26 research outputs found

    Preliminary Evaluation of the Influence of Traditional Dairy Plant Equipment on the Microbiological Quality of “Caciocavallo Palermitano” Cheese

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    Caciocavallo Palermitano” is a raw cows’ milk cheese produced within Palermo province (Sicily), processed according to “pasta-filata” cheese technology without starter addition. Production flow-sheet includes a 15-minute milk bulk resting in “tina”, the traditional wooden vat used for cheese-making. This study was aimed to evaluate the influence of traditional equipment on the characteristics of cheese; at this stage, it was forwarded to the characterization of the microbiological populations of “Caciocavallo Palermitano” during each step of manufacturing. Two milk bulks (A and B), from different farming systems, were compared before and after resting in tina. After delivery at dairy factory, total microbial counts (TMC) differed of about 2 Log cycles (4.33 and 6.14 CFU/mL for milk bulk A and B, respectively). Mesophilic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were counted at about 103 CFU/mL, both rods and cocci, for milk bulk A, while ca. 105 CFU/mL for milk bulk B. Similar differences, in terms of magnitude order, were registered for termophilic LAB, even though LAB rods were approximately 1 Log cycle lower than LAB cocci (102 and 104 CFU/mL for bulk milk A and B, respectively). Milk bulks were also analysed for psycotrophic bacteria, total colyforms, enterococci, pseudomonads, coagulase positive staphylococci, clostridia and yeasts. Interestingly, after resting in tina, milk bulk A was characterized by 105 CFU/mL of TMC and mesophilic and thermophilic LAB. Similar counts were detected for milk bulk B. Thus, tina colonizing LAB determined the increment of milk LAB population. Cheese production was microbiologically analysed from curdling to stretching, at which the dominance of thermophilic rod and cocci LAB was registered for both milk bulk productions. LAB isolated at the different stages are being identified and typed, in order to verify the persistence of thermophilic LAB that colonize tina, and characterized for their technological potential and contribution to “Caciocavallo Palermitano” typicality

    Fatores associados a abandono precoce do tratamento em psicoterapia de orientação analítica Factors related to early dropout in psychoanalytic psychotherapy

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A eficácia da psicoterapia psicanalítica foi bem estabelecida através de ensaios clínicos controlados; no entanto, algumas das características individuais que predizem melhores resultados são ainda pouco estudadas. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a associação entre os dados demográficos, o diagnóstico psiquiátrico, a sintomatologia clínica, a qualidade de vida, os critérios de indicação da psicoterapia, o estilo defensivo e o abandono da psicoterapia psicanalítica antes de 3 meses de tratamento. MÉTODO: Uma amostra consecutiva de 56 pacientes foi avaliada após a indicação da psicoterapia, através de um protocolo padronizado, do World Health Organization Quality of Life Bref (WHOQOL-Bref), do Self Report Questionnaire, do Defensive Style Questionnaire, da Escala de Funcionamento Defensivo do Manual de Diagnóstico e Estatística das Perturbações Mentais, 4ª edição, texto revisado (DSM-IV-TR) e da Avaliação do Funcionamento Global (Global Assessment of Functioning), e acompanhada por 3 meses. RESULTADOS: A taxa de abandono foi de 12,5%. Não houve diferença quanto à Avaliação do Funcionamento Global, Self Report Questionnaire e Defensive Style Questionnaire. Os pacientes que abandonaram estavam satisfeitos com sua saúde, apesar da gravidade da sua psicopatologia, mesmo controlando para outras variáveis (p < 0,0001). O grupo que permaneceu em tratamento apresentava melhor adaptação prévia e maior proporção de indivíduos com inteligência estimada como média ou superior (p < 0,05). Maior proporção de pacientes no grupo do abandono foi classificada em níveis imaturos, segundo a Escala de Funcionamento Defensivo do DSM-IV-TR. CONCLUSÕES: A gravidade da psicopatologia, isoladamente, não teve associação com o abandono; entretanto, menor nível de insight e defesas mais imaturas (especialmente narcisistas) foram associados a maiores taxas de abandono. Esses aspectos devem ser seriamente considerados, juntamente com as expectativas do paciente quanto ao método analítico, e avaliados criteriosamente antes da indicação.<br>INTRODUCTION: The efficacy of psychoanalytic psychotherapy is well established in controlled clinical trials; however, some individual characteristics that predict better outcomes are yet poorly studied. This study aimed at evaluating the association of demographics data, psychiatric diagnosis, clinical impairment, quality of life, aspects of psychotherapy suitability, defensive style and dropout before 3 months. METHOD: A consecutive sample of 56 subjects was evaluated after psychotherapy indication through a standardized protocol, World Health Organization Quality of Life Bref (WHOQOL-Bref), Self Report Questionnaire, Defensive Style Questionnaire, Scale of Defensive Functioning of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV-TR) and Global Assessment of Functioning, and followed for 3 months. RESULTS: Dropout rate was 12.5%. There was no difference between groups in respect to Global Assessment of Functioning, Self Report Questionnaire and Defensive Style Questionnaire scores. Dropout patients reported to be satisfied with their health, despite psychopathological severity, even when other variables were controlled (p < 0.0001). The group that remained in psychotherapy was better adjusted before treatment and had average or superior estimated intelligence (p < 0.05). More dropout patients presented lower levels of defensive style, by means of the Scale of Defensive Functioning of DSM-IV-TR. CONCLUSIONS: Psychopathology severity alone did not predict dropout. However, patients with lower levels of insight and immature defenses (especially narcissistic) had higher dropout rates. Therefore, such aspects must be seriously considered, along with patients' expectations about the psychoanalytic method, and should be judiciously assessed before indication