16,581 research outputs found

    Electrostatic contribution to DNA condensation - application of 'energy minimization' in a simple model in strong Coulomb coupling regime

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    Bending of DNA from a straight rod to a circular form in presence of any of the mono-, di-, tri- or tetravalent counterions has been simulated in strong Coulomb coupling environment employing a previously developed energy minimization simulation technique. The inherent characteristics of the simulation technique allow monitoring the required electrostatic contribution to the bending. The curvature of the bending has been found to play crucial roles in facilitating electrostatic attractive potential energy. The total electrostatic potential energy has been found to decrease with bending which indicates that bending a straight DNA to a circular form or to a toroidal form in presence of neutralizing counterions is energetically favorable and practically is a spontaneous phenomenon

    Chiral condensate and dressed Polyakov loop in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model

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    We investigate the chiral condensate and the dressed Polyakov loop or dual chiral condensate at finite temperature and density in two-flavor Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. The dressed Polyakov loop is regarded as an equivalent order parameter of deconfinement phase transition in a confining theory. We find the behavior of dressed Polyakov loop in absence of any confinement mechanism is quite interesting, with only quark degrees of freedom present, it still shows an order parameter like behavior. It is found that in the chiral limit, the critical temperature for chiral phase transition coincides with that of the dressed Polyakov loop in the whole (T,μ)(T,\mu) plane. In the case of explicit chiral symmetry breaking, it is found that the transition temperature for chiral restoration TcχT_c^{\chi} is smaller than that of the dressed Polyakov loop TcDT_c^{{\cal D}} in the low baryon density region where the transition is a crossover. With the increase of current quark mass the difference between the two transition temperatures is found to be increasing. However, the two critical temperatures coincide in the high baryon density region where the phase transition is of first order. We give an explanation on the feature of Tcχ=TcDT_c^{\chi}=T_c^{\cal D} in the case of 1st and 2nd order phase transitions, and Tcχ<TcDT_c^{\chi}<T_c^{\cal D} in the case of crossover, and expect this feature is general and can be extended to full QCD theory. Our result might indicate that in the case of crossover, there exists a small region where chiral symmetry is restored but the color degrees of freedom are still confined.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Susceptibilities and speed of sound from PNJL model

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    We present the Taylor expansion coefficients of the pressure in quark number chemical potential μ0=μB/3=μu=μd\mu_0=\mu_B / 3=\mu_u=\mu_d, for the strongly interacting matter as described by the PNJL model for two light degenerate flavours of quarks u and d. The expansion has been done upto eighth order in μ0\mu_0, and the results are consistent with recent estimates from Lattice. We have further obtained the specific heat CVC_V, squared speed of sound vs2v_s^2 and the conformal measure \cC.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, References added, some discussions on Fig. 4 modified, one table added, results unchanged, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Some Studies on Recovery & Oxidation Characteristics of Copper by Thermoelectric Phenomenon

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    It is well known that the junction of two dissimilar metals is the seat of thermoelectric force which can be used for the measurement of temperature.For this purpose usually dissimilar metals and/or alloys are used . In such cases the metals or alloys invariably differ in chemical composition.Although some work has been done to investigate the changes in the thermoelectric properties of the same metal or alloy due to some physical changes ( without any change in chemical composition ),not much of work has been , done to study minute changes occurring in metals and alloys which do not appreciably affect either the microstructure or the mechanical properties. For example, neither the microstructure nor such mechanical properties as hardness, tensile strength and ductility undergo any appreciable change during the so-called ' recovery stages' of cold-worked metals and alloys or the so-called ' pre -precipitation stages'during ageing, tempering and other thermal treatments of metals and alloys.An attempt has been made in this investigation to show that changes in the thermoelectric properties of metals and alloys may well be taken advantage of to detect minute changes in metals and alloys -be it on the surface or inside the volume. In a pure specimen of copper wire it has been shown that (i) there are detectable and continuous changes in the thermoelectric properties throughout the recovery stage of the cold-worked specimen,and (ii) there are very sharp discontinuities in the e.m.f. temperature plot in the initial stages of film formation during heating in air. Further work is in progress to detect the changes in the initial stages of ageing, tempering and other transformations -isothermal or otherwise-in other metals and alloys

    QGP Susceptibilities from PNJL Model

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    An improved version of the PNJL model is used to calculate various thermodynamical quantities, {\it viz.}, quark number susceptibility, isospin susceptibility, specific heat, speed of sound and conformal measure. Comparison with Lattice data is found to be encouraging.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, poster presented at Quark Matter'0

    PNJL model with a Van der Monde term

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    We extend the Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model for two degenerate flavours by including the effect of the SU(3) measure with a Van der Monde (VdM) term. This ensures that the Polyakov loop always remains in the domain [0,1]. The pressure, energy density, specific heat, speed of sound and conformal measure show small or negligible effects from this term. However various quark number and isospin susceptibilities are all found to approach their respective ideal gas limits around 2 TcT_c. We compare our methods with other similar approaches in PNJL model and also present a quantitative comparison with Lattice QCD data.Comment: 12 pages, 8 eps figures; extended discussion and reference added; accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Sharp change over from compound nuclear fission to shape dependent quasi fission

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    Fission fragment mass distribution has been measured from the decay of 246^{246}Bk nucleus populating via two entrance channels with slight difference in mass asymmetries but belonging on either side of the Businaro Gallone mass asymmetry parameter. Both the target nuclei were deformed. Near the Coulomb barrier, at similar excitation energies the width of the fission fragment mass distribution was found to be drastically different for the 14^{14}N + 232^{232}Th reaction compared to the 11^{11}B + 235^{235}U reaction. The entrance channel mass asymmetry was found to affect the fusion process sharply.Comment: 4 pages,6 figure
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