7 research outputs found


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    Caries prevalence four years after the end of a randomised controlled trial

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    This study measured dental caries in children after cessation of a 30-month randomised clinical trial in which the intervention group received supervised toothbrushing once a day at school with 1,000 ppm fluoride toothpaste and a home support package encouraging twice-daily toothbrushing. The non-intervention group did not brush at school or receive the home support package. Children were aged 5 years at baseline and were examined every 6 months during the trial, then at 6, 18, 30 and 54 months after the end of the trial. Significantly less caries developed in first permanent molars of intervention children at the end of the trial. Of the 428 children who were examined at the end of the trial 329 (77%) were examined 54 months later when the children were aged 12 years on average. The intervention group still had less caries (D3FS caries increment 1.62) than the non-intervention children (D3FS caries increment 2.65, p < 0.05). Prolonged benefits have been found for intervention children principally in less caries in first permanent molars. Further follow-up at an age when the second molars and premolars have all erupted will help determine whether this benefit is due to a long-term behavioural change or a prolonged biological effect