7 research outputs found
First record of Porrocaecum semiteres (Zeder, 1800) Baylis, 1920 (Nematoda: Ascaridoidea) from a Superb Starling, Lamprotornis superbus Ruppell, 1845 with an overview of the genus Porrocaecum recorded from Japanese birds
A young male superb starling, Lanzprotornis superbus Ruppel, 1845 died suddenly in December 9, 2009 in Saitama Children\u27s Zoo, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. A total of 12 nematode specimens observed in the post mortem were identified as Porrocaecum semiteres (Zeder, 1800) Baylis, 1920 by their measurements and morphological characters. This is the second record for P. semiteres from Japan. And L. superbus is reported as the first host record for P. senziteres. Considering that P. semiteres requires earthworms as an intermediate host in its life cycle, it is likely that the starling was infected with the nematode by ingestion of earthworms in the cage
A helminthological survey was performed on 75 individuals of Tancho, Grus japonensis, from Hokkaido, Japan. A total of seven helminth species, including five nematode (Baruscapillaira sp., Contracaecum sp., Paracuaria adunca, Syncuaria sp., Viktorocara sp.) and two trematode (Echinostoma gotoi, Apatemon gracilis) species were obtained from 57.3% of the cranes, and E. gotoi was the most common encountered. Among the above helminths, all helminths except for E. gotoi were the first host records for G. japonensis worldwide, and Syncuaria sp. was the first geographical record from Japan. Since the acuariid nematodes including the genera Paracuaria, Syncuaria and Viktorocara are known to cause ulcerative ventriculitis and/or enteritis in bird alimentary tracts, monitoring of helminths is recommended in this endangered crane species. 2000年から2009年の間に北海道内各地で傷病個体として回収された後、斃死したタンチョウ75個体の寄生蠕虫類保有状況を調査した。57.3%から線虫5種(Baruscapillaira sp., Contracaecum sp., Paracuaria adunca, Syncuaria sp., Viktorocara sp.)および吸虫2種(Echinostoma gotoi, Apatemon gracilis)の計7種の蠕虫類のいずれかが検出された。E. gotoiを除く6種はタンチョウから初記録であり,Syncuaria sp.は日本初記録であった。得られた蠕虫類の中にはParacuada属, Syncuaria属およびViktorocara属など,消化管潰瘍や腸炎の原因となる線虫が含まれたため,絶滅危惧種であるタンチョウの保護管理上,今後寄生虫のモニタリングが必要であると考えられた
Preliminary Research on the Excretion of Urinary 8-Hydroxyguanosine(8-OHdG)as a Marker of Protozoan Parasites Infection in Captive Western
Urinary 8-liydroxyguanosine (8-OHdG), a common biomarker of oxidative stress, was measured in 9 captive western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) by EL1SA kit. T1ie data showed that urinary 8-OHdG ranged from 4.3 to 193.1 ng/mg creatinine. An individual range of median value was 6.8-52.4ng/mg creatinine. No statistically significant effect was found for infection of protozoan parasites (Balanitidium coil and Isospora sp.) without any symptoms (> 0.05). 生体内の酸化ストレスを評価する一般的な生体指標である尿中 8-hydroxyguanosine (以下・8-OHdG)量を国内飼育下の9頭のニシローランドゴリラにおいて定量した。検査対象個体に原虫感染が認められたが,臨床症状は観察されなかった。全個体の8-OHdG値 (ng/mg creannine)の範囲は4.3~193.1,各個体の中央値の幅は6.8~52.4であった。原虫陽性と陰性個体との8-OHdG値の比較を行い,有意差は認められなかった(>0.05)