24 research outputs found

    An overlooked connection: serotonergic mediation of estrogen-related physiology and pathology

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    BACKGROUND: In humans, serotonin has typically been investigated as a neurotransmitter. However, serotonin also functions as a hormone across animal phyla, including those lacking an organized central nervous system. This hormonal action allows serotonin to have physiological consequences in systems outside the central nervous system. Fluctuations in estrogen levels over the lifespan and during ovarian cycles cause predictable changes in serotonin systems in female mammals. DISCUSSION: We hypothesize that some of the physiological effects attributed to estrogen may be a consequence of estrogen-related changes in serotonin efficacy and receptor distribution. Here, we integrate data from endocrinology, molecular biology, neuroscience, and epidemiology to propose that serotonin may mediate the effects of estrogen. In the central nervous system, estrogen influences pain transmission, headache, dizziness, nausea, and depression, all of which are known to be a consequence of serotonergic signaling. Outside of the central nervous system, estrogen produces changes in bone density, vascular function, and immune cell self-recognition and activation that are consistent with serotonin's effects. For breast cancer risk, our hypothesis predicts heretofore unexplained observations of the opposing effects of obesity pre- and post-menopause and the increase following treatment with hormone replacement therapy using medroxyprogesterone. SUMMARY: Serotonergic mediation of estrogen has important clinical implications and warrants further evaluation

    The behavioural effects of a novel substance P analogue following infusion into the ventral tegmental area or substantia nigra of rat brain.

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    The behavioural response following infusion of a novel, stable substance P (SP) analogue, DiMe-C7, into the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of rats was characterized and contrasted with the response to an equal dose of the parent compound SP. DiMe-C7 produced a longer-lasting behavioural stimulation than SP as evidenced in several behaviours, including locomotor activity, wet dog shakes, rearing and grooming. DiMe-C7-induced locomotor activity and rearing were potentiated by concurrent peripheral administration of D-amphetamine and blocked by pretreatment with haloperidol. Such responses to DiMe-C7 may thus be dependent upon dopaminergic activity. When given immediately following VTA infusion of DiMe-C7, morphine decreased, while naloxone had no effect upon most behavioural measures. The effect of methysergide on DiMe-C7 or SP into the substantia nigra reticulata produced a pattern of responses similar to nature to those produced by VTA infusion but different with respect to time course. These findings suggest that DiMe-C7 is a metabolically stable analogue of substance P which manifests prolonged actions on behaviour when centrally administered. Further, a role for central dopaminergic mechanisms is implicated in DiMe-C7-induced behavioural action

    Two routes of continuous amphetamine administration induce different behavioral and neurochemical effects in the rat.

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    Continuous amphetamine administration has proven to be a useful pharmacological tool. The two systems popularly used for the continuous administration of amphetamine differ in their release characteristics; output of drug from passive diffusion silicone-tubing implants gradually declines over several days, while that osmotically driven, active pumps remain more stable over time. A matched-dose comparison of the behavioral and neurochemical effects of both systems was performed in which silicone pellets and pumps were filled with appropriate concentrations of drug so as to release equal total quantities over the test period of 5 days. Rat behavior and brain catecholamine levels were affected in quantitatively and qualitatively different ways. The interesting constellation of behavioral and neurochemical changes associated with the use of silicone-tubing systems for the continuous administration of amphetamine may not be confounded by its declining output, but rather caused by it


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