13 research outputs found

    Establishment of Cohesion at the Pericentromere by the Ctf19 Kinetochore Subcomplex and the Replication Fork-Associated Factor, Csm3

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    The cohesin complex holds sister chromatids together from the time of their duplication in S phase until their separation during mitosis. Although cohesin is found along the length of chromosomes, it is most abundant at the centromere and surrounding region, the pericentromere. We show here that the budding yeast Ctf19 kinetochore subcomplex and the replication fork-associated factor, Csm3, are both important mediators of pericentromeric cohesion, but they act through distinct mechanisms. We show that components of the Ctf19 complex direct the increased association of cohesin with the pericentromere. In contrast, Csm3 is dispensable for cohesin enrichment in the pericentromere but is essential in ensuring its functionality in holding sister centromeres together. Consistently, cells lacking Csm3 show additive cohesion defects in combination with mutants in the Ctf19 complex. Furthermore, delaying DNA replication rescues the cohesion defect observed in cells lacking Ctf19 complex components, but not Csm3. We propose that the Ctf19 complex ensures additional loading of cohesin at centromeres prior to passage of the replication fork, thereby ensuring its incorporation into functional linkages through a process requiring Csm3

    Towards building a chromosome segregation machine

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    All organisms, from bacteria to humans, face the daunting task of replicating, packaging and segregating up to two metres (about 6 Γ— 10(9) base pairs) of DNA when each cell divides. This task is carried out up to a trillion times during the development of a human from a single fertilized cell. The strategy by which DNA is replicated is now well understood. But when it comes to packaging and segregating a genome, the mechanisms are only beginning to be understood and are often as variable as the organisms in which they are studied

    Condensin and cohesin complexity: the expanding repertoire of functions

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    Condensin and cohesin complexes act in diverse nuclear processes in addition to their widely known roles in chromosome compaction and sister chromatid cohesion. Recent work has elucidated the contribution of condensin and cohesin to interphase genome organization, control of gene expression, metazoan development and meiosis. Despite these wide-ranging functions, several themes have come to light: both complexes establish higher-order chromosome structure by inhibiting or promoting interactions between distant genomic regions, both complexes influence the chromosomal association of other proteins, and both complexes achieve functional specialization by swapping homologous subunits. Emerging data are expanding the range of processes in which condensin and cohesin are known to participate and are enhancing our knowledge of how chromosome architecture is regulated to influence numerous cellular functions