20 research outputs found

    I materiali di Loreto Grande conservati nell'Erbario di Roma.

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    I rapporti di Loreto Grande con l’Università di Roma sono testimoniati dalla presenza di materiali eterogenei pervenuti al Museo Erbario in periodi diversi. Una prima parte, ricevuta probabilmente in dono o in scambio, risale, in prevalenza, al periodo della sua attività svolta, in qualità di Tecnico, presso l’Orto Botanico di Napoli. Una seconda parte, acquisita dopo la sua morte, è conservata come collezione a sé stante. Si tratta del suo erbario personale, conservato a Villavallelonga, che l’Istituto Botanico di Roma, acquistò, dagli eredi, nel 1969. All’epoca fu stimato in 11.100 esemplari provenienti, principalmente, dall’Abruzzo, Campania, Molise e Lazio. Sebbene il corpo principale dell’erbario di Loreto Grande si conservi presso l’Erbario di Napoli, le raccolte acquisite a Roma sono di particolare interesse non solo per la presenza di un numero significativo di reperti anteriori al 1932, anno del suo definitivo allontanamento dall’Ateneo napoletano ma, soprattutto, per la documentazione inedita relativa alla sua attività di florista posteriore a questa data. Un’attività che è continuata costante seppure limitata, negli ultimi anni, al solo territorio della Marsica (Abruzzo). Il rinvenimento inaspettato di una cospicua documentazione manoscritta ha messo, infine, in evidenza una ricchezza di contenuti particolarmente preziosi per comprendere, rettificare e aggiungere informazioni riguardo ad avvenimenti legati alla sua vita professionale, nonché alla sua produzione scientifica

    L'Erbario del Gabinetto di Storia Naturale del Liceo Ginnasio "E.Q. Visconti" di Roma: dati storici e floristici.

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    The High School “E.Q. Visconti” of Rome retains an herbarium, assembled between the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, once belonged to the "Gabinetto di Storia Naturale" of the same School. The herbarium consists of more than 7000 specimens from Latium and from other Italian and European localities. The collections were reordered and filed according to their origin, preparation, collectors and geographical provenance. The study also show how the herbarium can be used to improve our knowledge of urban and regional floras and to illustrate the valuable composition of old High School Museums

    Le acquisizioni dell'Erbario della Sapienza dal 1950 al 2010.

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    Si delineano gli eventi, le acquisizioni e le trasformazioni del Museo Erbario negli ultimi 60 anni

    Museo Erbario

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    La collezione algologica di Vincenzo Cesati (1806-1883)

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    Collezione algologica dell'Erbario Cesati (RO, Museo Erbario, Dipartimento di Biologia Vegetale dell'UniversitĂ  di Roma "La Sapienza"): viene valutata la sua consistenza e vengono fornite le prime indicazioni sui principali raccoglitori e le principali raccolte. Si da notizia di una prima risistemazione della collezione e dell'avvio di un catalogo informatizzato

    Distribuzione del genere Chrysanthemum s.l. nel Lazio. Indagine bibliografica e d'erbario

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    On the distribution in Latium of thirteen species of genus Chrysanthemum s.l. (Chrysanthemum s.s., Coleostephus Cass., Leucanthemum Miller, Tanacetum L.). The work is based on both herbarium data and bibliografic references. For each species, distribution maps summarising the results have been drawn

    L'erbario di Vincenzo Cesati a Roma.

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    The herbarium of Vincenzo Cesati (1806-1883) is considered the most important historical collection of the Herbarium of the University of Roma “La Sapienza” (RO), where it is kept as a separate collection under the name of Erbario Cesati. The study of this herbarium is particularly complex on account of the abundance of its different collections (more than 350,000 specimens), the variety of their geographical origins, both European and non-European, and the contribution of a great number of correspondents. Furthermore, mention should be made of the many correlated documents, which only partially have been kept with the herbarium. Nevertheless, the Herbarium (RO) has since several years started to study and to inform about the value of this collection. More recently a computerised databank has been created so that it’s now possible to obtain detailed information on parts of the collection

    La Spermatoteca di Liberato Sabbati.

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    An 18th century collection of glass jars containing parts or whole plant specimens, mostly with their seeds, is kept in the Liceo-Ginnasio “E.Q. Visconti” in Rome. Béguinot (1900) ascribed this collection to Liberato Sabbati (1714-1779), keeper of Rome’s Botanical Garden from 1749 to 1779. The present condition of what is left of the collection, reduced from several thousand pieces to 640, is fair. The didactic role of such an unusual plant collection, could have been, besides that of allowing a tridimensional sight of plants independently from their flowering and fruiting time, that of keeping a seed collection together with the plants that produced them

    Archiviazione dei dati museali: l'esperienza dell'Erbario di Roma

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    The Herbarium of Rome (RO) has never had a general catalogue. RO stores about one milion specimens and most labels are handwritten and often more or less cryptic to all but the most experienced users. A catalog covering the whole RO Herbarium is for the time being unrealistic. A priority list has been produced. Near the top of the list we have placed the nearly 100.000 specimens belonging to "Flora Romana", our local flora. Recently the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and IBM Semea have joined to produce a program for the visual presentation and catalogation of Museum items. The IBM partner provides the hardware, most of the software, part of the man power and computer know-how. Our catalogue, based on a data base sistem with image fields, takes into consideration also historical and topographical data. Image fields should be devoted to the specimen labels containing information not interpretable during the filing. Such system would also accomplish the separation of labels from specimen. A solution that could help specimen preservation

    The Contribution of Historical and Morphological Studies on Herbarium Specimens to a Better Definition of Chara pelosiana Avetta (Charales, Charophyceae)

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    The lectotype of Chara pelosiana Avetta 1898 was designated in 2000 by Langangen, who merged the species with Chara fibrosa Agardh ex Bruzelius. Chara pelosiana belongs to the section Agardhia Wood, but the true identity of the species has yet to be confirmed. The purpose of this work is to show some historical and morphological findings regarding this enigmatic species, on the basis of the analysis of herbarium specimens. The original material, which was studied by Avetta, is missing in Italian herbaria, but portions of it have been found in the Herbarium of Jena. Historical research on botanists related with this species resulted in the discovery of several specimens to be considered “original material”, and new unpublished localities in Northern Italy. Morphological observations have been made on portions of herbarium specimens as a contribution to unveil the taxonomic identity of this taxon. The specimens are diplostichous with ecorticate branchlets, have stipulodes in a single row, one or two per branchlet, and spine cell up to 1 mm long