42 research outputs found

    Gestational diabetes reduces motor neurons of spinal cord in 4, 8 and 12 weeks rat offspring

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    Background and Objective: Previous studies have shown the adverse effects of gestational diabetes on hippocampal neuron density in animal model. This study was conducted to determine the effect of gestational diabetes on number of motor neuron in the ventral horns of spinal cord in 4, 8 and 12 weeks rat offspring. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 30 Wistar dams were randomly allocated in control and diabetic groups. Dams in diabetic group were received 40 mg/kg/bw of streptozotocin (STZ) at the first day of gestational day (GD) and control group were received an equivalent volume normal saline, intraperitoneally. Six offspring of cases and controls were randomly selected at the 4, 8, 12 postnatal weeks. Postnatal rats were scarified and sections (6 micrometer) were taken from the cervical part of spinal cord, stained by cresyl violet. A photograph of sections was produced using an Olympus BX51 microscope and a DP12 digital camera. The number of motor neurons in the right ventral horns of spinal cord was evaluated in 100000 μm2 area of spinal cord using OLYSIA Autobioreport software. Results: The number of motor neurons in 4 weeks rat offspring were reduced (24.90%) in gestational diabetics compared to controls (17.16±0.5 vs22.85±2.1, P<0.05). The motor neurons in 8 weeks rat offspring were reduced (32.95%) in gestational diabetics in comparison with controls (17.70±1.7 vs26.40±2.0, P<0.05). Also, the number of motor neurons in 12 weeks rat offspring were reduced (24.38%) in gestational diabetics in comparison with controls (17.83±0.7 vs23.58±1.4, P<0.05). Conclusion: The uncontrolled gestational diabetes reduces the number of motor neurons in the ventral horn of spinal cord in rat offspring

    Neural Tube Defects in Native Fars Ethnicity in Northern Iran

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    &quot;nBackground: Neural tube defects (NTD) are one of the leading causes of infant mortality worldwide. This study was de&amp;shy;signed to determine the prevalence of NTDs among native Fars ethnic groups during 1998-2005, and to identify maternal and demographic factors associated with NTDs. &quot;nMethods: We performed a descriptive cross-sectional hospital-based study in Dezyani Hospital, Gorgan, North of Iran, since January 1998 until December 2005. The design was based on a sample of 30,639 births of native Fars ethnic groups. Data were analyzed by using spss V13.5 software and were compared with the chi-square test.&quot;nResults: The prevalence of NTDs in Native Fars during the 8-year period was 25.4 per 10000 births (95% confidence inter&amp;shy;val: 20.1-31.8). The prevalence of NTDs was 20.6/10000 and 30.6/10000 in males and females respectively but this differ&amp;shy;ence was not significant. The prevalence of spina bifida, anencephaly and encephalocele were 12.7, 11.4 and 1.3 per 10000 respec&amp;shy;tively. The rate of NTD was 48.9/10000 in newborns with mothers aged &amp;gt; 35 years. The highest rate of NTDs and spina bi&amp;shy;fida was in 2002. The highest and lowest rate of anencephaly was in 2005 and 2003 respectively. Twenty eight percent of the parents had consanguineous marriages. Degree relatedness 3, 4, 5 and 6 of consanguineous marriages were 12.8%, 9%, 3.8%, 2.5%, respectively. Also 47.5% of the parents resided in rural areas.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;&quot;nConclusion: This investigation showed that the rate of NTDs in Native Fars was higher in Iran. In addition, this rate is higher than the Canada and Ukraine and lower than Chinese people

    Low birth weight and some factors affect it in newborns (Gorgan 1996)

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    Low birth weight (LBW) is the main known determinant mortality in under 1 year old children particularly in neonates. The aim of this research is to study the rate of LBW and evaluation of some effective factors in LBW, such as: Difference races, residential conditions, maternal age, parity. This research is analytic-descriptive and cross-sectional study. The study population consists of 2183 newborns that are given birth in Dezyani Hospital during 1996. These samples were chosen by systemic randomized technic (3:1). Information was gathered by a questionnaire. The findings show that LBW rate was 6.3% in population under study, which in male and female newborns were 5.7% and 6.9% respectively. The LBW rates in newborns with mothers age?18 years old and those with ?35 years were 1.8% and 1.4% folds higher than LBW rates for newborns with mothers age 19-35 years. The LBW percentage for primiparous women were 1.9 folds to multiparous who had 2-4 deliveries. LBW rates for newborns with Systanie race were approximately 1.8 folds higher than newborns with Torkman ethnic. The results of this study indicate factors such as: Maternal age, race, parity, affect on LBW rates

    Pattern and risk factors of cryptorchidism in Gorgan, northern Iran

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    Background and Objective: Cryptorchidism or undescending testis is a developmental defect and occurred in 2-4% of male newborns. This study was done to determine the pattern and risk factors of cryptorchidism in Gorgan, northern Iran. Methods: In this cohort study, 2851 male newborns were examined for cryptorchidism at the birth and follow up for one year after birth in Dezyani referral teaching hospital in Gorgan, northern Iran during April 2010 - December 2011. Mother ethnicity, working in farmland, addiction, consanguinity, age, infant maturity and birth weight were recorded for each subject. Results: The rate of cryptorchidism was 18.9 per 1000 live birth. Bilateral and unilateral cryptorchidism was 11.7 and 7.1 per 1000, respectively. The rate of cryptorchidism in preterm newborns (30 per 1000) was significantly higher than the term (20 per 1000) and post term (11.4 per 1000) newborns (P<0.05). The Mean±SD of newborns weight with unilateral cryptorchidism (3024±537grams) was significantly lower than the healthy newborns (3253±489 grams) (P<0.05). The rate of cryptorchidism in Turkmens (10 per 1000 births) was significantly lower than Fars (21 per 1000 births) and Sistani (23 per 1000 births) newborns (P<0.05). One year Follow up of newborns showed that 41 (77.3%) testes were descent to scrotum. Conclusion: Low births weight, prematurity and ethnicity are the main risk factors of cryptorchidism in northern Iran

    Incidence of birth defects in Golestan province

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    Background and Objective: Birth defects are important causes of childhood morbidity and disability. This study was done to determine the incidence and pattern of birth defects in live birth in cities of Golestan province, north of Iran. Methods: This descriptive study was carried out on 92420 live births in 13 hospitals in Golestan province, northern Iran from 21 January 2008 to 20 March 2011. The newborns were examined for the presence of birth defects. Gender, type of birth defects and residency of parents according to city in Golestan province was recorded for each newborn. Results: The incidence rate of birth defects, in Gorgan, Kordkoy, Aliabad and Gonbad was 20.46, 12.53, 10.86, and 8.99 per 1,000 live births, respectively. The incidence rate of birth defects western area (including Kordkoy, Bandargaz and Kordkoy), center (Gorgan, Capital city) and eastern area (including Aliabad, Gonbad, Minodasht and Kalaleh) of Golestan province) was 9.3, 20.46 and 8.79 per 1,000 live births, respectively. Cardiovascular anomaly was the most frequent birth defects. Conclusion: The incidence rate of birth defects varies in diferent area of Golestan provine and overally was lower than the other region in Iran

    Histologic grading of breast cancers

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Histologic grading is one of the prognostic factors in breast cancer. The present study performed in analytic descriptive method and based on the slide review of beast biopsies received in the pathology department of 5th Azar Hospital from 1976 to 1978, and on the basis of Bloom-Richardson criteria (Mitoses, tubule formation and nuclear pleomorphism). The results are consist of: 1) Infiltrating duct carcinoma is the most common histopathologic form, and tubular carcinoma is the least common 2) The most common age is 36-45 years 3) There is meaningful relationship between mitoses and tubule formation and between pleomorphism and tubule formation. But there is no relation between nuclear pleomorphism and tubule formation in the tumor. Histologic grading of breast carcinoma should be reported by pathologist for clear determination of prognosis and also the best choice for management of the tumors

    Chromosomal Abnormalities Through Amniocentesis

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