12 research outputs found
Effects of cytoplasmic inheritance on preweaning traits of Hereford cattle
- Author
- Alberts B
- Albuquerque LG
- Anderson S
- Ashley MV
- Boettcher PJ
- Boldman KG
- Brown DR
- Brown DR
- Carlos Alberto Mezzadra
- Cymbron T
- Eledath FM
- Gibson JP
- Guillermo Giovambattista
- Koehler CM
- Lilia Magdalena Melucci
- Lindberg GL
- Maniatis T
- Mannen H
- MarÃa Verónica RÃpoli
- Melucci LM
- Melucci LM
- Melucci LM
- Melucci LM
- Mirol PM
- Orita M
- Pablo Marcelo Corva
- Pedro Lirón
- Rohrer GA
- Ron M
- Rorato PR
- Roughsedge T
- Roughsedge T
- Schnitzenlehner S
- Schutz MM
- Schutz MM
- Sebastián López Valiente
- Tess MW
- Tess MW
- Tess MW
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
The making of an Islamist public sphere in Bangladesh
- Author
- Ahmad M
- Ahmed SAF
- Anisuzzaman M
- Ayoob M
- Bano M
- Bourdieu P
- Copson A
- De DP
- Eaton RM
- Eickelman DF
- Eisenstadt SN
- Habermas J
- Habermas J
- Habermas J
- Haq A
- Hirschkind C
- Huq M
- Iqbal I
- Kumar U
- Mahmood S
- Melucci A
- Nasr SVR
- Offe C
- Palczewski CH
- Putra ZI
- Rahman MM
- Riaz A
- Riaz A
- Riaz A
- Salehin MM
- Salvatore A
- Schendel WV
- Seligman A
- Shehabuddin E
- Uddin SM
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Military pollution in no war zone: The military representation in the local media
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Microwave-assisted synthesis of five-membered S-heterocycles
- Author
- A Bazgir
- A Ben-Alloum
- A Chawla
- A Chawla
- A Chilin
- A Das
- A Dubey
- A Ignat
- A Ignat
- A Jha
- A Michaut
- A Padwa
- A Rauf
- A Yadav
- AA Fadda
- AA Kiryanov
- AD Shinde
- AK Chakraborti
- AMS Youssef
- AP Frutos-Hoener
- AR Katritzky
- B Narsaiah
- B Perio
- C Balakumar
- CO Kappe
- CO Kappe
- CW Lindsley
- CW Phoon
- D Kini
- D Kumar
- D Sriram
- D Villemin
- D Visagaperumal
- E Akba
- E Kashiyama
- F Alexandre
- F Shi
- F Wiesbrock
- FR Alexandre
- GA Eller
- H Osman
- H Sheibani
- H Vorbruggen
- H Zhang
- H Zhou
- HA Oskooie
- HA Saad
- HJ Knolker
- HJ Nishino
- HL Maslen
- HM Hugel
- I Mohammadpoor-Baltork
- I Mohammadpoor-Baltork
- J Azizian
- J Liu
- J Marquie
- J Mohan
- JA Seijas
- K Asahi
- K Bougrin
- KG Baheti
- KG Baheti
- KG Desai
- L Yet
- LF Awad
- LS Varandas
- M Herranz
- M Melucci
- M Melucci
- M Raghavendra
- M Shiradkar
- M Shorey
- M Sridhar
- M Torok
- M Treu
- MAC Iqbal
- MM Ghorab
- MM Hashemi
- MM Heravi
- MM Heravi
- MM Heravi
- MM Heravi
- MM Hossain
- MM Youssef
- MMH Bhuiyan
- N Kaur
- N Saroja
- P Dev
- P Swaraj
- PS Baran
- PS Shisode
- R Dua
- R Fazaeli
- RD Dighe
- RF English
- RJ Boyce
- RM Faty
- RR Nagawade
- RW Sabnis
- S Alesi
- S Bharadwaj
- S Frere
- S Frère
- S Hesse
- S Kamila
- S Kamila
- S Moayed
- S Paul
- S Rostamizadeh
- S Shelke
- S-M Yang
- SA Chandra
- SB Kapratwar
- SG Johnson
- SG Mahler
- SHA Oskooie
- SJ Tu
- SJ Vaghasia
- SM Gomha
- SM Xiao
- T Besson
- T Besson
- T Lee
- T Nishio
- T Shigetomi
- V Beneteau
- V Polshettiwar
- V Polshettiwar
- W Huang
- X-J Mu
- Y Gong
- Z Zhao
- Z Zhao
- ZH Wang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Framing Processes and Social Movements: An Overview and Assessment
- Author
- Alinsky SD
- Aronson E
- Bateson G
- Campbell J
- d'Anjou L
- Fisher K
- Flam H
- Freudenberg WR
- Gamson WA
- Gamson WA
- Geertz C
- Gitlin T
- Goffman E
- Goffman E
- Gouldner AW
- Haines HH
- Jessup MM
- Johnson V
- Johnston H
- Johnston H
- Klandermans B
- Laraña E
- Maniscalco ML
- McCallion MJ
- Melucci A
- Morris AD
- Oliver P
- Paulsen R
- Rokeach M
- Rudé G
- Ryan C
- Schon DA
- Snow DA
- Snow DA
- Snow DA
- Tannen D
- Thompson JB
- Tuchman G
- Turner RH
- van Dijk TA
- Weed FJ
- Williams RH
- Williams RH
- Williams RM
- Wilson J
- Publication venue
- 'Annual Reviews'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Sleeping with the Enemy? Strategic Transformations in Business–NGO Relationships Through Stakeholder Dialogue
- Author
- A Carroll
- A Kourula
- A Melucci
- A Nijhof
- AL Friedman
- B Arts
- B King
- B Schiller
- C Valor
- CCJM Millar
- D Della Porta
- D Holtbrugge
- D Murphy
- D Owen
- DW Murphree
- E Collins
- F Hond den
- FGA Bakker de
- H Haines
- J Ahlstrom
- J Bendell
- J Frooman
- J Jonker
- J Kaler
- J LaFrance
- J Mason
- J Unerman
- Joanne Cook
- Jon Burchell
- JS Harrison
- KE Weick
- M Giugni
- M Huijstee van
- M Kaptein
- M Seitanidi
- MM Blair
- P Senge
- PM Senge
- R Mitchell
- R Steurer
- RE Freeman
- S Fineman
- S Sutherland Rahman
- S Waddock
- SL Payne
- T Donaldson
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Culture and Movement Strength from a Quantitative Perspective: A Partial Theory
- Author
- A Eagly
- A Giddens
- A Hahn
- A Melucci
- A Oberschall
- A Swidler
- A Swidler
- AF Chalmers
- AL Strauss
- B Baumgarten
- B Baumgarten
- B Baumgarten
- C Rootes
- C Tilly
- D della Porta
- D Fuchs
- D Imig
- D McAdam
- D Porta della
- D Rucht
- D Rucht
- D Rucht
- D Rucht
- D Sciulli
- D Snow
- DA Scheufele
- DH Wrong
- ES Clemens
- GA Almond
- H Johnston
- H Kriesi
- H Kriesi
- J Deth van
- JH Turner
- JM Jasper
- JW Creswell
- JW Creswell
- K Popper
- M Berezin
- M Foucault
- M Hamm
- M Kaase
- ML Small
- MM Ferree
- MR Lepsius
- N Ramid
- P Aelst van
- P Ullrich
- PK Eisinger
- R Inglehart
- R Koopmans
- R Koopmans
- R Koopmans
- RM Entman
- S Hitlin
- S Tarrow
- SH Schwartz
- T Parsons
- T Salman
- TAB Snijders
- U Kelle
- WA Gamson
- WR Scott
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
A bright future for organic field-effect transistors
- Author
- A Bachtold
- A Facchetti
- A Hepp
- AC Arias
- AG Cullis
- B Crone
- C Rost
- C Santato
- C Santato
- CD Dimitrakopoulos
- CT Kuo
- DJ Gundlach
- EJ Meijer
- F Cicoira
- F Cicoira
- F Dinelli
- F Dinelli
- G Barbarella
- G Malliaras
- G Walters
- H Sirringhaus
- J Reynaert
- J Swensen
- J Zaumseil
- JA Misewich
- JS Swensen
- K Tada
- LL Chua
- M Ahles
- M Feng
- M Feng
- M Freitag
- M Melucci
- MA Baldo
- MA Loi
- MH Yoon
- Michele Muccini
- MM Alam
- MS Gudiksen
- N Corcoran
- N Karl
- N Tessler
- P Peumans
- PRL Malenfant
- PT Furuta
- RJ Chesterfield
- RJ Walters
- S Verlaak
- SE Shaheen
- SM Bachilo
- SR Forrest
- T Oyamada
- T Oyamada
- T Sakanoue
- ThB Singh
- V Derycke
- X Duan
- X Liu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Grounding and comparing ecological habitus in environmental communities
- Author
- Anderson J.
- Barton H
- Bell M
- Bourdieu P
- Bourdieu P
- Bourdieu P
- Bourdieu P
- Brand P
- Carter A
- Cone JD
- Conrad JE
- Cresswell T
- Crossley N
- Dawson J
- Devall WB
- Dobson A
- Doherty B
- Doyle T
- Eckersley R
- Fairlie S
- Fox W
- Gaard GC
- Geus M
- Gordon U
- Graeber D
- Haluza-DeLay R
- Harris AP
- Hay PR
- Hillier J
- Horton DR
- Jackson H
- Jones B
- Kanter RM
- Kasper DVS
- Keitsch MM
- Laraña E
- Lefebvre H
- Macnaghten P
- McCright AM
- McGinnis MV
- Melucci A
- Melville K
- Merchant C
- Merrick. G
- Pakulski J
- Pepper D
- Pepper D
- Pickerill J
- Pickerill J
- Pickerill J
- Rigby A
- Sale K
- Scarce R
- Smith M
- Taylor BR
- Tilly C
- Tomalin E
- Zald MN
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Olefin-accelerated solid-state C–N cross-coupling reactions using mechanochemistry
- Author
- A Chartoire
- A Meijere
- A Stolle
- AM Belenguer
- AS Gajare
- B Basu
- B RodrÃguez
- BP Bandgar
- BP Hutchings
- CCC Johansson Seehurn
- CYK Chan
- D Tan
- DA Fulmer
- DJC Constable
- DW Old
- E Tulberg
- E Tullberg
- F Schneider
- F Schneider
- F Toda
- G Cravotto
- G Turkoglu
- GA Bowmaker
- GW Wang
- GW Wang
- IJS Fairlamb
- J Hernández
- J Hu
- JB Yu
- JF Hartwig
- JG Hernández
- JH Clark
- JL Do
- JL Howard
- JM DeSimone
- K Komatsu
- K Mandai
- K Tanaka
- KY Jia
- L Chen
- LM Klingensmith
- LndashL Li
- M Yamashita
- MM Melucci
- N Miyaura
- NJ Jeon
- NR Rightmire
- P Ruiz-Castillo
- QL Shao
- R Thorwirth
- RA Haley
- SL James
- SY Li
- T Yurino
- V Declerck
- V Strukil
- X Zhu
- Y Liang
- Y Zhao
- YT Su
- YX Shi
- ZJ Jiang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study