20 research outputs found

    The museum of the department of public health and infectious diseases, Sapienza University of Rome

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    This paper illustrates in detail the birth of the Museum of Public Health of the Sapienza University of Rome, which has been one of the most successful achievements of Prof Carmine Melino in the last few years of his academic career. Backed by a very thin group of enthousiastic coworkers and colleagues, he recuperated all the instruments which had been used by the research groups active since 1880 at the former Institute of Hygiene, to which he added samples of the different pieces of laboratory furniture, ancient reagents, etc. The goal was not to simply collect, restore and maintain the documents of the Institute's past, but to rebuild a vintage laboratory, as it was inhabited by the hygienists of the past and to describe the kinds of research being performed during a period more than a century long. Beginning from the days when Hygiene became a scientific discipline, he tried to demonstrate that only the transformation of Hygiene into an experimental discipline made it possible the numberless achievements, including the improvements of the environmental conditions, the reduction of infectious diseases and the successful fight against the chronic, degenerative diseases of the present times

    Indagini microbiologiche sul restauro della Cappella Sistina

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    Si riferiscono i primi risultati delle indagini microbiologiche e micologiche compiute a lato dei lavori di restauro della Cappella Sistina. Sono state determinate le specie fungine e batteriche sulla superficie degli affreschi prima e dopo gli interventi conservativi e di ripristino, ma anche le modalità di asepsi del lavoro, la qualità microbiologica dei materiali utilizzati e la tecnica di prelievo dei campioni con tecniche non distruttive, rispettose dell'itegrità dell'affresco

    Contaminazione batterica in un impianto di dialisi

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    After a brief review about the principal risks of infection caused by the application of dialysis, the Authors describe the results relative to the control of the bacteriological contamination present in a dialysis unit of a large Roman hospital. The results showed a general compliance with the guidelines. However the older models of the apparatus were found to be more contaminated than the more up to date models and the contamination risk was higher in correspondence with connections of the apparatus. Furthermore the presence of opportunistic microrganisms such as P aeruginosa suggests the need for their substitution

    Aerobiological monitoring of the "Sistine Chapel": Airborne bacteria and microfungi trends

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    The present paper reports the results of a bacteriological and mycological monitoring carried out on the airborne microflora of the Sistine Chapel. The general aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of the flow of visitors, as well seasonal effects, on the qualitative and quantitative variations of microorganisms. Two sampling campaigns were carried out in May and November 1997. A Surface Air System (SAS) sampler (active system) and a sedimentation based sampler (passive system), supported by an original plinth, were used. Temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide were detected. VITEK SYSTEMS jr. for Staphylococcus spp. and microscopic observation for microfungi were the identification methods. In spite of the conditioning and filtration air system, initial results with both samplers, show a positive correlation between the airborne microorganisms and presence and number of visitors. The SAS samples showed higher microbial load, for both bacteria and fungi, than the passive ones, but the epidemiological meaning of the differently collected data varies. The increase during visiting hours of human Staphylococcus spp. is stronger than the airborne bacterial load increase. The microfungi most frequently isolated were Cladosporium spp. and Penicillium spp. These preliminary data underline the significance of the survey for the protection of such a precious environment, and encourage the Authors to continue the ongoing monitoring

    CATALOGO. Il Laboratorio d'epoca come Museo

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    Sono descritti criticamente oggetti, attrezzature ed arredi di un laboratorio d'igiene d'epoca, esposti con tecnica museal

    Il problema dell'allontanamento della polvere da un fondo librario antico. Studio microbiologico: l'esperienza della Biblioteca Lancisiana

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    Controllo di un'apparecchiatura automatica per la sterilizzazione di presidi medico-chirurgici.

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    The Authors describe the results relative to the control of a new equipment for the sterilization of endoscopes. A series of tests has been carried out using various microrganisms to determine their resistance to sterilization. The results have demonstrated that the sterilization is obtained when the apparatus is used correctly and the endoscopes were placed in the position which makes easier the contact with the disinfectant

    Control over the possibilities for the transmission of microbial agents from one patient to another via tonometers

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