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13 research outputs found
Microstructural changes upon annealing in ODS-strengthened ultrafine grained ferritic steel
A Mishra
H Jiang
+22 more
H Kishimoto
H Li
J Lapin
JD Whittenberger
Koppoju Suresh
Krzysztof J. Kurzydlowski
L Zhang
M Lewandowska
M Lewandowska
Malgorzata Lewandowska
Masato Ohnuma
MJ Alinger
MK Miller
Pawel Kozikowski
RZ Valiev
S Ukai
S Yamashita
T Hayashi
T Kaito
Y Chiu
Z Oksiuta
Zbigniew Oksiuta
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
Full text link
High-entropy alloy strengthened by in situ formation of entropy-stabilized nano-dispersoids
AA Kaminskii
AJ London
+46 more
B Cantor
B Gwalani
B Gwalani
B Gwalani
B Schuh
CA Williams
CM Rost
DB Miracle
F Otto
G Anand
G Laplanche
GR Odette
H Chen
H Hadraba
H Ye
H Yu
I Baker
JH Kim
JW Yeh
K Chen
L Zhang
LJ Zhang
M Biesuz
MJ Alinger
MJ Alinger
MJ Yao
MP Phaniraj
N Stepanov
ND Stepanov
Q Yang
R Chen
R Lindau
R Sriharitha
RD Noebe
RM Pohan
S Praveen
SA Humphry-Baker
SJ Zinkle
W Ji
WH Liu
X Guo
Z Fu
Z Lei
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Evolution of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steels Made from Water-Atomized Ferritic Powder
A Dronhofer
A Hirata
+43 more
A Hirata
A Zeybek
Barton Mensah Arkhurst
BM Arkhurst
C Schade
CA Williams
CC Eiselt
DJ Larson
DT Hoelzer
GR Odette
GR Odette
HJ Chang
I-S Kim
J Ribis
J-H Gwon
Jeoung Han Kim
JH Kim
JH Kim
JH Kim
JH Kim
JH Schneibel
K Euh
KD Zilnyk
M Klimiankou
M Klimiankou
M Nagini
M Ratti
MJ Alinger
MJ Alinger
MK Miller
NJ Cunningham
P Dou
P Hosemann
P Miao
RL Klueh
S Ohtsuka
S Ukai
S Ukai
SJ Zinkle
SK Karak
SK Karak
T Okuda
TS Byun
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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On ball-milled ODS ferritic steel recrystallization: From as-milled powder particles to consolidated state
A Pandey
AA Nikitina
+43 more
B Fournier
C Cayron
C Hin
CA Williams
Christian Kübel
Delphine Chassaing
E Demir
EF Rauch et
EF Rauch et
Eglantine Courtois-Manara
FJ Humphreys
Frederic Delabrouille
H Gao
J Lohmiller
J Pešička
JL Hernández-Rivera
KT Jacob
L Dai
M Brocq
M Calcagnotto
M Leoni
Martine Blat-Yrieix
MC Brandes
MJ Alinger
MJ Alinger
N Hansen
Nicolas Sallez
P Dubuisson
P Unifantowicz
Patricia Donnadieu
R Kasada
R Rahmanifard
RA Renzetti
S Ukai
T Louise
T Ungár
X Boulnat
Y Bréchet et
Y Carlan de
Yann de Carlan
Yves Bréchet
Z Oksiuta
Z Oksiuta
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Role of Y-Al Oxides During Extended Recovery Process of a Ferritic ODS Alloy
A Czyrska-Filemonowicz
C Capdevila
+31 more
C Capdevila
C Capdevila
C Capdevila
C Capdevila
C Chen
C García De Andrés
C. Capdevila
CA Williams
CH Zhang
CL Chen
CM Parish
D Juul Jensen
E. Urones-Garrote
FG Wilson
G Pimentel
G Pimentel
G. J. Tatlock
G. Pimentel
J Chao
J Chao
K. Dawson
KA Al-attab
M. K. Miller
M. M. Aranda
MA Miodownik
MC Brandes
MJ Alinger
MK Miller
R Kasada
R. Rementeria
S Ukai
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Constrained tensile stretching of steel strips under different lubrication: predicting macroscopic strain distributions with microstructural inputs
A Matuszak
D Wilkund
+32 more
GJ Coubrougha
H Gong
H Kim
HJ Bunge
I. Samajdar
JL Andreasen
K. Narasimhan
L Delannay
M Eriksen
M Meiler
M Samuel
M Tisza
MJ Alinger
MM Nowell
NKBMP Nanayakkara
P Van-Houtte
R Hill
S Hao
S Raveendra
S. K. Shekhawat
SG Desai
SK Mishra
SK Mishra
SK Yerra
SS Han
SS Hecker
V. Basavaraj
W Wang
WB Hutchinson
WC Emmens
Z Deng
Z Deng
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Atomic structure of nanoclusters in oxide-dispersion-strengthened steels
A. Hirata
C. T. Liu
+36 more
CA Williams
CJ Zener
DJ Larson
DT Hoelzer
GR Odette
H Kishimoto
H Sakasegawa
H Sakasegawa
I Charit
J Xu
J. H. Schneibel
JH Schneibel
K Ishizuka
LM Huisman
M Brocq
M Klimiankou
M Klimiankou
M. W. Chen
MJ Alinger
MK Miller
MK Miller
MK Miller
R Coppola
RL Klueh
RW Grimes
S Ohtsuka
S Ukai
S Ukai
S Yamashita
S Yamashita
T Hayashi
T Malis
T Okuda
T. Fujita
Y. R. Wen
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Concepts for the Development of Nanoscale Stable Precipitation-Strengthened Steels Manufactured by Conventional Methods
A. J. Clarke
C Topbasi
+41 more
C. A. Yablinsky
DA McClintock
GR Odette
HA Calderon
HK Danielsen
J. G. Speer
JF Ziegler
JT Busby
K. D. Clarke
K. E. Tippey
K. O. Findley
L Cipolla
L Tan
M Taneike
M. E. Fine
MJ Alinger
MK Miller
O. Anderoglu
P. D. Jablonski
PD Jablonski
Q Lu
R. E. Hackenberg
RE Stoller
RL Klueh
RL Klueh
RL Klueh
RL Klueh
RL Klueh
RL Klueh
RL Klueh
S. A. Maloy
S. Vaynman
SA Fabritsiev
SC Kennett
SX Jin
SX Jin
TR Allen
Y Chen
Y Huang
Y.-W. Chung
Ö. N. Dogan
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Development of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Steels for High Temperature Nuclear Structural Applications
A Alamo
A Czyrska-Filemonowicz
+45 more
DA McClintock
DA McClintock
EA Little
F Abe
F Abe
GR Odette
H Luthy
H Okada
H Sakasegawa
H Zhu
J Chen
J Chen
J Chen
J Pan
JH Schneibel
K Yutani
KL Murty
MA Meyers
ME Kassner
MJ Alinger
MK Miller
MS Ei-Genk
O Ruano
P Susila
PJ Ennis
R Lindau
RJ Kurtz
RK Nanstad
RL Klueh
RW Evans
S Oh
S Takaya
S Ukai
S Ukai
S Ukai
S Ukai
S Ukai
S Ukai
S Ukai
S Ukai
SJ Zinkle
T Hayashi
TR Allen
TR Allen
VS Ageev
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Influence of Texture on Deformation Mechanism of Hot Extruded Oxide Dispersion Strengthened 18Cr Ferritic Steel
A Musienko
A Steckmeyer
+45 more
A Steckmeyer
Arup Dasgupta
B Fournier
B Leng
DA Hughes
DP Field
DP Field
F Hosford
FD Gioacchino
FJ Humphreys
GE Dieter
H Okada
H Solouki
J Kumar
LAI Kestens
LN Brewer
M Calcagnotto
M Kamaya
M Nagini
M Serrano
M Serrano
Manmath Kumar Dash
MJ Alinger
P Unifantowicza
Q Xue
R Kasada
R Novotny
R. Mythili
RL Klueh
RL Klueh
RL Klueh
S Birosca
S Ukai
S Ukai
S Ukai
S Ukai
S. Saroja
T Karthikeyan
T Narita
T Tanno
T Watanabe
TS Chou
Y de Carlan
Y Sugino
Z Oksiuta
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text