52 research outputs found

    Visualizing the Human Subcortex Using Ultra-high Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Phase equilibria and thermodynamics of the Fe-Al-C system: Critical evaluation, experiment and thermodynamic optimization

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    In order to provide an efficient tool to design alloy chemistry and processing conditions for high-strength, lightweight steel, an investigation of the Fe-Al-C ternary system was carried out by experimental phase diagram measurement and a CALPHAD thermodynamic analysis. Discrepancies between previously available experimental results and thermodynamic calculations were identified. The Fe-Al sub-binary system was re-optimized in order to obtain an accurate description of the liquid phase, while Gibbs energies of solid phases were mainly taken from a previous thermodynamic modeling. Phase equilibria among face-centered cubic (fcc)/body-centered cubic (bcc)/graphite/K-carbide/liquid phases in the Fe-Al-C system in the temperature range from 1000 to 1400 degrees C were obtained by chemical equilibration followed by quenching, and subsequent composition analysis using electron probe microanalysis/inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy. By merging the revised Fe-Al binary description with existing Fe-C and Al-C binary descriptions, a complete thermodynamic description of the Fe-Al-C system was obtained in the present study. The modified quasi-chemical model in the pair approximation was used to model the liquid phase, while solid solutions were modeled using compound energy formalism. A2/B2 order/disorder transition in the bcc phase was taken into account. Compared with previously known experiments/thermodynamic modeling, a better agreement was obtained in the present study, regarding the stable region of fcc and the solidification thermal peak of a ternary alloy near the liquidus temperature. The obtained thermodynamic description also reproduced various types of experimental data in the Fe-Al-C system such as isothermal sections, vertical sections, liquidus projection, etc. The solidification of various steel grades was predicted and discussed. (C) 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.X112420Nsciescopu

    Aluminum Deoxidation Equilibria in Liquid Iron: Part II. Thermodynamic Modeling

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    Al deoxidation equilibria in liquid iron over the whole composition range from very low Al ([pct Al] = 0.0027) to almost pure liquid Al were thermodynamically modeled for the first time using the Modified Quasichemical Model in the pair approximation for the liquid phase. The present modeling is distinguished from previous approaches in many ways. First, very strong attractions between metallic components, Fe and Al, and non-metallic component, O, were taken into account explicitly in terms of Short-Range Ordering. Second, the present thermodynamic modeling does not distinguish solvent and solutes among metallic components, and the model calculation can be applied from pure liquid Fe to pure liquid Al. Therefore, this approach is thermodynamically self-consistent, contrary to the previous approaches using interaction parameter formalism. Third, the present thermodynamic modeling describes an integral Gibbs energy of the liquid alloy in the framework of CALPHAD; therefore, it can be further used to develop a multicomponent thermodynamic database for liquid steel. Fourth, only a small temperature-independent parameter for ternary liquid was enough to account for the Al deoxidation over wide concentration (0.0027 < [pct Al] < 100) and wide temperature range [1823 K to 2139 K (1550 A degrees C to 1866 A degrees C)]. Gibbs energies of Fe-O and Al-O binary liquid solutions at metal-rich region (up to oxide saturation) were modeled, and relevant model parameters were optimized. By merging these Gibbs energy descriptions with that of Fe-Al binary liquid modeled by the same modeling approach, the Gibbs energy of ternary Fe-Al-O solution at metal-rich region was obtained along with one small ternary parameter. It was shown that the present model successfully reproduced all available experimental data for the Al deoxidation equilibria. Limit of previously used interaction parameter formalism at high Al concentration is discussed.1196sciescopu

    Aluminum Deoxidation Equilibria in Liquid Iron: Part I. Experimental

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    In order to provide accurate information for refining of steel containing more than 1 mass pct Al, previously known information about Al deoxidation equilibria in liquid iron was critically reviewed. New Al deoxidation equilibria, Al and O contents in liquid iron in equilibrium with solid Al2O3 were measured at 1873 K and 1923 K (1600 degrees C and 1650 degrees C) over the whole Al composition range, 0.0027 < [pct Al] < 100. In order to secure the deoxidation equilibria, in the present study, the Al deoxidation experiments were carried out by employing three different methods: (1) traditional Al deoxidation by the addition of Al into Fe-O alloys, (2) oxidation of Al in Fe-Al alloys by the addition of Fe2O3 as an oxygen source, and (3) addition of CaO flux for an effective removal of suspended Al2O3 inclusions in liquid alloys containing high Al. In addition, in the present study, the O solubility limit in pure Al melt in equilibrium with solid Al2O3 was also measured in the temperature range from 1673 K to 1873 K (1400 degrees C to 1600 degrees C). The present experimental results provide a complete set of Al deoxidation equilibria in liquid iron which may be useful for the estimation of residual oxygen level and alumina inclusion formation in high Al steel processing. Interaction parameter formalism, which was originally proposed by Wagner and Chipman and has been widely used to interpret the Al deoxidation equilibria in liquid iron, was found to be inapplicable. Limitation of the interaction parameter formalism at high Al content in liquid Fe was discussed. (C) The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 20151187Nsciescopu

    Tissue distribution and excretion kinetics of orally administered silica nanoparticles in rats

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    Jeong-A Lee,1 Mi-Kyung Kim,1 Hee-Jeong Paek,1 Yu-Ri Kim,2 Meyoung-Kon Kim,2 Jong-Kwon Lee,3 Jayoung Jeong,3 Soo-Jin Choi1 1Department of Food Science and Technology, Seoul Women&rsquo;s University, Seoul, Republic of Korea; 2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Korea University Medical School and College, Seoul, Republic of Korea; 3Toxicological Research Division, National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation, Chungchungbuk&ndash;do, Republic of Korea Purpose: The effects of particle size on the tissue distribution and excretion kinetics of silica nanoparticles and their biological fates were investigated following a single oral administration to male and female rats. Methods: Silica nanoparticles of two different sizes (20 nm and 100 nm) were orally administered to male and female rats, respectively. Tissue distribution kinetics, excretion profiles, and fates in tissues were analyzed using elemental analysis and transmission electron microscopy. Results: The differently sized silica nanoparticles mainly distributed to kidneys and liver for 3 days post-administration and, to some extent, to lungs and spleen for 2 days post-administration, regardless of particle size or sex. Transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy studies in tissues demonstrated almost intact particles in liver, but partially decomposed particles with an irregular morphology were found in kidneys, especially in rats that had been administered 20 nm nanoparticles. Size-dependent excretion kinetics were apparent and the smaller 20 nm particles were found to be more rapidly eliminated than the larger 100 nm particles. Elimination profiles showed 7%&ndash;8% of silica nanoparticles were excreted via urine, but most nanoparticles were excreted via feces, regardless of particle size or sex. Conclusion: The kidneys, liver, lungs, and spleen were found to be the target organs of orally-administered silica nanoparticles in rats, and this organ distribution was not affected by particle size or animal sex. In vivo, silica nanoparticles were found to retain their particulate form, although more decomposition was observed in kidneys, especially for 20 nm particles. Urinary and fecal excretion pathways were determined to play roles in the elimination of silica nanoparticles, but 20 nm particles were secreted more rapidly, presumably because they are more easily decomposed. These findings will be of interest to those seeking to predict potential toxicological effects of silica nanoparticles on target organs. Keywords: biological fate, size effect, target orga

    Physicochemical properties of surface charge-modified ZnO nanoparticles with different particle sizes

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    Kyoung-Min Kim,1 Mun-Hyoung Choi,2 Jong-Kwon Lee,3 Jayoung Jeong,3 Yu-Ri Kim,4 Meyoung-Kon Kim,4 Seung-Min Paek,2 Jae-Min Oh1 1Department of Chemistry and Medical Chemistry, College of Science and Technology, Yonsei University, Gangwon-do, 2Department of Chemistry, Kyungpook National University, Taegu, 3Toxicological Research Division, National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation, Chungchungbuk-do, 4Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Korea University Medical School and College, Seoul, South Korea Abstract: In this study, four types of standardized ZnO nanoparticles were prepared for assessment of their potential biological risk. Powder-phased ZnO nanoparticles with different particle sizes (20 nm and 100 nm) were coated with citrate or L-serine to induce a negative or positive surface charge, respectively. The four types of coated ZnO nanoparticles were subjected to physicochemical evaluation according to the guidelines published by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. All four samples had a well crystallized Wurtzite phase, with particle sizes of ~30 nm and ~70 nm after coating with organic molecules. The coating agents were determined to have attached to the ZnO surfaces through either electrostatic interaction or partial coordination bonding. Electrokinetic measurements showed that the surface charges of the ZnO nanoparticles were successfully modified to be negative (about &minus;40 mV) or positive (about +25 mV). Although all the four types of ZnO nanoparticles showed some agglomeration when suspended in water according to dynamic light scattering analysis, they had clearly distinguishable particle size and surface charge parameters and well defined physicochemical properties. Keywords: ZnO nanoparticles, surface coating, surface charge, particle size, physicochemical propertie