13 research outputs found

    The role of complement in ocular pathology

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    Functionally active complement system and complement regulatory proteins are present in the normal human and rodent eye. Complement activation and its regulation by ocular complement regulatory proteins contribute to the pathology of various ocular diseases including keratitis, uveitis and age-related macular degeneration. Furthermore, a strong relationship between age-related macular degeneration and polymorphism in the genes of certain complement components/complement regulatory proteins is now well established. Recombinant forms of the naturally occurring complement regulatory proteins have been exploited in the animal models for treatment of these ocular diseases. It is hoped that in the future recombinant complement regulatory proteins will be used as novel therapeutic agents in the clinic for the treatment of keratitis, uveitis, and age-related macular degeneration

    Quasispecies heterogeneity within the E1/E2 region as a pretreatment variable during pegylated interferon therapy of chronic hepatitis C virus infection.

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    A series of 29 patients undergoing treatment for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 infection with pegylated alpha-2a interferon plus ribavirin were studied for patterns of response to antiviral therapy and viral quasispecies evolution. All patients were treatment naive and had chronic inflammation and fibrosis on biopsy. As part of an analysis of pretreatment variables that might affect the outcome of treatment, genetic heterogeneity within the viral E1-E2 glycoprotein region (nucleotides 851 to 2280) was assessed by sequencing 10 to 15 quasispecies clones per patient from serum-derived PCR products. Genetic parameters were examined with respect to response to therapy based on serum viral RNA loads at 12 weeks (early viral response) and at 24 weeks posttreatment (sustained viral response). Nucleotide and amino acid quasispecies complexities of the hypervariable region 1 (HVR-1) were less in the responder group in comparison to the nonresponder group at 12 weeks, and genetic diversity was also less both within and outside of the HVR-1, with the difference being most pronounced for the non-HVR-1 region of E2. However, these genetic parameters did not distinguish responders from nonresponders for sustained viral responses. Follow-up studies of genetic heterogeneity based on the HVR-1 in selected responders and nonresponders while on therapy revealed greater evolutionary drift in the responder subgroup. The pretreatment population sequences for the NS5A interferon sensitivity determinant region were also analyzed for all patients, but no correlations were found between treatment response and any distinct genetic markers. These findings support previous studies indicating a high level of genetic heterogeneity among chronically infected HCV patients. One interpretation of these data is that early viral responses are governed to some extent by viral factors, whereas sustained responses may be more influenced by host factors, in addition to effects of viral complexity and diversity

    Mapping epitopes for 20 monoclonal antibodies to CR1

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    Complement receptor type one (CR1; CD35) binds and processes C3b and C4b opsonized immune complexes and regulates complement activation. We have characterized the epitopes of 13 previously reported and seven new MoAbs to human CR1. The MoAbs formed seven groups based on their reactivity with a panel of deletion forms of CR1. Seventeen of the MoAbs reacted with CR1 at more than one site, a consequence of its repetitive sequence. All five of the MoAbs recognizing epitopes in the nearly identical repeats 3, 10, and 17, as well as one MoAb which reacted with repeats 8 or 1/2 of 9 and 15 or 1/2 of 16, blocked cofactor activity for C3b. Knowledge of the repeats bearing the epitopes for these MoAbs should facilitate the further characterization of CR1

    Optimization of adeno-associated viral vector-mediated transduction of the corticospinal tract: comparison of four promoters.

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    Funder: This research was funded by a Nathalie Rose Barr award (NRB110) from the International Spinal Research Trust, and support from Medical Research Council (MR/R004544/1 & MR/R004463/1), NWO (013-16-002), Czech Ministry of Education (CZ.02.1.01/0.0./0.0/15_003/0000419), ERA-NET NEURON AxonRepair, Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, International Foundation for Research in Paraplegia, Hersenstichting Nederland.Adeno-associated viral vectors are widely used as vehicles for gene transfer to the nervous system. The promoter and viral vector serotype are two key factors that determine the expression dynamics of the transgene. A previous comparative study has demonstrated that AAV1 displays efficient transduction of layer V corticospinal neurons, but the optimal promoter for transgene expression in corticospinal neurons has not been determined yet. In this paper, we report a side-by-side comparison between four commonly used promoters: the short CMV early enhancer/chicken β actin (sCAG), human cytomegalovirus (hCMV), mouse phosphoglycerate kinase (mPGK) and human synapsin (hSYN) promoter. Reporter constructs with each of these promoters were packaged in AAV1, and were injected in the sensorimotor cortex of rats and mice in order to transduce the corticospinal tract. Transgene expression levels and the cellular transduction profile were examined after 6 weeks. The AAV1 vectors harbouring the hCMV and sCAG promoters resulted in transgene expression in neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. The mPGK and hSYN promoters directed the strongest transgene expression. The mPGK promoter did drive expression in cortical neurons and oligodendrocytes, while transduction with AAV harbouring the hSYN promoter resulted in neuron-specific expression, including perineuronal net expressing interneurons and layer V corticospinal neurons. This promoter comparison study contributes to improve transgene delivery into the brain and spinal cord. The optimized transduction of the corticospinal tract will be beneficial for spinal cord injury research