19 research outputs found

    Improving Network-on-Chip-based Turbo Decoder Architectures

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    In this work novel results concerning Networkon- Chip-based turbo decoder architectures are presented. Stemming from previous publications, this work concentrates first on improving the throughput by exploiting adaptive-bandwidth-reduction techniques. This technique shows in the best case an improvement of more than 60 Mb/s. Moreover, it is known that double-binary turbo decoders require higher area than binary ones. This characteristic has the negative effect of increasing the data width of the network nodes. Thus, the second contribution of this work is to reduce the network complexity to support doublebinary codes, by exploiting bit-level and pseudo-floatingpoint representation of the extrinsic information. These two techniques allow for an area reduction of up to more than the 40 % with a performance degradation of about 0.2 d

    The placenta: phenotypic and epigenetic modifications induced by Assisted Reproductive Technologies throughout pregnancy

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    Placental programming of anxiety in adulthood revealed by Igf2-null models

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    Imprinted, maternally silenced insulin-like growth factor-2 is expressed in both the foetus and placenta and has been shown to have roles in foetal and placental development in animal models. Here we compared mice engineered to be null for the placenta-specific P0 transcript (insulin-like growth factor-2-P0 KO) to mice with disruptions of all four insulin-like growth factor-2 transcripts, and therefore null for insulin-like growth factor-2 in both placenta and foetus (insulin-like growth factor-2-total KO). Both models lead to intrauterine growth restriction but dissociate between a situation where there is an imbalance between foetal demand and placental supply of nutrients (the insulin-like growth factor-2-P0 KO) and one where demand and supply is more balanced (the insulin-like growth factor-2-total KO). Increased reactivity to anxiety-provoking stimuli is manifested later in life only in those animals where there is a mismatch between placental supply and foetal demand for nutrients during gestation. Our findings further distinguish placental dysfunction from intrauterine growth restriction and reveal a role for the placenta in long-term programming of emotional behaviour