60 research outputs found

    Quantifying garnet-melt trace element partitioning using lattice-strain theory: New crystal-chemical and thermodynamic constraints

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    Many geochemical models of major igneous differentiation events on the Earth, the Moon, and Mars invoke the presence of garnet or its high-pressure majoritic equivalent as a residual phase, based on its ability to fractionate critical trace element pairs (Lu/Hf, U/Th, heavy REE/light REE). As a result, quantitative descriptions of mid-ocean ridge and hot spot magmatism, and lunar, martian, and terrestrial magma oceans require knowledge of garnet-melt partition coefficients over a wide range of conditions. In this contribution, we present new crystal-chemical and thermodynamic constraints on the partitioning of rare earth elements (REE), Y and Sc between garnet and anhydrous silicate melt as a function of pressure (P), temperature (T), and composition (X). Our approach is based on the interpretation of experimentally determined values of partition coefficients D using lattice-strain theory. In this and a companion paper (Draper and van Westrenen this issue) we derive new predictive equations for the ideal ionic radius of the dodecahedral garnet X-site,

    Salmonella Strains Isolated from Galápagos Iguanas Show Spatial Structuring of Serovar and Genomic Diversity

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    It is thought that dispersal limitation primarily structures host-associated bacterial populations because host distributions inherently limit transmission opportunities. However, enteric bacteria may disperse great distances during food-borne outbreaks. It is unclear if such rapid long-distance dispersal events happen regularly in natural systems or if these events represent an anthropogenic exception. We characterized Salmonella enterica isolates from the feces of free-living Galápagos land and marine iguanas from five sites on four islands using serotyping and genomic fingerprinting. Each site hosted unique and nearly exclusive serovar assemblages. Genomic fingerprint analysis offered a more complex model of S. enterica biogeography, with evidence of both unique strain pools and of spatial population structuring along a geographic gradient. These findings suggest that even relatively generalist enteric bacteria may be strongly dispersal limited in a natural system with strong barriers, such as oceanic divides. Yet, these differing results seen on two typing methods also suggests that genomic variation is less dispersal limited, allowing for different ecological processes to shape biogeographical patterns of the core and flexible portions of this bacterial species' genome

    HGF/SF and its receptor c-MET play a minor role in the dissemination of human B-lymphoma cells in SCID mice

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    The MET protooncogene, c-MET, encodes a cell surface tyrosine kinase receptor. The ligand for c-MET is hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), also known as scatter factor (SF), which is known to affect proliferation and motility of primarily epithelial cells. Recently, HGF/SF was also shown to affect haemopoiesis. Studies with epithelial and transfected NIH3T3 cells indicated that the HGF/SF–c-MET interaction promotes invasion in vitro and in vivo. We previously demonstrated that HGF/SF induces adhesion of c-MET-positive B-lymphoma cells to extracellular matrix molecules, and promoted migration and invasion in in vitro assays. Here, the effect of HGF/SF on tumorigenicity of c-MET-positive and c-MET-negative human B-lymphoma cell lines was studied in C.B-17 scid/scid (severe combined immune deficient) mice. Intravenously (i.v.) injected c-MET-positive (BJAB) as well as c-MET-negative (Daudi and Ramos cells) B-lymphoma cells formed tumours in SCID mice. The B-lymphoma cells invaded different organs, such as liver, kidney, lymph nodes, lung, gonads and the central nervous system. We assessed the effect of human HGF/SF on the dissemination of the B-lymphoma cells and found that administration of 5 μg HGF/SF to mice, injected (i.v.) with c-MET-positive lymphoma cells, significantly (P = 0.018) increased the number of metastases in lung, liver and lymph nodes. In addition, HGF/SF did not significantly influence dissemination of c-MET-negative lymphoma cells (P = 0.350 with Daudi cells and P = 0.353 with Ramos cells). Thus the effect of administration of HGF/SF on invasion of lymphoma cells is not an indirect one, e.g. via an effect on endothelial cells. Finally, we investigated the effect of HGF/SF on dissemination of c-MET-transduced Ramos cells. In response to HGF/SF, c-MET-transduced Ramos cells showed an increased migration through Matrigel in Boyden chambers compared to wild-type and control-transduced Ramos cells. The dissemination pattern of c-MET-transduced cells did not differ from control cells in in vivo experiments using SCID mice. Also no effect of HGF/SF administration could be documented, in contrast to the in vitro experiments. From our experiments can be concluded that the HGF/SF–c-MET interaction only plays a minor role in the dissemination of human B-lymphoma cells. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Back to the Grindstone? The Archaeological Potential of Grinding-Stone Studies in Africa with Reference to Contemporary Grinding Practices in Marakwet, Northwest Kenya

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    This article presents observations on grinding-stone implements and their uses in Elgeyo-Marakwet County, northwest Kenya. Tool use in Marakwet is contextualized with a select overview of literature on grinding-stones in Africa. Grinding-stones in Marakwet are incorporated not only into quotidian but also into more performative and ritual aspects of life. These tools have distinct local traditions laden with social as well as functional importance. It is argued that regionally and temporally specific studies of grinding-stone tool assemblages can be informative on the processing of various substances. Despite being common occurrences, grinding-stone tools are an under-discussed component of many African archaeological assemblages. Yet the significance of grinding-stones must be reevaluated, as they hold the potential to inform on landscapes of past food and material processing
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