4 research outputs found

    Stanovenie bielkovín v rôznych krmivách metódou in sacco v porovnaní s metódou CNCPS

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    The aim of this study was to determine the correlations between the output parameters of the in sacco method and the CNCPS method (Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System). Both methods were tested on 106 samples from the feeds classified into following categories: extracted meal and cakes, cereals, legumes, maize and alfalfa silage, other silages, DDGS (dried distiller’s grains with solubles), oilseeds and various hays. The effective degradability of crude protein (EDg CP) by the in sacco method varied depending on the type of feed from 44.97% (hays) to 82.59% (alfalfa silage). The lowest degradation parameter of rapidly degraded fraction (a=24.3%) and the highest potentially degraded fraction (b=70.52%) were found in oilseeds. Five nitrogen fractions (A, B1, B2, B3, C) were determined according to the CNCPS method. Fraction A (NPN – non-protein nitrogen) was different in examined feed with the highest in silages (44.95% of the total CP). Fraction B2 represented in tested feeds the highest part of the total CP, (except for silages, legumes, and oilseeds). Fraction B3 ranged from 1.96% (legumes) to 19.25% (hays) of the total CP. The correlation between EDg CP and soluble fractions was low (r=0.5464) in concentrate feeds, the correlation between EDg and soluble fractions was (r=0.6323) also low in forages.Cieľom tohto príspevku bolo stanoviť korelačné vzťahy medzi výstupnými parametrami metódy in sacco a metódy CNCPS (Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System). Metódy in sacco a CNCPS boli testované na rôznych krmivách (n=106). Krmivá boli rozdelené do jednotlivých kategórií: extrahované šroty a výlisky, obilniny, strukoviny, kukuričná a lucernová siláž, ostatné siláže, DDGS (sušené liehovarnícke výpalky s rozpustnými zložkami), olejniny a rôzne seno. Efektívna degradovateľnosť dusíkatých látok (EDg N-látok) metódou in sacco sa pohybovala v závislosti od typu krmiva od 44,97 % (seno) do 82,59 % (lucernová siláž). Najnižší parameter rozpustnej a degradovateľnej frakcie (a) a najvyššia nerozpustná a degradovateľná frakcia (b) bola zistená v olejnatých semenách (70,52 %). Päť dusíkových frakcií (A, B1, B2, B3, C) bolo stanovených podľa metódy CNCPS. Frakcia A (NPN - nebielkovinový dusík) bola v skúmanom krmive odlišná, najvyššia v silážach (44,94 % z celkových dusíkatých látok). Frakcia B2 predstavovala v testovaných krmivách najvyšší podiel z celkových dusíkatých látok, okrem siláží. Frakcia B3 sa pohybovala od 1,96 % (strukoviny) do 19,25 % (seno) z celkových dusíkatých látok. Korelácia pre jadrové krmivá medzi EDg N-látok a rozpustnými frakciami bola slabá (r=0,5464). Podobne to bolo aj u objemových krmív, kde korelácia medzi EDg N-látok a rozpustnými frakciami bola r=0,6323


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    Horse breeding program is based on an assessment of their exterior, and is largely influenced by the performance. The objective of the work was to analyze the performance characteristics of cold-blooded horses in Slovakia using test of performance characteristics through carriage race. By evaluating the higher forms of utility control we concluded that scores in individual disciplines were very balanced during 2005-2008, which was due to a steady track of the horses involved and the carriagers. By increasing the number of new horses and new competitors in 2009 the average value of scores marked substantial deterioration, but this cannot be seen as degradation of performance of studied horses. By analysis of the factors affecting the score we found out, that gender as the only factor, did not have any significant impact on the studied disciplines of utility control. Carriager and the year of competition were amongst the factors mostly influencing the score. As the most successful line, whose representatives were most frequently and best ranked on the carriage races, we can choose the line of Bayard de Heredia. Its seven representatives participated in the period 2005-2011 altogether for 141-times and their average ranking ranged from 2.2 to 5.4

    Nutrition of People with Celiac Disease

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    Abstract Cereals and legumes rank among the most important group of crop plant production. The aim of this paper was to point out the suitability of cereals and legumes in the diet of people living with an autoimmune disease of the small intestine, the celiac disease. Cereals match the best current ideas of healthy and balanced diet and provide decisive part of the energy intake from food in human nutrition and no small share from the total protein intake. Some cereals contain celiac active polypeptides and in susceptible individuals cause allergic reactions. Celiac active ingredients are found in the prolamin fraction. If the content of prolamine is in an amount of 4-8%, the products can be considered appropriate for the celiac diet. Wheat, barley, rye and oat should be excluded from the diet, if a person has confirmed celiac disease. On a worldwide basis, legumes contribute to about one-third of humankind's direct protein intake. Legumes also accumulate natural products (secondary metabolites) such as isoflavonoids that are considered beneficial to human health through anticancer and other health-promoting activities. The biggest advantage of legumes is that they are gluten-free and are suitable for gluten-free diet

    Effect of mechanical processing of ce­reals on rumen starch degradability

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    Although starch in cereal grain is almost completely digested in the whole digestive tract, the rate and extent of ruminal degradation and fermentation vary widely with grain source and cereal processing. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of particle size (≤ 1.4, 1.5–2.5, 2.6–3.0 and > 3.0 mm) of mechanically processed wheat, barley and maize on ruminal degradation of starch. Standardized in sacco method was used to determine the degradation of starch in mechanically processed grains with incubation times of 0, 3, 6, 9, 16, 24, and 48 hours for maize, respectivelly. Significant differences of starch effective degradability (EDg) were determined among experimental feeds as well as dependence on particle size of feeds. Among cereals, wheat had the highest effective starch de­gra­da­bi­li­ty (83.0–95.2%), the lowest was found for maize (52.1–76.1%). Effective degradability of starch was the highest for the smallest particles (≤ 1.4 mm), 95.2 for wheat, 91.2 for barley and 76.1% for maize. The effective degradability of starch was decreased with enlarging of particle size of used grains. These results indicate that optimal degree is coarsely grinding, because larger particles increased passage of starch to the duodenum