2 research outputs found

    Improved Understanding of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Using Data Assimilation

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    Naturally fractured reservoirs can pose challenges for energy operations such as hydrocarbon production, CO2 storage, and geothermal energy production. Fluid flow in these reservoirs is greatly affected by fracture properties such as orientation and aperture, whose magnitude is mainly influenced by the stresses on the reservoir rocks. Simulating fractures and their behavior tends to be computationally intensive, but recent advances in Discrete Fracture Models (DFM) have successfully overcome computational complexity and allow for the explicit inclusion of discrete fractures in reservoir simulations. However, there are still challenges in dealing with uncertainties, including fracture aperture and the effect of in-situ stresses on the fracture surface and their effect on the fluid behavior. This study explores the use of data-assimilation techniques to help quantify these uncertainties. We combine a recent implementation of DFM on the Delft Advanced Research Terra Simulator (DARTS) with both ensemble and gradientbased data-assimilation methods. Our results show that data assimilation can help to understand the dynamic behavior of fluids in fractured reservoirs. Using this technique, we obtain a more accurate representation of the stresses acting on the reservoir and how they affect the fracture aperture. This information is essential for more efficient reservoir management.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Reservoir Engineerin

    Unveiling Valuable Geomechanical Monitoring Insights: Exploring Ground Deformation in Geological Carbon Storage

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    Featured Application: This study emphasizes the importance of comprehensive monitoring, calibration, and optimization of storage strategies in a saline aquifer. It also highlights the need to manage geomechanical risks and uncertainties. By understanding these risks and employing suitable monitoring techniques, the integrity and safety of GCS can be ensured, contributing to the reduction of CO 2 emissions. Geological Carbon Storage (GCS) involves storing CO 2 emissions in geological formations, where safe containment is challenged by structural and stratigraphic trapping and caprock integrity. This study investigates flow and geomechanical responses to CO 2 injection based on a Brazilian offshore reservoir model, highlighting the critical interplay between rock properties, injection rates, pressure changes, and ground displacements. The findings indicate centimeter-scale ground uplift and question the conventional selection of the wellhead as a monitoring site, as it might not be optimal due to the reservoir’s complexity and the nature of the injection process. This study addresses the importance of comprehensive sensitivity analyses on geomechanical properties and injection rates for advancing GCS by improving monitoring strategies and risk management. Furthermore, this study explores the geomechanical effects of modeling flow in the caprock, highlighting the role of pressure dissipation within the caprock. These insights are vital for advancing the design of monitoring strategies, enhancing the predictive accuracy of models, and effectively managing geomechanical risks, thus ensuring the success of GCS initiatives.Reservoir Engineerin