1 research outputs found

    Determining the enzymatic activities of iodothyronine 5’-deiodinases in renal medulla and cortex

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    Wst臋p: Zaburzenia hormon贸w tarczycy u pacjent贸w z przewlek艂膮 chorob膮 nerek (PChN) s膮 wynikiem zaburze艅 konwersji T4 do T3. Znaczenie nerek w konwersji hormon贸w tarczycy nie jest w pe艂ni poznane. Dzia艂ania r贸偶nych typ贸w dejodynaz jodotyroninowych w strukturach nerek, nie zosta艂y jeszcze okre艣lone. Celem bada艅 by艂o okre艣lenie aktywno艣ci dejodynazy typu 1 (D1) i typu 2 (D2) w korze i rdzeniu nerek u chorych z rakiem nerki. Materia艂 i metody: Pr贸bki kory i rdzenia nerek (10 pacjent贸w) lub tylko samej kory (13 pacjent贸w) by艂y pobrane z przeciwnego bieguna tej samej nerki do guza , z nerek usuni臋tych z powodu raka. Resekcje wykonano u 23 chorych (7 kobiet i 16 m臋偶czyzn) w wieku 52&#8211;82 lat. Wyniki: Aktywno艣膰 D1 w korze nerki wynosi艂a 3,785 &#177; 2,041 fmol 125I/mg bia艂ka/min., a aktywno艣膰 D2 wynosi艂a 0,236 &#177; 0,125 fmol 125I/ mg bia艂ka/min. Znaleziono siln膮, dodatni膮 korelacj臋 pomi臋dzy aktywno艣ci膮 D1 i D2 w korze nerki (r = 0,890, p < 0,001). Aktywno艣膰 D1 w rdzeniu nerek wynosi艂a 2,157 &#177; 2,176 fmol 125I/mg bia艂ka /min., a aktywno艣膰 D2 wynosi艂a 0,168 &#177; 0,095 fmol 125I/mg bia艂ka/min. Zaobserwowano r贸wnie偶 dodatni zwi膮zek pomi臋dzy aktywno艣ci膮 D1 i D2 w rdzeniu nerek (r = 0,661, p = 0,038). Stwierdzono siln膮 dodatni膮 korelacj臋 aktywno艣ci D1 w korze i rdzeniu (r = 0,794, p = 0,006) oraz brak korelacji aktywno艣ci D2 w korze i rdzeniu (r = 0,224, p = 0,553). Wnioski: Wyniki przedstawionej pracy sugeruj膮, 偶e aktwno艣膰 dejodynaz 1 i 2 zar贸wno w korze jak i w rdzeniu nerki mo偶e miec wp艂yw na metabolizm hormon贸w tarczycy. To ustalenie mo偶e mie膰 znaczenie kliniczne dla chorych z upo艣ledzon膮 funkcj膮 nerek. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (3): 182&#8211;185)Introduction: Thyroid hormone disorders in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are a result of impaired conversion of T4 to T3. The importance of kidneys in thyroid hormones conversion is not fully understood. The activities of different types of iodothyronine deiodinases in the kidney structures have not been determined yet. The aim of this study was to determine the activity of deiodinase type 1 (D1) and type 2 (D2) in renal cortex and medulla in renal cancer patients. Material and methods: Samples of renal cortex and medulla (ten patients) or renal cortex alone (13 patients) were taken from kidneys resected because of malignant cancer, from a site opposite to the cancer. Resections were performed in the 23 patients (seven female and 16 male) who were 52&#8211;82 years old. The material was stored at &#8211;72 oC. Results: Activity of D1 in renal cortex was 3.785 &#177; 2.041 fmol 125I/mg protein/minute and activity of D2 was 0.236 &#177; 0.125 fmol 125I/mg protein/minute. There was a strong positive correlation between D1 and D2 activities in renal cortex (r = 0.890, p < 0.001). Activity of D1 in renal medulla was 2.157 &#177; 2.176 fmol 125I/mg protein/minute, and activity of D2 was 0.168 &#177; 0.095 fmol 125I/mg protein/minute. A positive correlation between D1 and D2 in renal medulla (r = 0.661, p = 0.038) was observed as well. Activities of D1 in cortex and medulla were strongly and positively associated (r = 0.794, p = 0.006), whereas there was no correlation between the activities of D2 in cortex and medulla (r = 0.224, p = 0.553). Conclusions: Results presented in this study suggest that both cortical and medullary D1 and D2 may be involved in thyroid hormone metabolism. This finding could be of clinical relevance in patients with impaired renal function. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (3): 182&#8211;185