16 research outputs found

    Bioaerosols in office buildings

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    W związku z dynamicznym rozwojem budownictwa biurowego oraz związanym z nim znaczącym wzrostem liczby pracowników zatrudnionych w pomieszczeniach przeznaczonych do pracy biurowej, czystość powietrza tego typu wnętrz ma istotne znaczenie dla zdrowia i samopoczucia ludzi w nich pracujących. Budynki są stale narażone na kolonizację przez mikroorganizmy. Źródłem zanieczyszczeń mikrobiologicznych pomieszczeń są pracownicy, elementy konstrukcyjne i wyposażenie budynków, instalacje wentylacyjne (klimatyzacyjne) oraz powietrze zewnętrzne. W środowisku wnętrz, czynniki biologiczne (np. wirusy, bakterie, grzyby, endotoksyny, glukany lub mikotoksyny), będąc transportowane drogą powietrzną mogą powodować wiele niekorzystnych skutków zdrowotnych u narażonych osób.Due to the dynamic development of office building industry and subsequent significant increase of the number of employees working in premises dedicated to office work, the indoor air quality is of a great importance for both the human health and well-being. The buildings are constantly exposed to microbial colonisation. Among the major sources of microbial contamination of premises are employees, construction materials, ventilation (air-conditioning) systems and outdoor air. Biological agents (i.e. viruses, bacteria, fungi, endotoxins, glucans or mycotoxins) which are transported in the air in to the indoor environment, can cause numerous adverse health outcomes in exposed individuals

    Healthcare workers' exposure to hematogenous pathogens

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    Zakłucia i zranienia ostrymi narzędziami medycznymi pracowników służby zdrowia stanowią poważne zagrożenie transmisji patogenów krwiopochodnych (HBV, HCV i HIV) pochodzących od zakażonych pacjentów do personelu medycznego. Odpowiednie regulacje prawne, zastosowanie bezpiecznego, łatwego w użytkowaniu sprzętu medycznego, szkolenia oraz procedury poekspozycyjnej po narażeniu na HBV, HCV, HIV oraz inne czynniki zakaźne, mogą przyczynić się do poważnego ograniczenia narażenia pracowników sektora opieki zdrowotnej na mikroorganizmy przenoszone przez krew.Healthcare workers' punctures and cuts with sharp tools may pose a serious risk of transmission of blood-borne pathogens (HBV Hepatitis B Virus, HCV Hepatitis C Virus and HIV) from infected patients. Appropriate legal regulations, the use of safe and easy-to-use medical equipment, training and post-exposure management procedures coming into effect after the contact with HBV, HCV, HIV as well as other infectious diseases, can greatly reduce the level of occupational risk of healthcare workers

    Preventive vaccinations in Poland

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    Najskuteczniejszą metodą profilaktyki w zwalczaniu chorób zakaźnych są szczepienia ochronne. Szczepienia dają możliwość kontrolowania rozwoju chorób, a w wielu przypadkach pozwalają je całkowicie wyeliminować. W artykule przybliżono czytelnikowi wiedzę z zakresu historii szczepień, rodzajów odporności organizmu oraz typów szczepionek. Przeanalizowano ponadto uregulowania prawne z zakresu szczepień obowiązkowych i zalecanych w Polsce.Vaccinations are the most effective prophylactic method in control of infectious diseases. Vaccination allows both the supervision of infectious diseases’ dissemination and, in many cases, their eradication. This paper introduces the reader to the knowledge of the history of vaccination, types of immunity and vaccines. The legal regulations concerning mandatory and recommended vaccinations in Poland were also analyzed

    Legal requirements for control of harmful biological agents in the light of related legislative changes in years 2000-2020

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    Legislacja w obszarze ochrony pracowników przed ryzykiem związanym z narażeniem na szkodliwe czynniki biologiczne (SCB) wymaga stałego nowelizowania. Pandemia COVID-19 wymusiła kolejne zmiany w tym zakresie. W 2020 r. opublikowano dyrektywę Komisji (UE) 2020/739 zmieniającą m.in. załącznik III do dyrektywy 2000/54/WE w odniesieniu do włączenia SARS-CoV-2 do wykazu czynników biologicznych o znanej zakaźności dla ludzi. W tym samym roku w Polsce ukazało się znowelizowane rozporządzenie Ministra Zdrowia (Dz.U. poz. 2234) zmieniające rozporządzenie w sprawie SCB dla zdrowia w środowisku pracy oraz ochrony zdrowia pracowników zawodowo narażonych na te czynniki. W artykule omówiono prawne wymogi kontroli SCB w świetle ostatnich zmian legislacyjnych oraz scharakteryzowano problemy z tego obszaru, które wciąż wymagają rozwiązania zarówno na poziomie krajowym, jak i europejskim.Legislation in the area of protection of workers against the risks related to harmful biological agents (HBA) exposure requires constant revision. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced further changes in this regard. In 2020, Commission Directive (EU) 2020/739 was published, amending among others Annex III to Directive 2000/54/EC as regards the inclusion of SARS-CoV-2 in the list of biological agents known to infect to humans. In the same year in Poland, a revised Ordinance of the Minister of Health was published, amending the regulation on HBA for health in the work environment and protection of the health of workers professionally exposed to these agents. This article discusses the legal requirements of HBA control in the light of the latest legislative changes and characterizes the problems in this area that still need to be solved at both the national and European level

    Exposure of ventilation system cleaning workers to harmful microbiological agents

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    Background: Regular inspection of the cleanliness of the ventilation systems, as well as their periodic cleaning and disinfection, if necessary, are the main factors of the proper maintenance of each system. Performing maintenance operations on the ventilation system, workers are exposed to risk associated with the exposure to harmful biological agents. The aim of this study was to assess the employees' exposure to bioaerosols during maintenance work on ventilation systems. Material and Methods: Bioaerosol measurements were carried out using a button sampler. The microbial particles were collected on gelatin filters. Settled-dust samples from the inner surface of the air ducts and filter-mat samples were selected for the microbiological analysis. In the collected air, dust and filter samples the concentration of bacteria and fungi were determined. Results: Bacteria and fungi concentrations ranged between 3.6×102-2.2×104 CFU/m3 and 4.7×102-4.5×103 CFU/m3 at workplaces where the operations connected with mechanical ventilation cleaning were performed and 2.2×104-1.2×105 CFU/m3 and 9.8×101-2.5×102 CFU/m3 at workplaces where filter exchange was performed, respectively. The qualitative analysis of microorganisms isolated from the air in all studied workplaces revealed that the most prevalent bacteria belonged to Bacillus genus. The average concentrations of bacteria and fungi in filter-mat samples were 3.3×103 CFU/cm2 and 1.4×104 CFU/cm2, respectively. In settled-dust samples, average concentrations were 591 CFU/100 cm2 and 52 CFU/100 cm2, for bacteria and fungi respectively. Conclusions: Workers cleaning ventilation systems are exposed to harmful biological agents classified into risk groups, 1 and 2, according to their level of the risk of infection. The research conducted in the workplace can be the basis of risk assessment related to exposure to harmful biological agents during maintenance work in ventilation. Med Pr 2013;64(5):613–62


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    Background: Regular inspection of the cleanliness of the ventilation systems, as well as their periodic cleaning and disinfection, if necessary, are the main factors of the proper maintenance of each system. Performing maintenance operations on the ventilation system, workers are exposed to risk associated with the exposure to harmful biological agents. The aim of this study was to assess the employees' exposure to bioaerosols during maintenance work on ventilation systems. Material and Methods: Bioaerosol measurements were carried out using a button sampler. The microbial particles were collected on gelatin filters. Settled-dust samples from the inner surface of the air ducts and filter-mat samples were selected for the microbiological analysis. In the collected air, dust and filter samples the concentration of bacteria and fungi were determined. Results: Bacteria and fungi concentrations ranged between 3.6×102-2.2×104 CFU/m3 and 4.7×102-4.5×103 CFU/m3 at workplaces where the operations connected with mechanical ventilation cleaning were performed and 2.2×104-1.2×105 CFU/m3 and 9.8×101-2.5×102 CFU/m3 at workplaces where filter exchange was performed, respectively. The qualitative analysis of microorganisms isolated from the air in all studied workplaces revealed that the most prevalent bacteria belonged to Bacillus genus. The average concentrations of bacteria and fungi in filter-mat samples were 3.3×103 CFU/cm2 and 1.4×104 CFU/cm2, respectively. In settled-dust samples, average concentrations were 591 CFU/100 cm2 and 52 CFU/100 cm2, for bacteria and fungi respectively. Conclusions: Workers cleaning ventilation systems are exposed to harmful biological agents classified into risk groups, 1 and 2, according to their level of the risk of infection. The research conducted in the workplace can be the basis of risk assessment related to exposure to harmful biological agents during maintenance work in ventilation. Med Pr 2013;64(5):613–62

    Fibers as carriers of microbial particles

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    Background: The aim of the study was to assess the ability of natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic fibers to transport microbial particles. Material and Methods: The simultaneously settled dust and aerosol sampling was carried out in 3 industrial facilities processing natural (cotton, silk, flax, hemp), synthetic (polyamide, polyester, polyacrylonitrile, polypropylene) and semi-synthetic (viscose) fibrous materials; 2 stables where horses and sheep were bred; 4 homes where dogs or cats were kept and 1 zoo lion pavilion. All samples were laboratory analyzed for their microbiological purity. The isolated strains were qualitatively identified. To identify the structure and arrangement of fibers that may support transport of microbial particles, a scanning electron microscopy analysis was performed. Results: Both settled and airborne fibers transported analogous microorganisms. All synthetic, semi-synthetic and silk fibers, present as separated threads with smooth surface, were free from microbial contamination. Natural fibers with loose packing and rough surface (e.g., wool, horse hair), sheaf packing and septated surface (e.g., flax, hemp) or present as twisted ribbons with corrugated surface (cotton) were able to carry up to 9×105 cfu/g aerobic bacteria, 3.4×104 cfu/g anaerobic bacteria and 6.3×104 cfu/g of fungi, including pathogenic strains classified by Directive 2000/54/EC in hazard group 2. Conclusions: As plant and animal fibers are contaminated with a significant number of microorganisms, including pathogens, all of them should be mechanically eliminated from the environment. In factories, if the manufacturing process allows, they should be replaced by synthetic or semi-synthetic fibers. To avoid unwanted exposure to harmful microbial agents on fibers, the containment measures that efficiently limit their presence and dissemination in both occupational and non-occupational environments should be introduced. Med Pr 2015;66(4):511–52

    Bacterial and fungal aerosols in the work environment of cleaners

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    Background: Cleaning services are carried out in almost all sectors and branches of industry. Due to the above, cleaners are exposed to various harmful biological agents, depending on the tasks performed and the commercial sector involved. The aim of this study was to assess the exposure of cleaning workers to biological agents based on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of airborne microflora. Material and methods: A six-stage Andersen sampler was used to collect bioaerosols during the cleaning activities in different workplaces, including schools, offices, car services, healthy services and shops. Standard Petri dishes filled with blood trypticase soy agar and malt extract agar were used for bacterial and fungal sampling, respectively. Results: The bioaerosol concentration values obtained during testing of selected workposts of cleaners were lower than the Polish recommended threshold limit values for microorganisms concentrations in public service. The most prevalent bacterial species in studied places were Gram-positive cocci (mainly of genera Micrococcus, Staphylococcus) and endospore-forming Gram-positive rods (mainly of genera Bacillus). Among the most common fungal species were those from genera Penicillium and Aspergillus. The size distribution analysis revealed that bioaerosols present in the air of workposts at shops, schools and car services may be responsible for nose and eye mucosa irritation and allergic reactions in the form of asthma or allergic inflammation in the cleaning workers. Conclusions: The study shows that occupational activities of cleaning workers are associated with exposure to airborne biological agents classified into risk groups, 1. and 2., according to their level of infection risk, posing respiratory hazard. Med Pr 2015;66(6):779–79

    Microbial Air Quality in Municipal Buses Before and After Disinfection of their Air-Conditioning Systems

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    To ensure the proper quality of the air and simultaneously improve the comfort of professional drivers or travellers, the cars are fit with air-conditioning (AC) systems. The AC installations, however, quite often create suitable conditions for the development of microbiological agents and become an active emission source of harmful bioaerosols. This study was carried out in 6 municipal buses in large city located in central Poland. In studied vehicles, ozonisation or manual application of chemical disinfectant in a spray form were used for disinfection of AC bus systems. The concentrations of bacteria and fungi in the air collected in buses before the service of their AC installations were 4.3×102 CFU/m3 and 2.4×102 CFU/m3, respectively. After AC service using both tested disinfection methods, the decrease in microbial concentrations in the air of municipal buses was observed. The highest effectiveness of AC cleaning was noted when the chemical disinfectant in a spray form was used. This study revealed that to eliminate microbiological contamination and, by that, decrease the exposure of both drivers and passengers to harmful microbial contaminants, the chemical disinfection of bus AC system should be performed at regular basis