6 research outputs found
QF2011: a protocol to study the effects of the Queensland flood on pregnant women, their pregnancies, and their children's early development
- Author
- A Brunet
- A Catalani
- A Charil
- A Charil
- A Forti
- A Hayashi
- A Kapoor
- A Morawska
- A Rodriguez
- A Rodriguez
- AC Huizink
- AC McFarlane
- AD Anastopolous
- AH Barton
- AL Fowden
- Alain Brunet
- Anne-Marie Turcotte-Tremblay
- BL Green
- BL Green
- BR Bergh Van den
- BR Sarason
- Brett M McDermott
- C Braehler
- C Kirschbaum
- C Obel
- CA Smith
- Cathy Vaillancourt
- CD Spielberger
- CJ Rash
- CLM Keyes
- CR Marmar
- CS Carver
- D Bricker
- D Couret
- D Couret
- D Wechsler
- David P Laplante
- DJ Barker
- DJ Barker
- DJ Walder
- DJ Walder
- DK Kinney
- DK Kinney
- DP Bernstein
- DP Bernstein
- DP Laplante
- DP Laplante
- DP Laplante
- DS Weiss
- E Bromet
- E Oken
- EA Shirtcliff
- EB Schwartz
- EL Quarantelli
- Elizabeth M Hurrion
- Erin Yong Ping
- F Oberklaid
- F Veru
- Gabrielle Simcock
- GC Gleser
- GE Lash
- GP Chrousos
- GW Brown
- H David McIntyre
- HE Nelson
- Helen Stapleton
- HM Wellman
- IG Sarason
- IG Sarason
- J Os van
- J Perner
- J Wacker
- JL Cox
- JL Cox
- JL Hudson
- JR Crawford
- JR Crawford
- JR Crawford
- K Alderman
- K Bergman
- K-A Grant
- K-A Grant
- KA Egliston
- KE Beery
- Kelsey N Dancause
- KI Pargament
- KN Dancause
- KN Dancause
- KN Dancause
- L Cao-Lei
- L Cao-Lei
- L Fenson
- L Fenson
- L Katz
- LAM Welberg
- Laura Shoo
- LM Dunn
- LR Turner
- LS Radloff
- M Asher
- M Boudou
- M Campbell
- M Creamer
- M Fukuda
- M Korkman
- M Peterka
- M Prior
- M Voigt
- M Weinstock
- M Weinstock
- M Weinstock
- M-E Mathieu
- MA Easterbrooks
- Marie-Paule Austin
- Mark Harris
- MF Lechat
- Michael W O’Hara
- MJ Briggs-Gowan
- MM Antony
- MO Huttenen
- MR Gunnar
- MR Sanders
- MT Tu
- N Asukai
- N Bayley
- Nicole Reilly
- NM Talge
- Norbert Schmitz
- P Craig
- P Ellwood
- P Pall
- Paul A Dawson
- PF Lovibond
- Q Schiermeier
- R Bolin
- R Gitau
- R Norton
- RE O'Carroll
- RL Brock
- RR Abidin
- RS Lazarus
- RS Lazarus
- RS Lazarus
- S Avishai-Eliner
- S Baron-Cohen
- S Cohen
- S Entringer
- S Folkman
- S Goldstein
- S King
- S King
- S King
- S Tracy
- SA Mednick
- Sally K Tracy
- SH Spence
- SK Tracy
- SL Clemens
- SM Wyatt
- Sue Kildea
- Sue Kruske
- Suzanne King
- T Achenbach
- T Field
- T Kawamura
- T Paus
- T Ventura
- TG O'Connor
- TG O'Connor
- TJ D'Zurilla
- TM Mayhew
- V Glover
- V Glover
- Vanessa E Cobham
- W Mischel
- X Cao
- Z Biringen
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Early onset schizophrenia: diagnostic dilemmas and treatment challenges
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Future Medicine Ltd'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Using Natural Disasters to Study Prenatal Maternal Stress in Humans
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Behavioral and Neurohormonal Sequelae of Prenatal Stress: A Suggested Model of Depression
- Author
- A Barbazanges
- A Wakshlak
- A. Meijer
- AJ Dunn
- AS Clarke
- C Delbende
- C Henry
- CB Nemeroff
- D.P. Behan
- DH Stott
- DR Britton
- E Fride
- E Fride
- elevated plus maze
- F Drago
- F Holsboer
- FK Goodwin
- G Kay
- GI Keshet
- GP Chrousos
- HM Barros
- ID Neumann
- IL Ward
- J-L Moreau
- JB Mitchell
- JC Day
- JM Weiss
- JM Weiss
- KS Kendler
- LK Takahashi
- LK Takahashi
- M Baez
- M Irwin
- M Irwin
- M Irwin
- M Koehl
- M Vallee
- M Weinstock
- M Weinstock
- M Weinstock
- M Weinstock
- MO Huttenen
- MO Zarrow
- MS Cratty
- OB Ward
- P Mcguffin
- P Willner
- P Willner
- PD Butler
- RD Porsolt
- S Maccari
- S Pellow
- SE File
- SJ Alonso
- SR Secoli
- T Poltyrev
- TS Gray
- WR Thompson
- Y Kitada
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study
The effects of prenatal maternal stress on children's cognitive development: Project Ice Storm
- Author
- Adams RE
- Andreason NC.
- Bayley N.
- Bowman
- BRH Van den Bergh
- Bromet E
- Brouwers EPM
- Brunet A
- Clarke AS
- Coe CL
- Costa JF
- Cox JL
- Crandon AJ.
- Crandon AJ.
- David P. Laplante
- Fenson L
- Field T
- Fride E
- Gitau R
- Glynn LM
- Grimm EG.
- Hollingshead AB.
- Huizink AC
- Huttenen MO
- Kammerer M
- Koehl M
- Lazarus RS.
- Lechat MF.
- Lou HC
- Maccari S
- McFarlane AC.
- McIntosh DE
- Mednick SA
- Nishio H
- O'Connor TG
- O'Connor TG
- Paarlberg KM
- Paarlberg KM
- Rowe DC.
- Rubonis AV
- Rutter M
- Sarason IG
- Schneider ML
- Schneider ML
- Schneider ML
- Schneider ML.
- Schneider ML.
- Stott DH.
- Suzanne King
- Takahashi LK
- Trautman PD
- Uno H
- Uno H
- Uno H
- Van Os J
- Watson JB
- Weinberger DR.
- Weinstock M
- Weinstock M.
- Weiss DS
- Weller A
- Zelazo PR
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Impact of Corticosteroids on the Developing Animal
- Author
- Altman J
- Anderson DK
- Arbel I
- Bakker JM
- Barbazanges A
- Benesova O
- Bohn MC
- Brady LS
- Checkley S
- Chutorian AM
- Clarke AS
- Clarke AS
- Clarke AS
- Clements AD
- Cliver SP
- Crowley P
- Day JC
- De Kloet ER
- Diaz R
- Edwards CR
- Euchs E
- Felszeghy K
- Felszeghy K
- Ferguson SA
- French NP
- Fride E
- Fujioka T
- Funder JW
- Gandelman R
- Golub MS
- Gould E
- Gumbinas M
- Haines ST
- Halamek LP
- Heather E Edwards
- Henry C
- Herman JP
- Holson RR
- Howard E
- Huang WL
- Huttenen MO
- Jobe AH
- Johnson JW
- Karabelyos C
- Koehl M
- Landfield PW
- Levine S
- Levitt NS
- Levitt NS
- Liggins GC
- Liggins GS
- Lupien SJ
- MacArthur BA
- MacArthur BA
- Maccari S
- Makino S
- Matthews SG
- Matthews SG
- McEwen BS
- McEwen BS
- McEwen BS
- McGivern RF
- McRae A
- Meaney MJ
- Meaney MJ
- Meaney MJ
- Meier A
- Mishel PS
- Morano MI
- Munck A
- Muneoka K
- Ogasawara Y
- Pavlovska-Teglia G
- Petraglia F
- Prasad C
- Rao U
- Rayburn WF
- Reul JMHM
- Reul JMHM
- Reznikov AG
- Rickmann M
- Salas M
- Sandman CA
- Sands J
- Sapolsky RM
- Sapolsky RM
- Sapolsky RM
- Schneider ML
- Schneider ML
- Schneider ML
- Schneider ML
- Seckl JR
- Secoli SR
- Slotkin TA
- Smolders-de Haas H
- Snead OC
- Snead OCI
- Sperber EF
- Stott DH
- Sutanto W
- Takahashi LK
- Takahashi LK
- Takahashi LK
- Takahashi LK
- Towle AC
- Trautman PD
- Tuor UI
- Uno H
- Uno H
- Vallee M
- Van Eckelen JAM
- Vazquez DM
- Vicedomini JP
- Vicedomini JP
- W McIntyre Burnham
- Weinstock M
- Weinstock M
- Williams MT
- Yi SJ
- Publication venue
- 'Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)'
- Publication date
- Field of study