2 research outputs found
Critical, Anti-Oppressive and Human Rights Social Work in the ‘Rough Pathways’ of the Muslim Roma Neighbourhoods in Thrace: Towards Inclusion in Education
- Author
- Agapi Kandylaki
- Askouni
- Cemlyn
- Craig
- Darlympe
- Dominelli
- Dominelli
- European Commission
- European Commission
- Fay
- Ferguson
- Fook
- Gearty
- Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM)—Minority Rights Group—Greece (MRG-G)
- Greek Turkish Educational Protocol
- Healy
- Ife
- Isin
- Jones
- Kallinikaki
- Kandylaki
- Kandylaki
- Karagkounis
- Klug
- Lister
- Mavrommatis
- Nipperess
- O’Kin
- Papadopoulou
- Phillips
- Rees
- Save the Children
- Theano Kallinikaki
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Linguistic propaganda against perceived irredentism
- Author
- Andriotes N.P.
- Andrysek O.
- Apostolov M.
- Austin P.
- Barth F.
- Barysnikov V.
- Beljakov A.A.
- Bochmann K.
- Boden M.
- Bruchis M.
- Bubrikh D.V.
- Bubrikh D.V.
- Bubrikh D.V.
- Budagov R.A.
- Calvet L-J.
- Capotorti F.
- Ceban I.D.
- Chazan N.
- Chinn J.
- Coles F.A.
- Comrie B.
- Crowther W.
- Danforth L.M.
- Danforth L.M.
- Deletant D.
- Dyer D.L.
- Dyer D.L.
- Dyer D.L.
- Edwards J.
- Edwards J.
- Fierman W.
- Fishman J.A.
- Friedman V.A.
- Friedman V.A.
- Friedman V.A.
- Friedman V.A.
- Gelb M.
- Giles H.
- Grillo R.
- Harris M.
- Harris R.
- Heraud G.
- Heraud G.
- Hill P.
- Horowitz D.L.
- HRW [Human Rights Watch] Helsinki
- Karakasidou A.
- Karakasidou A.
- Kedourie E.
- Khjamaljajnen M.M.
- King C.
- King C.
- King R.R.
- Kofos E.
- Kolarz W.
- Kolsto P.
- Kontra M.
- Kramer C.
- Kreindler I.T.
- Laitin D.D.
- Lakoff R.T.
- Laponce J. A.
- Lewis E.G.
- Martis N.
- McRae K.D.
- Mey J.L.
- Mikhal'ci D.
- MRG [Minority Rights Group] Greece.
- Oxenknecht R.
- Paulston C.B.
- Pool J.
- Poulton H.
- Priestly T.
- Priestly T.
- Rokeach M.
- Ross J.A.
- Royce A.P.
- Rywkin M.
- Sandor K.
- Sarhimaa A.
- Serebrennikov B.A.
- Sergievskij M.
- Simon G.
- Sismarev V.F.
- Skutnabbs-Kangas T.
- Smith A.D.
- Smith A.D.
- Tajfel H.
- Tom Priestly
- Townson M.
- Trudgill P.
- Trudgill P.
- Upward A.
- Vermeulen H.
- Weinstein B.
- Weinstein B.
- Weinstein B.
- White P.
- Wilkinson H.R.
- Wutte M.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study