7 research outputs found
Abstrak: Pembelajaran inklusif saat ini ditekankan guna mencapai tujuan pembelajaran serta pertumbuhan pribadi bagi siswa berkebutuhan khusus. Kemudian guna mencapai hal tersebut, strategi persiapan dan implementasi pembelajaran harus matang dengan mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai luhur dari pendidikan karakter dan profil pelajar Pancasila ke dalam materi pembelajaran, terutama terkait kearifan lokal. Media pembelajaran menjadi penunjang potensial dalam proses ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan media video animasi berbantu wayang papercraft sebagai pembelajaran geografi berbasis kearifan lokal bagi siswa SLB Negeri Rembang. Metode penelitian menggunakan model Hannafin & Peck dengan purposive sampling pada siswa tunagrahita dan tunarungu yang mempelajari geografi kearifan lokal. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, angket validator, guru, dan siswa untuk menilai kelayakan dan kualitasnya, serta dokumentasi. Analisis data meliputi deskripsi kualitatif dengan reduksi, display data, kesimpulan, dan deskripsi persentase untuk data kuantitatif dari angket pada media video animasi. Hasil menunjukkan kualitas baik dari pengisian angket oleh validator pertama (100%), kedua (97,3%), guru (94,7%), serta respon mayoritas siswa yang menyatakan media tersebut menarik, praktis, dan memiliki kualitas baik dalam animasi, audio, dan tampilan. Dengan demikian, disimpulkan bahwa kualitas media video animasi berbantuan wayang kreatif yang dikembangkan layak digunakan tanpa revisi.Abstract: Inclusive learning is currently emphasized to achieve learning goals and personal growth for students with special needs. To accomplish this, preparation and implementation strategies in education need to be mature by integrating noble values from character education and the Pancasila student profile into the learning materials, particularly related to local wisdom. Learning media serves as a potential support in this process. This research aims to develop animated video media assisted by wayang papercraft as geography learning based on local wisdom for students at the Rembang State Special Needs School. The research method utilizes the Hannafin & Peck model with purposive sampling of intellectually disabled and deaf students studying local wisdom in geography. Data collection techniques involve structured interviews, closed questionnaires filled out by validators, teachers, and students to assess feasibility and quality, along with documentation. Data analysis includes qualitative description, data reduction, data display, conclusions, and percentage descriptions for quantitative data from the questionnaires on the animated video media.Results indicate good quality based on questionnaire responses from the first validator (100%), second validator (97.3%), teachers (94.7%), and the majority of student responses stating the media is engaging, practical, and of good quality in terms of animation, audio, and visuals. Consequently, it is concluded that the quality of the creatively assisted wayang video animation media developed is suitable for use without revision
Abstract. The development of the world at this time has entered the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, the form of human life has been based on information. Digital literacy is very important for everyone and for the future of nation and state in preparing quality graduates of SMP Bangka Barat and able to compete globally, as well as mastering technological developments. Therefore, digital literacy needs to be developed in today's education world to build a better national character and be ready to face the 21st century education era. The purpose of community service carried out at SMP Negeri 3 Simpang Teritip and SMP Negeri 4 Simpang Teritip Bangka Barat is to analyze how to build the character of students at the junior high school level through digital literacy in learning to face 21st century education. This mentoring method is carried out by observing and inventorying problems, mapping problems, taking actions in the form of providing motivation, counseling, education about character-based digital literacy. The results of community service at SMP Negeri 3 Simpang Teritip and SMP Negeri 4 Simpang Teritip were found some teacher misunderstandings in applying digital literacy in the learning process. In addition, it has succeeded in educating and counseling the use of character-based digital literacy. The conclusion of this community service activity is that the active participation of teachers in this activity is the key to the success of implementing community service. Careful preparation and understanding of character-based digital literacy which is the target is the capital to guarantee the success of the activity. Mentoring, training in the application of character-based digital literacy still needs to be done so that teachers have the ability to develop their professional competencies.
Abstrak. Perkembangan dunia pada saat ini telah memasuki era revolusi industri 4.0, bentuk kehidupan manusia telah berbasis informasi. Literasi digital merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk semua orang dan bagi masa depan suatu Bangsa dan Negara dalam menyiapkan lulusan SMP Bangka Barat yang berkualitas dan mampu bersaing secara global, serta menguasai perkembangan teknologi. Oleh karena itu, literasi digital perlu dikembangkan dalam dunia pendidikan sekarang ini untuk membangun karakter bangsa yang lebih baik dan siap menghadapi era pendidikan abad 21. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 3 Simpang Teritip dan SMP Negeri 4 Simpang Teritip Bangka Barat ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana cara membangun karakter peserta didik di tingkat SMP melalui literasi digital dalam pembelajaran untuk menghadapi pendidikan abad 21. Metode pendampingan ini dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan inventarisasi masalah, pemetaan permasalahan, melakukan tindakan berupa pemberian motivasi, penyuluhan, edukasi tentang literasi digital berbasis karakter. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat di SMP Negeri 3 Simpang Teritip dan SMP Negeri 4 Simpang Teritip adalah ditemukan beberapa ketidakpahaman guru dalam mengaplikasikan literasi digital pada proses pembelajaran. Selain itu berhasil dalam edukasi dan penyuluhan penggunaan literasi digital berbasis karakter. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu partisipasi aktif guru dalam kegiatan ini menjadi kunci suksesnya penyelenggaraan pengabdian pada masyarakat. Persiapan yang matang dan pemahaman literasi digital berbasis karakter yang menjadi sasaran merupakan modal untuk jaminan sukses kegiatan. Pendampingan, pelatihan-pelatihan dalam penerapan literasi digital berbasis karakter ini masih perlu dilakukan agar guru memiliki kemampuan pengembangan kompetensi profesionalnya
Can Disaster Risk Education Reduce the Impact of Disasters in Schools?
One of the largest cities in Indonesia is Semarang City. This city has a very high level of disaster proneness. The following are disasters that often occur in the city of Semarang, including floods, tidal waves, landslides, and droughts. The impact of repeated disasters on urban communities is damage and loss of life. However, currently disaster risk education introduces risk mitigation and disaster preparedness in minimizing the impact of disasters in urban areas. Disaster risk reduction has been included in the school curriculum. The purpose of writing this article is to examine the role of schools in disaster mitigation, disaster curriculum in schools. Empowering school-age children to understand disaster mitigation is the first step in building a disaster-aware community. So that when a disaster occurs, people no longer experience confusion and panic, because they have understood how to reduce disaster risk. School-age children are expected to be able to bring the knowledge they have learned from school and become "agents" who can build a culture of disaster awareness in their environment, so that a resilient society can be realized in dealing with disasters
Teacher Optimization in Utilizing Media Literacy for Social Science Learning in Semarang
This research aims to know the utilization of media literacy by teachers and the obstacles in social science learning in Semarang city. This research is a field research carried out through an inductive thinking process using qualitative approach. The type of data in this research is distinguished from primary and secondary data. The data sources in this research are human being and non-human being. Human being data source functions as a subject or key informant and the data obtained through the informants are in the form of soft data. Non-human being data source is in the form of documents which are relevant to the focus of the research such as events or activities that are related to the focus of the research. The data collection uses three techniques, namely (1) in-depth interview; 2) participant observation; and (3) documentation study. The data obtained were analyzed by stages, namely l) data reduction 2) data presentation and 3) conclusion / verification. The results of the research show that the teachers were trying to adjust to various updates in the media development. This self-adjustment was realized through the integration of both of them in learning regardless of several obstacles that must be faced by the teacher
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi telah memberikan banyak sekali pengaruh dalam kehidupan manusia, dengan memberikan berbagai kemudahan dalam mengakses segala informasi dan komunikasi secara digital, terlebih di masa pandemi Covid-19. Teknologi digitalisasi di era masa kini memberikan pengaruh dalam berbagai aspek, salah satunya dalam aspek pendidikan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi sebagai media pembelajaran berbasis digital ditengah pandemi saat ini. Tentunya hal ini berdampak positif bagi anak sebagai peserta didik. Akan tetapi, teknologi juga memberikan dampak negatif bagi anak, yaitu menurunnya nilai dan karakter. Untuk itu, perlu adanya literasi digital agar anak tidak terbawa oleh arus teknologi dan bisa memanfaatkannya dengan sebaik-baiknya. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi melalui literasi digital sebagai upaya untuk mengkonservasi nilai dan karakter kepada anak agar tidak terjadi disintegrasi nilai dan karakter di tengah pandemi Covid-19.Kata Kunci: Literasi Digital, Nilai dan Karakter, Teknologi Digitalisas