5 research outputs found

    Gender Differences and Women’s Moral Development

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    In this essay, the author reviews some feminist explanations of the gender differences, and makes a discussion between those investigations and the psychology of moral development. The aim is to improve the debate on the foundations of the most frequent approaches of the subject, and the identification of the challenges to be faced by them

    Experimental paracoccidioidomycosis in high and low antibody responder mice of Selection IV-A

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    High (H) and low (L) responder mice were selected for their ability to produce antibodies against sheep and human erythrocytes (Selection IV-A). In this selection, the difference in antibody responsiveness between H and L lines (HIV-A and LIV-A mice, respectively) was shown to depend mainly on macrophage function. The more rapid catabolism of antigens by macrophages in L mice has been suggested as the main cause of the low antibody production. Due to this high macrophage activity, L animals have been described as more resistant than H animals to intracellular pathogens. These animals were utilized as an experimental model of paracoccidioidomycosis. HIV-A and LIV-A mice were infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis by the intravenous route. As expected, H mice were more susceptible to P. brasiliensis with a shorter survival time and higher levels of specific antibodies when compared to L mice. Contrasting with the survival time, the lungs, spleen and liver from H mice showed typical nodular granulomas containing epithelioid and giant cells and few fungi. On the other hand, in LN-A mice, the lesions of these organs were characterized by looser granulomas with irregular borders and the presence of a large number of fungi, However, the adrenal gland showed different lesion patterns. In H mice these lesions were extensive and characterized by loose granulomas with numerous fungi, while in LIV-A mice the lesions were small and limited to the cortex. Moreover the HIV-A mice presented higher levels of serum corticosterone when compared to LIV-A ones. The higher susceptibility of H mice could be attributed to the extensive lesions of the adrenal glands. These results suggest the use of the H line from the IV-A Selection as an experimental model for further studies of adrenal involvement in paracoccidioidomycosis.UNESP, Biosci Inst, Dept Microbiol & Immunol, BR-18618000 Sao Paulo, BrazilUNESP, Sch Med, Dept Pathol, Botucatu, SP, BrazilUNIFESP, Dept Pediat, Sao Paulo, BrazilUNIFESP, Dept Pediat, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Valores priorizados por estudantes universitários de um curso de psicologia de uma universidade pública

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    A maioria das pesquisas acerca da psicologia da moralidade compartilha a definição de que a moral refere-se a regras e valores cujo propósito é regular as relações interpessoais. No presente estudo, consideramos essa premissa válida porém, também levamos em consideração aspectos relacionados ao Eu. Assim, analisamos os valores priorizados por universitários com a intenção de verificar se esses jovens se pautam por valores públicos, privados e/ou ligados à glória. Os informantes foram 170 estudantes do primeiro ano do curso de psicologia de uma universidade pública localizada na região oeste paulista, de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 20 anos. Para a coleta de dados, aplicamos um questionário contendo perguntas relacionadas aos fatores factuais (idade, sexo e religião) e aos valores prezados pelos universitários. Os resultados – analisados segundo a psicologia das virtudes – mostraram que aproximadamente 70,0% das respostas válidas emitidas pelos estudantes apontaram a amizade (32,0%) e a inteligência (35,0%) como os valores mais priorizados. Os valores públicos praticamente não foram mencionados. No tocante às formas de glória, apesar de o percentual não ter sido expressivo para dinheiro e fama, quando os informantes justificaram a opção pela amizade e pela inteligência, conceberam tais valores como meios para a obtenção de dinheiro e fama. Concluímos que esses sujeitos dão pouca importância aos valores relacionados aos deveres (públicos) e a alguma forma de harmonia individual