8 research outputs found

    Mutation Symmetries in BPS Quiver Theories: Building the BPS Spectra

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    We study the basic features of BPS quiver mutations in 4D N=2\mathcal{N}=2 supersymmetric quantum field theory with G=ADEG=ADE gauge symmetries.\ We show, for these gauge symmetries, that there is an isotropy group GMutG\mathcal{G}_{Mut}^{G} associated to a set of quiver mutations capturing information about the BPS spectra. In the strong coupling limit, it is shown that BPS chambers correspond to finite and closed groupoid orbits with an isotropy symmetry group GstrongG\mathcal{G}_{strong}^{G} isomorphic to the discrete dihedral groups Dih2hGDih_{2h_{G}} contained in Coxeter(G)(G) with % h_{G} the Coxeter number of G. These isotropy symmetries allow to determine the BPS spectrum of the strong coupling chamber; and give another way to count the total number of BPS and anti-BPS states of N=2\mathcal{N}=2 gauge theories. We also build the matrix realization of these mutation groups GstrongG% \mathcal{G}_{strong}^{G} from which we read directly the electric-magnetic charges of the BPS and anti-BPS states of N=2\mathcal{N}=2 QFT4_{4} as well as their matrix intersections. We study as well the quiver mutation symmetries in the weak coupling limit and give their links with infinite Coxeter groups. We show amongst others that Gweaksu2\mathcal{G}_{weak}^{su_{2}} is contained in GL(2,Z){GL}({2,}\mathbb{Z}) ; and isomorphic to the infinite Coxeter I2{I_{2}^{\infty}}. Other issues such as building G\mathcal{G}%_{weak}^{so_{4}} and Gweaksu3\mathcal{G}_{weak}^{su_{3}} are also studied.Comment: LaTeX, 98 pages, 18 figures, Appendix I on groupoids adde

    Argyres-Douglas Loci, Singularity Structures and Wall-Crossings in Pure N=2 Gauge Theories with Classical Gauge Groups

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    N=2 Seiberg-Witten theories allow an interesting interplay between the Argyres-Douglas loci, singularity structures and wall-crossing formulae. In this paper we investigate this connection by first studying the singularity structures of hyper-elliptic Seiberg-Witten curves for pure N=2 gauge theories with SU(r+1) and Sp(2r) gauge groups, and propose new methods to locate the Argyres-Douglas loci in the moduli space, where multiple mutually non-local BPS states become massless. In a region of the moduli space, we compute dyon charges for all 2r+2 and 2r+1 massless dyons for SU(r+1) and Sp(2r) gauge groups respectively for rank r>1. From here we elucidate the connection to the wall-crossing phenomena for pure Sp(4) Seiberg-Witten theory near the Argyres-Douglas loci, despite our emphasis being only at the massless sector of the BPS spectra. We also present 2r-1 candidates for the maximal Argyres-Douglas points for pure SO(2r+1) Seiberg-Witten theory.Comment: 81 pages, 41 figures, LaTeX; v2: Minor cosmetic changes and correction of a typographical error in acknowledgement. Final version to appear in JHE