764 research outputs found

    Fiscal Deficit cannot be reduced by increasing Taxes (A point to ponder from Pakistan)

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    In Pakistan the budget deficits have consistently at increasing trend from 1995 to onwards which is being financed by the governments of now and then through external and domestic borrowing which are resulting a high debt levels due to high interest cost associated with it and this all pave the way for an increase in forthcoming taxes levy by the government time to time. This paper is an empirical investigation of the proposition that Fiscal deficit cannot be reduced by increasing taxes. The finding reveals that an increase in taxes is not the better choice for tackling the jinni of fiscal deficit.Fiscal deficit, Tax Collection, Error correction model (ECM), ADF unit root test

    Various stages of faith in human psychology

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    The Faith is the belief which comes from inside of a human or it is the inner state of strength which is similar to confidence while provoking a human to trust within a secular/ non secular context. The purpose of this article is to identify parallels of various stages of faith particularly as suggested by Fowler, from the person who is filled with fantasies first then has the moral rules and attitude, who moves on thereafter towards experiencing the world beyond the family, and then believes on self identity, has prejudices, and finally actualizes the spirit of an inclusive human community.Faith, Stages of Faith, Self-identity, Human Psychology

    Marketing is all about taking money from customers (an application of Tobit model)

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    One of the key dimensions of business is marketing and when we say marketing we talk about creating more revenue every second. Sales are an important key to success for revenue generation and for this purpose various marketing strategies have been developed. Sales are always driven by customers/consumers, and this thought is in practice since the inception of the concept of business. This paper is an appreciation on the comprehension of various marketing strategies (i.e. Single Segment Strategy, Differentiated Strategy, Un Differentiated Strategy, Product Development, Establishing The Brand, Innovation strategy, Market Growth Shares, Porter Cost Leadership, Market Expansion, Pricing, Diversification), which only aim at generating revenues while proposing the Tobit model to assess the relationships of outlined various marketing strategies with the revenue generation (sales of the products/ services). The comprehensive findings of this research reveals that all strategic means are important for generating revenues in relevance to the products/ services which are being offered and confirms that all outlined marketing strategies are designed and configured with the intent to grab the money from every pocket, but single segment strategy and market growth share strategy matter the most in this connections. Whereas, the Tobit model is revealed as an appropriate and robust model to predict the outlined relationship.Marketing Strategies, Sales, Customer Relationship, Marketing, Revenue, Tobit Model

    A battle between branded and me too brands (unbranded) products

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    Consumers have numerous options to select and buy various kinds of products. A retail outlet offers branded and me too (unbranded) items to the customers to buy from. The consumption pattern of both forms of products has which sort of variations, requires an accurate estimation and findings. For the outlined stated manifesto, personal survey technique was employed for grabbing the first hand data. Co- integration was used to understand and judge the co-variation between branded and me too (unbranded) products. Exclusive insights were revealed between the two different classes of product that an increase in consumer’s income level urges consumers to increase their consumption of branded products. Similarly, consumers opt to purchase branded product as there is a strong perception that branded items have good quality. While, it is also found that if there is an increase in the prices of branded and unbranded products than none of the products clearly win the battle and they have the same pattern for being consumed which is the co-movement of their consumption patterns.branded products, me too brands, Co-movements, Consumption patterns

    Waste Management in the Various Municipalities of Various Socio-Economic Conditions (An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan)

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    This paper investigates the waste management system of Pakistan while lifting a question on awareness, importance and the practices of waste management with a debate that whether or not the perceived awareness and importance of waste management has really turned up into the waste management practice in Pakistan. The findings confirms that there is no significant perceived awareness and sense for managing wastes (importance) in the various municipalities of all of the provinces of Pakistan and therefore, they do not generate the healthy waste management practices in almost every municipality and at times the practices are pathetic.Waste Management System, Waste Fractions, Sense for managing wastes, Municipality

    Research Methodologies for Management Sciences & Interdisciplinary Research in Contemporary World

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    The charismatic trend attributed in the domain of interdisciplinary research and management sciences has resulted in the notable increase of research activities in these fields. The manifesto of this paper is to identify the major research methodologies in the management sciences in the contemporary world and specifically in Asian academic space. Based upon the research findings, this paper categorically presents the specific categories of research classification with empirical evidence and further explains various new trends in contemporary scientific publications in context to management sciences and interdisciplinary research.Research Methodology, Management Sciences, Interdisciplinary Research, Contemporary Scientific Publications

    An investigation of granger causality between tax revenues and government expenditures

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    The nexus between government revenue and government expenditure always wins the attention of policy makers and think tanks while they work four making fiscal policies for an economy. This paper is an empirical investigation on the unidirectional causality between government expenditures and the revenues, which government collects from public in shape of various levied taxes. Annual data for Pakistan from the period of 1979 to 2010 for governmental expenditures and its tax revenue have been collected. While, the unidirectional and bidirectional causality were interrogated via applying Granger causality for the outlined variables. The results indicate that there is an uni-directional causality between the expenditures and revenues, which runs from tax revenues to govt. expenditures, that is the previous lags of tax revenue has a causal impact on the current govt. spending.tax revenue, government expenditure, fiscal policy, granger causality,economy

    Can we have another Fall?Evidence from past, present and prediction for future

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    This paper is an attempt to lift a commentary on why and how history observed the fall of Dhaka. Was the fall of Dhaka inevitable, did the people of Pakistan ever learn any lesson of mutual respect, humility and realism from this fall? The current scenario and growing crises bespeaks another question to the ruling bodies that are we really moving towards another trauma and another fall.Fall of Dhaka, Trauma of 16 December, Split of Pakistan

    Evil Act: Politics Domination in Higher Education Universities (Empirical Evidence from Pakistan)

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    The social interaction taking place in our society is politics. Essential to any governing bodies, institutions etc. this paper’s forte is to specifically assess the politics phenomenon in the academic institutions of higher education. The involvement of politics in the academic society i.e. staff, faculty and employer has been of interest to this study. Politics can be liberal and conservative depending on the individuals running and other perceiving it, which gives birth to the argumentative dialogues, in order to gain power and authority to run the given regime. The survey questionnaire was developed and distributed to the leading higher education universities of Pakistan. There were 3000 respondents (faculty, staff, middle management and top-management). The testing endeavoured to quantify aspects of politics judgment in terms of contribution, appreciation, goals and values, interests, performance, quit, salary, comparison, emotional grudges/cushion for other work colleagues, communication, compensation, gossip, spying, back-biting, professional jealousy, self-esteem, job targets and ethics at academic-oriented work space. One samples T-test and KW test analyzed that staff level employees 50% disagree with the top-management control due to the strong inside and outside political influence over all categories of management. Politics has suppressed the environment and welfare of sound universities, which lay their foundation on transparency, honesty and ethical grounds. It is an alarming situation for universities, which have bad control of politics ruining the administration and overall productivity at work. Policy makers must assess the mal-use of politics in the higher educational sector universities to avoid major fallout of large establishments over a decade, which is creating speculation and dearth of consistent and right administrative and governing systems.Politics, Higher education universities, Politicking, Professional Jealously, Ethics

    Software piracy at work place: influence of organizational culture in the presence of various ethical orientations

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    Technology in terms of ‘information technology’ is a revolutionary discovery from time to time. On the similar note, one of the famous issues of IT is the Software Piracy, which has been the talk of the organizations every now and then. Software Piracy i.e. to avoid the illegal act of copying and stealing others information has always been a headache for organizations leading to billion dollars losses and no returns. This paper tracks the association of organizations’ ethical culture with its orientations and software piracy. It is understand the influence of ethical behavior of the organization on software piracy handling. The study revealed that there is a negative association between perceived organizational ethical culture and software piracy in organizations. In particular, organizational ethical culture significantly influences software piracy decisions for individual having ‘Exceptionist’ ethical orientation. Subsequently, there is no significant association between organizational ethical culture and software piracy for Subjectivists, Absolutists and Situationists.Software Piracy, Software Licensing, Ethical Orientations, Organizational Culture
