8 research outputs found

    Ultraviolet photoconductive devices with an n-GaN nanorodgraphene hybrid structure synthesized by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition

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    The superior photoconductive behavior of a simple, cost-effective n-GaN nanorod (NR)-graphene hybrid device structure is demonstrated for the first time. The proposed hybrid structure was synthesized on a Si (111) substrate using the high-quality graphene transfer method and the relatively low-temperature metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) process with a high V/III ratio to protect the graphene layer from thermal damage during the growth of n-GaN nanorods. Defect-free n-GaN NRs were grown on a highly ordered graphene monolayer on Si without forming any metal-catalyst or droplet seeds. The prominent existence of the undamaged monolayer graphene even after the growth of highly dense n-GaN NRs, as determined using Raman spectroscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), facilitated the excellent transport of the generated charge carriers through the photoconductive channel. The highly matched n-GaN NR-graphene hybrid structure exhibited enhancement in the photocurrent along with increased sensitivity and photoresponsivity, which were attributed to the extremely low carrier trap density in the photoconductive channelclose00

    Vibrational Mode-Specific Ultrafast Photodissociation Dynamics of Chlorine Dioxide in Solution

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    Hydrogen-decorated lattice defects in proton implanted GaN

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    Several vibrational bands were observed near 3100 cm(-1) in GaN that had been implanted with hydrogen at room temperature and subsequently annealed, Our results indicate that these bands are due to nitrogen-dangling-bond defects created by the implantation that an decorated by hydrogen, The frequencies are close to those predicted recently for V-Ga-H-n complexes, leading us to tentatively assign the new lines to V-Ga defects decorated with different numbers of H atoms. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(98)03614-6]

    Metal Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy for the Growth of Semiconductor Structures and Strained Layers

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    The technological development of semiconductor materials started in the period following the second world war. In the electronics industry, the first transistors were fabricated from germanium, later from silicon. It was soon realized that also the AIIIā€“BV or AII ā€“ BVI materials (most often simply termed IIIā€“V or IIā€“VI materials) exhibited semiconductive behaviour. The energy difference between the valence band and the conduction band made them candidates for electronic devices which can absorb or emit phonons over a range of frequencies (wavelengths). Direct bandgap materials such as gallium arsenide (GaAs) were suitable for devices in which efficient electron-hole recombinations could take place and high efficiency light emitting devices were a possibility. Stimulated emission was first demonstrated in 1970 with the preparation of the single heterojunction and the double heterojunction laser diodes. These devices are multiple layer structures with a thin waveguide region contained between layers of larger bandgap and different refractive index (for confinement of carriers and radiation, respectively, in the active region). A basic laser diode chip consists of two parallel facets, (110) planes, which are prepared by cleavage and act as mirrors. The Fabry-Perot cavity is defined by these two parallel facets and the passive (cladding) layers. In the longitudinal direction current definition is by mesa etching and/or stripe-contact metallization