765 research outputs found

    High Performance AXI4 to AHB Bridge (Using a local interface)

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    In this paper, we have presented the design of a high performance AXI to AHB Bridge. The AMBA (Advanced Micro controller Bus Architecture) developed by ARM is a widely used interconnection standard for System on Chip (SOC). The AMBA 4.0 supports a rich set of bus signals, hence supporting high speed pipelined data transfers. The goal of this project is to synthesize and simulate an interface bridge for Advanced High performance Bus (AHB) to support for both high bandwidth data transfer using a single AXI4.0 transaction. The bridge provides interface between the high performance AXI 4.0 and high bandwidth peripherals of AHB domain. It has a slave interface which receives the AXI4 master transactions and converts them to AHB master transactions and initiates them on the AHB bus.Here we will also be using a local interface with the system. and one of the main advantages of which is that in future while replacing any of the protocols on the either side, the entire system does not need to programmed, but only the protocol that has been replaced

    A Decision Support model for better Crop Productivity through Irrigation Water in Saurashtra Region

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    Agriculture in Saurashtra plays an important role in Gujarat Economy. It produces largest crop production of groundnut in country. It also produces other food and non - food crops. Water is an integral part of agriculture. Due to poor practices of water management, a huge amount of water in irrigated agriculture is wasted. There are large amount of data generated and available through research and advancement in agri culture. This data can be used in water demand forecasting for agriculture if utilized properly. The challenging task is to utilize the available data for estimation of future water requirement. To improve water management in irrigated areas, models for estimation of future water requirements are needed. This has led to methods and techniques such as decision support system that can be used to forecast irrigated water demand for agriculture in Saurashtra region for better productivity of crops. This pa per r eviews and summarizes the need of decision support system for water demand forecasting for agriculture

    Generative Boltzmann Adversarial Network in Manet Attack Detection and QOS Enhancement with Latency

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    Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) are considered as self-configured network those does not have any centralized base station for the network monitoring and control. MANET environment does not control architecture for routing for the frequent maintenance of topology. The drastic development of Internet leads to adverse effect of development in MANET for different multimedia application those are sensitive to latency. Upon the effective maintenance of the QoS routing route discovery is performed to calculate queue and contention delay. However, the MANET requirement comprises of the complex procedure to withstand the Quality of Service (QoS) with Artificial Intelligence (AI). In MANET it is necessary to compute the MANET attacks with improved QoS with the reduced latency as existing model leads to higher routing and increased latency.  In this paper proposed a Generative Boltzmann Networking Weighted Graph (GBNWG) model for the QoS improvement in MANET to reduce latency. With GBNWG model the MANET model network performance are computed with the weighted graph model. The developed weighted graph computes the routes in the MANET network for the estimation of the available path in the routing metrices. The proposed GBNWG model is comparatively estimated with the conventional QOD technique. Simulation analysis stated that GBNWG scheme exhibits the improved performance in the QoS parameters. The GBNWG scheme improves the PDR value by 12%, 41% reduced control packets and 45% improved throughput value

    Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network Data Optimization with Enhanced Void Avoidance and Routing Protocol

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    Deployment of a multi-hop underwater acoustic sensor network (UASN) in a larger region presents innovative challenges in reliable data communications and survivability of network because of the limited underwater interaction range or bandwidth and the limited energy of underwater sensor nodes. UASNs are becoming very significant in ocean exploration applications, like underwater device maintenance, ocean monitoring, ocean resource management, pollution detection, and so on. To overcome those difficulties and attains the purpose of maximizing data delivery ratio and minimizing energy consumption of underwater SNs, routing becomes necessary. In UASN, as the routing protocol will guarantee effective and reliable data communication from the source node to the destination, routing protocol model was an alluring topic for researchers. There were several routing techniques devised recently. This manuscript presents an underwater acoustic sensor network data optimization with enhanced void avoidance and routing (UASN-DAEVAR) protocol. The presented UASN-DAEVAR technique aims to present an effective data transmission process using proficient routing protocols. In the presented UASN-DAEVAR technique, a red deer algorithm (RDA) is employed in this study. In addition, the UASN-DAEVAR technique computes optimal routes in the UASN. To exhibit the effectual results of the UASN-DAEVAR technique, a wide spread experimental analysis is made. The experimental outcomes represented the enhancements of the UASN-DAEVAR model

    Centralized Cloud Service Providers in Improving Resource Allocation and Data Integrity by 4G IoT Paradigm

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    Due to the expansion of Internet of Things (IoT), the extensive wireless, and 4G networks, the rising demands for computing calls and data communication for the emergent EC (EC) model. By stirring the functions and services positioned in the cloud to the user proximity, EC could offer robust transmission, networking, storage, and transmission capability. The resource scheduling in EC, which is crucial to the accomplishment of EC system, has gained considerable attention. This manuscript introduces a new lighting attachment algorithm based resource scheduling scheme and data integrity (LAARSS-DI) for 4G IoT environment. In this work, we introduce the LAARSS-DI technique to proficiently handle and allot resources in the 4G IoT environment. In addition, the LAARSS-DI technique mainly relies on the standard LAA where the lightning can be caused using the overall amount of charges saved in the cloud that leads to a rise in electrical intensity. Followed by, the LAARSS-DI technique designs an objective function for the reduction of cost involved in the scheduling process, particularly for 4G IoT environment. A series of experimentation analyses is made and the outcomes are inspected under several aspects. The comparison study shown the improved performance of the LAARSS-DI technology to existing approaches

    Advanced Multilevel Node Separator Algorithms

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    A node separator of a graph is a subset S of the nodes such that removing S and its incident edges divides the graph into two disconnected components of about equal size. In this work, we introduce novel algorithms to find small node separators in large graphs. With focus on solution quality, we introduce novel flow-based local search algorithms which are integrated in a multilevel framework. In addition, we transfer techniques successfully used in the graph partitioning field. This includes the usage of edge ratings tailored to our problem to guide the graph coarsening algorithm as well as highly localized local search and iterated multilevel cycles to improve solution quality even further. Experiments indicate that flow-based local search algorithms on its own in a multilevel framework are already highly competitive in terms of separator quality. Adding additional local search algorithms further improves solution quality. Our strongest configuration almost always outperforms competing systems while on average computing 10% and 62% smaller separators than Metis and Scotch, respectively

    Universal Geometric Graphs

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    We introduce and study the problem of constructing geometric graphs that have few vertices and edges and that are universal for planar graphs or for some sub-class of planar graphs; a geometric graph is \emph{universal} for a class H\mathcal H of planar graphs if it contains an embedding, i.e., a crossing-free drawing, of every graph in H\mathcal H. Our main result is that there exists a geometric graph with nn vertices and O(nlog⁥n)O(n \log n) edges that is universal for nn-vertex forests; this extends to the geometric setting a well-known graph-theoretic result by Chung and Graham, which states that there exists an nn-vertex graph with O(nlog⁥n)O(n \log n) edges that contains every nn-vertex forest as a subgraph. Our O(nlog⁥n)O(n \log n) bound on the number of edges cannot be improved, even if more than nn vertices are allowed. We also prove that, for every positive integer hh, every nn-vertex convex geometric graph that is universal for nn-vertex outerplanar graphs has a near-quadratic number of edges, namely Ωh(n2−1/h)\Omega_h(n^{2-1/h}); this almost matches the trivial O(n2)O(n^2) upper bound given by the nn-vertex complete convex geometric graph. Finally, we prove that there exists an nn-vertex convex geometric graph with nn vertices and O(nlog⁥n)O(n \log n) edges that is universal for nn-vertex caterpillars.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures; a 12-page extended abstracts of this paper will appear in the Proceedings of the 46th Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2020
