78 research outputs found


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Identifying Subclasses of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts with Cumulative Light Curve Morphology of Prompt Emissions

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    We argue a new classification scheme of long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) using the morphology of the cumulative light curve of the prompt emission. We parametrize the morphology by the absolute deviation from their constant luminosity (ADCLADCL) and derive the value for 36 LGRBs which have spectropic redshifts, spectral parameters determined by the Band model, 1-second peak fluxes, fluences, and 64-msec resolution light curves whose peak counts are 10 times larger than background fluctuations. Then we devide the sample according to the value of ADCL into two groups (ADCL0.17ADCL 0.17) and, for each group, derive the spectral peak energy EpE_{\rm p} - peak luminosity LpL_{\rm p} correlation and the Fundamental Plane of LGRBs, which is a correlation between the spectral peak energy EpE_{\rm p}, the luminosity time TLT_{\rm L} (Eiso/Lp\equiv E_{\rm iso}/L_{\rm p} where EisoE_{\rm iso} is isotropic energy) and the peak luminosity LpL_{\rm p}. We find that both of the correlations for both groups are statistically more significant compared with ones derived from all samples. The Fundamental Planes with small and large ADCL are given by Lp=1052.53±0.01(Ep/102.71keV)1.84±0.03(TL/100.86sec)0.29±0.08L_{\rm p}=10^{52.53\pm 0.01}(E_{\rm p}/10^{2.71}{\rm keV})^{1.84\pm 0.03} (T_{\rm L}/10^{0.86}{\rm sec})^{0.29\pm0.08} with χν2=10.93/14\chi^2_{\nu}=10.93/14 and Lp=1052.98±0.08(Ep/102.71keV)1.82±0.09(TL/100.86sec)0.85±0.27L_{\rm p}=10^{52.98\pm0.08}(E_{\rm p}/10^{2.71}{\rm keV})^{1.82\pm 0.09} (T_{\rm L}/10^{0.86}{\rm sec})^{0.85\pm 0.27} with χν2=7.58/8\chi^2_{\nu}=7.58/8, respectively. This fact implies the existence of subclasses of LGRBs characterized by the value of ADCLADCL. Also there is a hint for the existence of the intermediate-ADCLADCL class which deviates from both fundamental planes. Both relations are so tight that our result provides a new accurate distance measurement scheme up to the high redshift universe.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to PAS


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    金沢大学文学部近世、近代フランスの新聞・雑誌などの定期刊行物について、わが国の諸大学・諸研究機関に散在する史料の調査・収集を行なった。首都圏(東京大学、早稲田大学)、中京圏(名古屋大学)を始め、関西圏(京都大学等)の諸大学で現地調査を実施し、包括的な文献所在リストの予備作業を終えた。とくに同志社大学(田辺校)にて、当時の代表的な雑誌『メルキュール』の史料収集・分析を数次実施し、研究代表者のジャーナリズム研究のケーススタディとなる『メルキュール』研究に先鞭をつけた。さらに、18世紀後期から革命期にかけてのフランスジャーナリズム界の中心人物であったC.-J.パンクックというジャーナリストに焦点をあて、これに関する個別分析を開始した。とくに革命前夜におけるパンクックの活動を通して、情報社会、ジャーナリズム成立の諸相を分析した。これについては92年度関西フランス史研究会大会、北陸史学会で研究報告を行ない、今後は革命期へと研究を進展させる所存である。アンシァン・レジーム期フランスの新聞・雑誌総体については、フランスのリヨングループ刊行の事典(91年)を史料にしてパソコンを使用した数量分析を継続実施中であり、タイトル・テーマ・カテゴリー別のデータ分析等を通して順次公表の予定である。また「社会文化史」、「政治文化史」という新しい研究概念に注目し、近年の代表的研究者であるR.シャルチエの文化史研究、さらには社会学者P.ブルデューや〓.エリアス等の理論構築を射程に入れつつ、近世・近代フランスの情報社会の形成と定期刊行物がこれに与えた影響について新しいパースペクティヴが獲得できるよう考察を深めつつあり、論文執筆の準備をすすめ、近く作成の予定である。以上のような史料調査、研究分析、研究報告・発表をふまえた上で、具体的な論稿の執筆が課題として残されている。研究課題/領域番号:04610233, 研究期間(年度):1992出典:研究課題「近世・近代フランスにおける情報社会の形成と定期刊行物」課題番号04610233(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-04610233/)を加工して作

    Possible Origins of Dispersion of the Peak Energy--Brightness Correlations of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We collect and reanalyze about 200 GRB data of prompt-emission with known redshift observed until the end of 2009, and select 101 GRBs which were well observed to have good spectral parameters to determine the spectral peak energy (EpE_p), 1-second peak luminosity (LpL_p) and isotropic energy (EisoE_{\rm iso}). Using our newly-constructed database with 101 GRBs, we first revise the EpE_p--LpL_p and EpE_p--EisoE_{\rm iso} correlations. The correlation coefficients of the revised correlations are 0.889 for 99 degree of freedom for the EpE_p--LpL_p correlation and 0.867 for 96 degree of freedom for the EpE_p--EisoE_{\rm iso} correlation. These values correspond to the chance probability of 2.18×10352.18 \times 10^{-35} and 4.27×10314.27 \times 10^{-31}, respectively. It is a very important issue whether these tight correlations are intrinsic property of GRBs or caused by some selection effect of observations. In this paper, we examine how the truncation of the detector sensitivity affects the correlations, and we conclude they are surely intrinsic properties of GRBs. Next we investigate origins of the dispersion of the correlations by studying their brightness and redshift dependence. Here the brightness (flux or fluence) dependence would be regarded as an estimator of the bias due to the detector threshold. We find a weak fluence-dependence in the EpE_p--EisoE_{\rm iso} correlations and a redshift dependence in the EpE_p--LpL_p correlation both with 2 σ\sigma statistical level. These two effects may contribute to the dispersion of the correlations which is larger than the statistical uncertainty. We discuss a possible reason of these dependence and give a future prospect to improve the correlations.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, and long catalog table. Published in PASJ, Vol.62, 1495--1507 (2010

    The Improved Ep-TL-Lp Diagram and a Robust Regression Method

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    The accuracy and reliability of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) as distance indicators are strongly restricted by their systematic errors which are larger than statistical errors. These systematic errors might come from either intrinsic variations of GRBs, or systematic errors in observations. In this paper, we consider the possible origins of systematic errors in the following observables, (i) the spectral peak energies (Ep) estimated by Cut-off power law (CPL) function, (ii) the peak luminosities (Lp) estimated by 1 second in observer time. Removing or correcting them, we reveal the true intrinsic variation of the Ep-TL-Lp relation of GRBs. Here TL is the third parameter of GRBs defined as TL ~ Eiso / Lp. Not only the time resolution of Lp is converted from observer time to GRB rest frame time, the time resolution with the largest likelihood is sought for. After removing obvious origin of systematic errors in observation mentioned above, there seems to be still remain some outliers. For this reason, we take account another origin of the systematic error as below, (iii) the contamination of short GRBs or other populations. To estimate the best fit parameters of the Ep-TL-Lp relations from data including outliers, we develop a new method which combine robust regression and an outlier identification technique. Using our new method for 18 GRBs with {\sigma}Ep/Ep < 0.1, we detect 6 outliers and find the Ep-TL-Lp relation become the tightest around 3 second.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Destruxin E Decreases Beta-Amyloid Generation by Reducing Colocalization of Beta-Amyloid-Cleaving Enzyme 1 and Beta-Amyloid Protein Precursor

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    Alzheimer-disease-associated beta-amyloid (A beta) is produced by sequential endoproteolysis of beta-amyloid protein precursor (beta APP): the extracellular portion is shed by cleavage in the juxtamembrane region by beta-amyloid-cleaving enzyme (BACE)/beta-secretase, after which it is cleaved by presenilin (PS)/gamma-secretase near the middle of the transmembrane domain. Thus, inhibition of either of the secretases reduces A beta generation and is a fundamental strategy for the development of drugs to prevent Alzheimer disease. However, it is not clear how small compounds reduce A beta production without inhibition of the secretases. Such compounds are expected to avoid some of the side effects of secretase inhibitors. Here, we report that destruxin E (Dx-E), a natural cyclic hexadepsipeptide, reduces A beta generation without affecting BACE or PS/gamma-secretase activity. In agreement with this, Dx-E did not inhibit Notch signaling. We found that Dx-E decreases colocalization of BACE1 and beta APP, which reduces beta-cleavage of beta APP. Therefore, the data demonstrate that Dx-E represents a novel A beta-reducing process which could have fewer side effects than secretase inhibitors. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Base


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    The purpose of this study was to identify the correlation between throwing motion and maximum elbow varus torque (MEV) in female professional baseball pitchers. Twelve pitchers without pre-existing pain were recruited. Ball velocity and pitching motion were measured. Ball velocity and, kinematic and kinetic data from each joint during the pitch were extracted to evaluate the correlation with MEV. There was no correlation between the fastest ball velocity and MEV. Sixteen kinematic and kinetic parameters were found to have significant correlations with MEV. Particularly, as trunk rotation angle to the non-throwing direction before lead foot contact (FC) increased, the MEV decreased. Rotating the trunk in the non-throwing direction before FC and immediately in the throwing direction after FC could be a key component of the throwing motion

    Possible existence of Ep-Lp and Ep-Eiso correlations for Short Gamma-Ray Bursts with a factor 5 to 100 dimmer than those for Long Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We analyzed correlations among the rest frame spectral peak energy EpE_{\rm p}, the observed frame 64ms peak isotropic luminosity LpL_{\rm p} and the isotropic energy EisoE_{\rm iso} for 13 Short Gamma Ray Burst (SGRB) candidates having the measured redshift zz, T90obs/(1+z)<2T_{\rm 90}^{\rm obs}/(1+z)<2 sec and well determined spectral parameters. A SGRB candidate is regarded as a misguided SGRB if it is located in the 3-σint\sigma_{\rm int} dispersion region from the best-fit function of the EpE_{\rm p}--EisoE_{\rm iso} correlation for Long GRBs (LGRBs) while the others are regarded as secure SGRBs possibly from compact star mergers. Using 8 secure SGRBs out of 13 SGRB candidates, we tested whether EpE_{\rm p}--EisoE_{\rm iso} and EpE_{\rm p}--LpL_{\rm p} correlations exist for SGRBs. We found that EpE_{\rm p}--EisoE_{\rm iso} correlation for SGRBs(Eiso=1051.42±0.15ergs1(Ep/774.5keV)1.58±0.28E_{\rm iso} =10^{51.42 \pm 0.15}{\rm erg s^{-1}} ({E_{\rm p}}/{\rm 774.5 keV})^{1.58 \pm 0.28}) seems to exist with the correlation coefficeint r=0.91r=0.91 and chance probability p=1.5×103p=1.5\times10^{-3}. We found also that the EpE_{\rm p}--LpL_{\rm p} correlation for SGRBs(Lp=1052.29±0.066ergs1(Ep/774.5keV)1.59±0.11L_{\rm p} = 10^{52.29 \pm 0.066}{\rm erg s^{-1}} ({E_{\rm p}}/{\rm 774.5 keV})^{1.59 \pm 0.11}) is tighter than EpE_{\rm p}--EisoE_{\rm iso} correlation since r=0.98r=0.98 and p=1.5×105p=1.5\times10^{-5}. Both correlations for SGRBs are dimmer than those of LGRBs for the same EpE_{\rm p} by factors \sim100 (EpE_{\rm p}--EisoE_{\rm iso}) and \sim 5(EpE_{\rm p}--LpL_{\rm p}). Applying the tighter EpE_{\rm p}--LpL_{\rm p} correlation for SGRBs to 71 bright BATSE SGRBs, we found that pseudo redshift zz ranges from 0.097 to 2.258 with the mean of 1.05. The redshifts of SGRBs apparently cluster at lower redshift than those of LGRBs (2.2\sim 2.2 ), which supports the merger scenario of SGRBs.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA