intervention, increases in uric acid and GPx3 activity were noted, as well as numerous relationships between anthropometric and biochemical parameters. The ferric reducing/antioxidant power did not change significantly. Conclusions: Inhibiting the effect of prolactin (by the level of reactive oxygen species) on the activity of GPx3 could be a starting point for the increase in antioxidative stress and the development of the inflammatory state associated with PCOS pathophysiology. Following a low-calorie diet with a lower glycemic index is proposed to silence inflammation by increasing the concentration of uric acid. During GPx3 mobilization, women with PCOS have a higher demand for selenium, and its deficiencies may contribute to disordered thyroid hormone synthesis. The three-month dietary intervention did not silence redox processes in the examined group of women