1,785 research outputs found

    Gaussian Bounds for Noise Correlation of Functions

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    In this paper we derive tight bounds on the expected value of products of {\em low influence} functions defined on correlated probability spaces. The proofs are based on extending Fourier theory to an arbitrary number of correlated probability spaces, on a generalization of an invariance principle recently obtained with O'Donnell and Oleszkiewicz for multilinear polynomials with low influences and bounded degree and on properties of multi-dimensional Gaussian distributions. The results derived here have a number of applications to the theory of social choice in economics, to hardness of approximation in computer science and to additive combinatorics problems.Comment: Typos and references correcte

    Phase transitions in Phylogeny

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    We apply the theory of markov random fields on trees to derive a phase transition in the number of samples needed in order to reconstruct phylogenies. We consider the Cavender-Farris-Neyman model of evolution on trees, where all the inner nodes have degree at least 3, and the net transition on each edge is bounded by e. Motivated by a conjecture by M. Steel, we show that if 2 (1 - 2 e) (1 - 2e) > 1, then for balanced trees, the topology of the underlying tree, having n leaves, can be reconstructed from O(log n) samples (characters) at the leaves. On the other hand, we show that if 2 (1 - 2 e) (1 - 2 e) < 1, then there exist topologies which require at least poly(n) samples for reconstruction. Our results are the first rigorous results to establish the role of phase transitions for markov random fields on trees as studied in probability, statistical physics and information theory to the study of phylogenies in mathematical biology.Comment: To appear in Transactions of the AM

    Mixing under monotone censoring

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    We initiate the study of mixing times of Markov chain under monotone censoring. Suppose we have some Markov Chain MM on a state space Ω\Omega with stationary distribution π\pi and a monotone set AΩA \subset \Omega. We consider the chain MM' which is the same as the chain MM started at some xAx \in A except that moves of MM of the form xyx \to y where xAx \in A and yAy \notin A are {\em censored} and replaced by the move xxx \to x. If MM is ergodic and AA is connected, the new chain converges to π\pi conditional on AA. In this paper we are interested in the mixing time of the chain MM' in terms of properties of MM and AA. Our results are based on new connections with the field of property testing. A number of open problems are presented.Comment: 6 page

    Complete Characterization of Functions Satisfying the Conditions of Arrow's Theorem

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    Arrow's theorem implies that a social choice function satisfying Transitivity, the Pareto Principle (Unanimity) and Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA) must be dictatorial. When non-strict preferences are allowed, a dictatorial social choice function is defined as a function for which there exists a single voter whose strict preferences are followed. This definition allows for many different dictatorial functions. In particular, we construct examples of dictatorial functions which do not satisfy Transitivity and IIA. Thus Arrow's theorem, in the case of non-strict preferences, does not provide a complete characterization of all social choice functions satisfying Transitivity, the Pareto Principle, and IIA. The main results of this article provide such a characterization for Arrow's theorem, as well as for follow up results by Wilson. In particular, we strengthen Arrow's and Wilson's result by giving an exact if and only if condition for a function to satisfy Transitivity and IIA (and the Pareto Principle). Additionally, we derive formulas for the number of functions satisfying these conditions.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Robust dimension free isoperimetry in Gaussian space

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    We prove the first robust dimension free isoperimetric result for the standard Gaussian measure γn\gamma_n and the corresponding boundary measure γn+\gamma_n^+ in Rn\mathbb {R}^n. The main result in the theory of Gaussian isoperimetry (proven in the 1970s by Sudakov and Tsirelson, and independently by Borell) states that if γn(A)=1/2\gamma_n(A)=1/2 then the surface area of AA is bounded by the surface area of a half-space with the same measure, γn+(A)(2π)1/2\gamma_n^+(A)\leq(2\pi)^{-1/2}. Our results imply in particular that if ARnA\subset \mathbb {R}^n satisfies γn(A)=1/2\gamma_n(A)=1/2 and γn+(A)(2π)1/2+δ\gamma_n^+(A)\leq(2\pi)^{-1/2}+\delta then there exists a half-space BRnB\subset \mathbb {R}^n such that γn(AΔB)Clog1/2(1/δ)\gamma_n(A\Delta B)\leq C\smash{\log^{-1/2}}(1/\delta) for an absolute constant CC. Since the Gaussian isoperimetric result was established, only recently a robust version of the Gaussian isoperimetric result was obtained by Cianchi et al., who showed that γn(AΔB)C(n)δ\gamma_n(A\Delta B)\le C(n)\sqrt{\delta} for some function C(n)C(n) with no effective bounds. Compared to the results of Cianchi et al., our results have optimal (i.e., no) dependence on the dimension, but worse dependence on δ \delta.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOP860 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Approximation Resistant Predicates From Pairwise Independence

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    We study the approximability of predicates on kk variables from a domain [q][q], and give a new sufficient condition for such predicates to be approximation resistant under the Unique Games Conjecture. Specifically, we show that a predicate PP is approximation resistant if there exists a balanced pairwise independent distribution over [q]k[q]^k whose support is contained in the set of satisfying assignments to PP