10 research outputs found

    Syncope diagnosis at referral to a tertiary syncope unit: an in-depth analysis of the fast II

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    OBJECTIVE: A substantial number of patients with a transient loss of consciousness (T-LOC) are referred to a tertiary syncope unit without a diagnosis. This study investigates the final diagnoses reached in patients who, on referral, were undiagnosed or inaccurately diagnosed in secondary care. METHODS: This study is an in-depth analysis of the recently published Fainting Assessment Study II, a prospective cohort study in a tertiary syncope unit. The diagnosis at the tertiary syncope unit was established after history taking (phase 1), following autonomic function tests (phase 2), and confirming after critical follow-up of 1.5-2 years, with the adjudicated diagnosis (phase 3) by a multidisciplinary committee. Diagnoses suggested by the referring physician were considered the phase 0 diagnosis. We determined the accuracy of the phase 0 diagnosis by comparing this with the phase 3 diagnosis. RESULTS: 51% (134/264) of patients had no diagnosis upon referral (phase 0), the remaining 49% (130/264) carried a diagnosis, but 80% (104/130) considered their condition unexplained. Of the patients undiagnosed at referral, three major causes of T-LOC were revealed: reflex syncope (69%), initial orthostatic hypotension (20%) and psychogenic pseudosyncope (13%) (sum > 100% due to cases with multiple causes). Referral diagnoses were either inaccurate or incomplete in 65% of the patients and were mainly altered at tertiary care assessment to reflex syncope, initial orthostatic hypotension or psychogenic pseudosyncope. A diagnosis of cardiac syncope at referral proved wrong in 17/18 patients. CONCLUSIONS: Syncope patients diagnosed or undiagnosed in primary and secondary care and referred to a syncope unit mostly suffer from reflex syncope, initial orthostatic hypotension or psychogenic pseudosyncope. These causes of T-LOC do not necessarily require ancillary tests, but can be diagnosed by careful history-taking. Besides access to a network of specialized syncope units, simple interventions, such as guideline-based structured evaluation, proper risk-stratification and critical follow-up may reduce diagnostic delay and improve diagnostic accuracy for syncope

    Prolonged post-faint hypotension can be reversed by dynamic tension

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    A severe variant of vasovagal syncope, observed during tilt tests and blood donation has recently been termed “prolonged post-faint hypotension” (PPFH). A 49-year-old male with a life-long history of severe fainting attacks underwent head-up tilt for 20 min, and developed syncope 2 min after nitroglycerine spray. He was unconscious for 40 s and asystolic for 22 s. For the first 2 min of recovery, BP and HR remained low (65/45 mmHg and 40 beats/min) despite passive leg-raising. Blood pressure (and symptoms) only improved following active bilateral leg flexion and extension (“dynamic tension”). During PPFH, when vagal activity is extreme, patients may require central stimulation as well as correction of venous return

    Transcranial Doppler for evaluation of cerebral autoregulation

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