73 research outputs found

    Atomic force microscopy based nanoassay: A new method to study \u3b1-Synuclein-dopamine bioaffinity interactions

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    Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDPs) are characterized by the lack of well-defined 3-D structure and show high conformational plasticity. For this reason, they are a strong challenge for the traditional characterization of structure, supramolecular assembly and biorecognition phenomena. We show here how the fine tuning of protein orientation on a surface turns useful in the reliable testing of biorecognition interactions of IDPs, in particular \u3b1-Synuclein. We exploited atomic force microscopy (AFM) for the selective, nanoscale confinement of \u3b1-Synuclein on gold to study the early stages of \u3b1-Synuclein aggregation and the effect of small molecules, like dopamine, on the aggregation process. Capitalizing on the high sensitivity of AFM topographic height measurements we determined, for the first time in the literature, the dissociation constant of dopamine-\u3b1-Synuclein adducts

    Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Display No Preference for Chaperone Binding In Vivo

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    Intrinsically disordered/unstructured proteins (IDPs) are extremely sensitive to proteolysis in vitro, but show no enhanced degradation rates in vivo. Their existence and functioning may be explained if IDPs are preferentially associated with chaperones in the cell, which may offer protection against degradation by proteases. To test this inference, we took pairwise interaction data from high-throughput interaction studies and analyzed to see if predicted disorder correlates with the tendency of chaperone binding by proteins. Our major finding is that disorder predicted by the IUPred algorithm actually shows negative correlation with chaperone binding in E. coli, S. cerevisiae, and metazoa species. Since predicted disorder positively correlates with the tendency of partner binding in the interactome, the difference between the disorder of chaperone-binding and non-binding proteins is even more pronounced if normalized to their overall tendency to be involved in pairwise protein–protein interactions. We argue that chaperone binding is primarily required for folding of globular proteins, as reflected in an increased preference for chaperones of proteins in which at least one Pfam domain exists. In terms of the functional consequences of chaperone binding of mostly disordered proteins, we suggest that its primary reason is not the assistance of folding, but promotion of assembly with partners. In support of this conclusion, we show that IDPs that bind chaperones also tend to bind other proteins

    In-cell NMR characterization of the secondary structure populations of a disordered conformation of α-Synuclein within E. coli cells

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    α-Synuclein is a small protein strongly implicated in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease and related neurodegenerative disorders. We report here the use of in-cell NMR spectroscopy to observe directly the structure and dynamics of this protein within E. coli cells. To improve the accuracy in the measurement of backbone chemical shifts within crowded in-cell NMR spectra, we have developed a deconvolution method to reduce inhomogeneous line broadening within cellular samples. The resulting chemical shift values were then used to evaluate the distribution of secondary structure populations which, in the absence of stable tertiary contacts, are a most effective way to describe the conformational fluctuations of disordered proteins. The results indicate that, at least within the bacterial cytosol, α-synuclein populates a highly dynamic state that, despite the highly crowded environment, has the same characteristics as the disordered monomeric form observed in aqueous solution

    In-cell NMR in E. coli to Monitor Maturation Steps of hSOD1

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    In-cell NMR allows characterizing the folding state of a protein as well as posttranslational events at molecular level, in the cellular context. Here, the initial maturation steps of human copper, zinc superoxide dismutase 1 are characterized in the E. coli cytoplasm by in-cell NMR: from the apo protein, which is partially unfolded, to the zinc binding which causes its final quaternary structure. The protein selectively binds only one zinc ion, whereas in vitro also the copper site binds a non-physiological zinc ion. However, no intramolecular disulfide bridge formation occurs, nor copper uptake, suggesting the need of a specific chaperone for those purposes

    Lipid vesicles trigger α-synuclein aggregation by stimulating primary nucleation.

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    α-Synuclein (α-syn) is a 140-residue intrinsically disordered protein that is involved in neuronal and synaptic vesicle plasticity, but its aggregation to form amyloid fibrils is the hallmark of Parkinson's disease (PD). The interaction between α-syn and lipid surfaces is believed to be a key feature for mediation of its normal function, but under other circumstances it is able to modulate amyloid fibril formation. Using a combination of experimental and theoretical approaches, we identify the mechanism through which facile aggregation of α-syn is induced under conditions where it binds a lipid bilayer, and we show that the rate of primary nucleation can be enhanced by three orders of magnitude or more under such conditions. These results reveal the key role that membrane interactions can have in triggering conversion of α-syn from its soluble state to the aggregated state that is associated with neurodegeneration and to its associated disease states.This work was supported by the UK BBSRC and the Wellcome Trust (CMD, TPJK, MV), the Frances and Augustus Newman Foundation (TPJK), Magdalene College, Cambridge (AKB) , St John’s College, Cambridge (TCTM), the Cambridge Home and EU Scholarship Scheme (GM), Elan Pharmaceuticals (CMD, TPJK, MV, CG) and the Leverhulme Trust (AKB).This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from NPG at http://www.nature.com/nchembio/journal/v11/n3/abs/nchembio.1750.htm

    Combining Experiments and Simulations Using the Maximum Entropy Principle

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    A key component of computational biology is to compare the results of computer modelling with experimental measurements. Despite substantial progress in the models and algorithms used in many areas of computational biology, such comparisons sometimes reveal that the computations are not in quantitative agreement with experimental data. The principle of maximum entropy is a general procedure for constructing probability distributions in the light of new data, making it a natural tool in cases when an initial model provides results that are at odds with experiments. The number of maximum entropy applications in our field has grown steadily in recent years, in areas as diverse as sequence analysis, structural modelling, and neurobiology. In this Perspectives article, we give a broad introduction to the method, in an attempt to encourage its further adoption. The general procedure is explained in the context of a simple example, after which we proceed with a real-world application in the field of molecular simulations, where the maximum entropy procedure has recently provided new insight. Given the limited accuracy of force fields, macromolecular simulations sometimes produce results that are at not in complete and quantitative accordance with experiments. A common solution to this problem is to explicitly ensure agreement between the two by perturbing the potential energy function towards the experimental data. So far, a general consensus for how such perturbations should be implemented has been lacking. Three very recent papers have explored this problem using the maximum entropy approach, providing both new theoretical and practical insights to the problem. We highlight each of these contributions in turn and conclude with a discussion on remaining challenges

    The Effect of a ΔK280 Mutation on the Unfolded State of a Microtubule-Binding Repeat in Tau

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    Tau is a natively unfolded protein that forms intracellular aggregates in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease. To decipher the mechanism underlying the formation of tau aggregates, we developed a novel approach for constructing models of natively unfolded proteins. The method, energy-minima mapping and weighting (EMW), samples local energy minima of subsequences within a natively unfolded protein and then constructs ensembles from these energetically favorable conformations that are consistent with a given set of experimental data. A unique feature of the method is that it does not strive to generate a single ensemble that represents the unfolded state. Instead we construct a number of candidate ensembles, each of which agrees with a given set of experimental constraints, and focus our analysis on local structural features that are present in all of the independently generated ensembles. Using EMW we generated ensembles that are consistent with chemical shift measurements obtained on tau constructs. Thirty models were constructed for the second microtubule binding repeat (MTBR2) in wild-type (WT) tau and a ΔK280 mutant, which is found in some forms of frontotemporal dementia. By focusing on structural features that are preserved across all ensembles, we find that the aggregation-initiating sequence, PHF6*, prefers an extended conformation in both the WT and ΔK280 sequences. In addition, we find that residue K280 can adopt a loop/turn conformation in WT MTBR2 and that deletion of this residue, which can adopt nonextended states, leads to an increase in locally extended conformations near the C-terminus of PHF6*. As an increased preference for extended states near the C-terminus of PHF6* may facilitate the propagation of β-structure downstream from PHF6*, these results explain how a deletion at position 280 can promote the formation of tau aggregates

    Hi-C-constrained physical models of human chromosomes recover functionally-related properties of genome organization

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    Combining genome-wide structural models with phenomenological data is at the forefront of efforts to understand the organizational principles regulating the human genome. Here, we use chromosome-chromosome contact data as knowledge-based constraints for large-scale three-dimensional models of the human diploid genome. The resulting models remain minimally entangled and acquire several functional features that are observed in vivo and that were never used as input for the model. We find, for instance, that gene-rich, active regions are drawn towards the nuclear center, while gene poor and lamina associated domains are pushed to the periphery. These and other properties persist upon adding local contact constraints, suggesting their compatibility with non-local constraints for the genome organization. The results show that suitable combinations of data analysis and physical modelling can expose the unexpectedly rich functionally-related properties implicit in chromosome-chromosome contact data. Specific directions are suggested for further developments based on combining experimental data analysis and genomic structural modelling

    The N-Terminal residues 43 to 60 form the interface for dopamine mediated α-synuclein dimerisation

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    α-synuclein (α-syn) is a major component of the intracellular inclusions called Lewy bodies, which are a key pathological feature in the brains of Parkinson's disease patients. The neurotransmitter dopamine (DA) inhibits the fibrillisation of α-syn into amyloid, and promotes α-syn aggregation into SDS-stable soluble oligomers. While this inhibition of amyloid formation requires the oxidation of both DA and the methionines in α-syn, the molecular basis for these processes is still unclear. This study sought to define the protein sequences required for the generation of oligomers. We tested N- (α-syn residues 43-140) and C-terminally (1-95) truncated α-syn, and found that similar to full-length protein both truncated species formed soluble DA: α-syn oligomers, albeit 1-95 had a different profile. Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and the N-terminally truncated α-syn 43-140 protein, we analysed the structural characteristics of the DA:α-syn 43-140 dimer and α-syn 43-140 monomer and found the dimerisation interface encompassed residues 43 to 60. Narrowing the interface to this small region will help define the mechanism by which DA mediates the formation of SDS-stable soluble DA:α-syn oligomers

    Inhibition of alpha-synuclein fibrillization by dopamine is mediated by interactions with five C-terminal residues and with E83 in the NAC region

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    The interplay between dopamine and alpha-synuclein (AS) plays a central role in Parkinson's disease (PD). PD results primarily from a severe and selective devastation of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra pars compacta. The neuropathological hallmark of the disease is the presence of intraneuronal proteinaceous inclusions known as Lewy bodies within the surviving neurons, enriched in filamentous AS. In vitro, dopamine inhibits AS fibril formation, but the molecular determinants of this inhibition remain obscure. Here we use molecular dynamic (MD) simulations to investigate the binding of dopamine and several of its derivatives onto conformers representative of an NMR ensemble of AS structures in aqueous solution. Within the limitations inherent to MD simulations of unstructured proteins, our calculations suggest that the ligands bind to the (125)YEMPS(129) region, consistent with experimental findings. The ligands are further stabilized by long-range electrostatic interactions with glutamate 83 (E83) in the NAC region. These results suggest that by forming these interactions with AS, dopamine may affect AS aggregation and fibrillization properties. To test this hypothesis, we investigated in vitro the effects of dopamine on the aggregation of mutants designed to alter or abolish these interactions. We found that point mutations in the (125)YEMPS(129) region do not affect AS aggregation, which is consistent with the fact that dopamine interacts non-specifically with this region. In contrast, and consistent with our modeling studies, the replacement of glutamate by alanine at position 83 (E83A) abolishes the ability of dopamine to inhibit AS fibrillization
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