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16 research outputs found
First report of cercospora leaf spot on Swiss chard caused by Cercospora beticola in Turkey
El-Kazzaz MK
Kim JD
Nyvall RF
Rossi V
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Suppression of sugar beet damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani
Al-Laithy BEA
Amer F. Mahmoud
+17 more
Asaka O
Baker KF
Benítez T
Buchanan RE
Chet I
Chu FF
El-Kazzaz MK
El-Kazzaz MK
Georgakopoulos DG
Mahmoud AF
Mahmoud AF
Mahmoud AFA
Melo IS
Mosa AA
Skinner FA
Tapio E
Vargas R
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Effect of temperature on infection and development of powdery mildew on cucumber
Analytis S
Branzati B
+21 more
Braun U
Braun U
Burnham KP
Cheah LH
Corbaz R
El‐Ammari SS
El‐Kazzaz MK
Endo T
Gupta SK
Jarvis WR
Lebeda A
Madden LV
Morejón NG
Nagy GS
Pirondi A
Pugliese M
Rudich J
Schlosser E
Tomason Y
Ulbrich A
Velkov N
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
كيمياء المعادن والخصائص الجيوكيميائية لجرانيت جبل فلات ، جنوب الصحراء الشرقية، مصر
A. A. Emam
AA Hussein
+44 more
AF Kamel
AM Abdel Rahman
AM Noweir
BW Chappell
DJ Henry
DM Shaw
E Zen
E. M. Abdel Rahman
EB Watson
EC Jowett
H Nachit
JA Pearce
JA Pearce
JB Whalen
JJW Rogers
JJW Rogers
JV Smith
KC Condie
LA Bettison
M Cathelineau
M Stone
MA Hassan
MA Takla
MG Abdelsalam
MH Hey
MK Akaad
MM Sayed El
MP Roberts
N. M. Moghazy
RJ Stern
RJ Stern
RM Shackleton
RO Greiling
RS Taylor
RW Maitre Le
S Gaby El
S Gaby El
S Gaby El
SM Berhe
SR Taylor
WA Deer
YA Kazzaz
YA Kazzaz El
YK Bentor
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Species spectrum, host range and distribution of powdery mildews on Cucurbitaceae in Crete
Abiko K
Amano K
+26 more
Angelov D
Ballantyne B
Boesewinkel HJ
Braun U
Clare BG
Demetriades S
El-Ammari SS
El-Kazzaz MK
Elencov E
Groot SPC
Ibrahim IF
Janke C
Junell L
Lebeda A
Mazzanti D
McCreight JD
Molot PM
Nagy GS
Pantidou ME
Reifschneider FJB
Robinson RW
Schlosser E
Sokolov YV
Ullasa BA
Yarwood CE
Zaracovitis C
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Effect of inoculum density of Stromatinia cepivora on the amount of white rot reduced by Trichoderma species in garlic
A Walker
AA Abd El-Razik
+52 more
AA Abd El-Razik
AR Entwistle
AR Entwistle
AR Entwistle
C Dilbo
C Hexon
CMF Pinto
D Ulacio-Osorio
DA Metcalf
DH Francisco
DK Bell
DL Palmero
E Coventry
E Peyghami
EA Slade
GE Harman
H Gajera
IE Elshahawy
IE Elshahawy
IE Elshahawy
IE Elshahawy
J Monreal
JP Clarkson
JR Coley-Smith
JR Coley-Smith
KL McLean
KL McLean
KL McLean
M El-Sheshtawi
MA Rifai
ME Shalaby
MHY Hovius
MK El-Kazzaz
NT Lee
R Hammerschmidt
R Mahdizadehnaraghi
R Sharma
RJ Wood
RS Utkhede
RS Utkhede
S Zeray
SJ Kay
T Benítez
T Watanabe
T Zewide
TH Abd El-Moity
TH Abd-El-Moity
VL Oliveira De
Y Bashan
YA Harrison
Z Tamire
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Field application of selected bacterial strains and their combinations for controlling onion and garlic white rot disease caused by Stromatinia cepivora
AA Abd-Elbaky
AA Abd-Elrazik
+36 more
AA Abd-Elrazik
AE Elsherbiny
AH McCain
CP Gupta
CR Howell
D Ulacio-Osorio
F Crowe
FF Araujo
HD Brix
IE Elshahawy
IE Elshahawy
JP Clarkson
JR Coley-Smith
JR Coley-Smith
JW Kloepper
KL McLean
KS Yobo
LF Johnson
M El-Sheshtawi
ME Shalaby
MK El-Kazzaz
N Sallam
NR Krieg
OM Mousa
P Sharma
P Vidhyasekaran
PB Adams
R Guetsky
R Mahdizadehnaraghi
RA Lelliott
S Samavat
S Vanitha
SA Hunger
T Stein
T Zewide
WJ Dowson
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Root infection of sugar beet by Cercospora beticola in a climate chamber and in the field
A Sesma
Aad J. Termorshuizen
+33 more
B Holtschulte
CJ Cooperman
CM Nagel
CN Giannopolitis
DJ Gaag van der
DJ Gaag van der
DS Meredith
E Knapp
E Schürnbrand
EG Ruppel
F Koch
GA Payne
GA Payne
HJ Koch
J Vereijssen
J Vereijssen
Jessica Vereijssen
JH Oude Voshaar
Johannes H. M. Schneider
LW Carlson
MB McKay
MK El-Kazzaz
NO Frandsen
NRX Nazareno de
O Elen
P Battilani
R Meijden van der
RA Kilpatrick
RO Alabi
S Soylu
v. O Plotho
W Mischke
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Species spectra, distribution and host range of cucurbit powdery mildews in the Czech Republic, and in some other European and Middle Eastern countries
A Lebeda
A Lebeda
+51 more
A Lebeda
A Lebeda
A Lebeda
A Pérez-Garcia
Aleš Lebeda
AR Davis
B Sedláková
BA Ullasa
BC Sutton
Božena Sedláková
C Janke
C Paulech
D Angelov
DB Letham
DJ Vakalounakis
DJ Vakalounakis
DW Hollomon
E Křístková
E Křístková
E Křístková
E Schlosser
Eva Křístková
F Bertrand
FJB Reifschneider
GS Nagy
IF Ibrahim
J Moravec
J Rudich
JA Tores Montosa
JD McCreight
JD McCreight
K Hosoya
KA Zeller
LH Cheah
M Bardin
M Bardin
M Jahn
MA Mazzanti de Castańón
MK El-Kazzaz
MT McGrath
N Shishkoff
R Cohen
RW Sitterly
RY Zheng
S Matsuda
SS El-Ammari
T Montoro
U Braun
U Braun
YF Mohamed
YV Sokolov
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Transgenic Strawberry (Fragaria Species)
A Kader
A Martinelli
+73 more
A Testoni
AM Nuutila
B Barritt
C Chang
D Becker
DJ Garfinkel
DJ James
DJ James
DJ Wolyn
F Basiouny
F Jungnickel
FW Studier
G An
G Jelenkovic
G Jelenkovic
H Asao
H Gooding
H Mathews
H Mathews
H Toyoda
HJ Swartz
I Mansouri El
I Zabetakis
I Zabetakis
IV Popova
J Graham
JA Hughes
JA Hughes
JF Hancock
JJ Doyle
JL Plaza De la
JM Lopez-Aranda
JS Cameron
JS Cameron
JS Cameron
K Finstad
K Manning
K Waithaka
KM Haymes
M Marcotrigiano
M Nyman
MG Kramer
MK El-Kazzaz
NS Nehra
NS Nehra
NS Nehra
NS Nehra
NS Nehra
OL Gamborg
OP Jones
P Perkins-Veazie
R Beachy
R Jefferson
R Stewart
R Theiler-Hedtrich
RB Horsch
RS Bringhurst
S Cordes
S Khanizadeh
S Poethig
S Sansavini
S Sorvari
SL Uratsu
T Murashige
TM Sjulin
V Irsh
V Kondakova
W Hondelman
W Sawahel
X Good
Y Nogata
ZR Liu
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text