4,732 research outputs found

    The Tumor Microenvironment of Clear-Cell Ovarian Cancer

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    Some patients with advanced clear-cell ovarian cancer (CCOC) respond to immunotherapy; however, little is known about the tumor microenvironment (TME) of this relatively rare disease. Here, we describe a comprehensive quantitative and topographical analysis of biopsies from 45 patients, 9 with Federation Internationale des Gynaecologistes et Obstetristes (FIGO) stage I/II (early CCOC) and 36 with FIGO stage III/IV (advanced CCOC). We investigated 14 immune cell phenotype markers, PD-1 and ligands, and collagen structure and texture. We interrogated a microarray data set from a second cohort of 29 patients and compared the TMEs of ARID1A-wildtype (ARID1A(wt)) versus ARID1A-mutant (ARID1A(mut)) disease. We found significant variations in immune cell frequency and phenotype, checkpoint expression, and collagen matrix between the malignant cell area (MCA), leading edge (LE), and stroma. The MCA had the largest population of CD138(+) plasma cells, the LE had more CD20(+) B cells and T cells, whereas the stroma had more mast cells and αSMA(+) fibroblasts. PD-L2 was expressed predominantly on malignant cells and was the dominant PD-1 ligand. Compared with early CCOC, advanced-stage disease had significantly more fibroblasts and a more complex collagen matrix, with microarray analysis indicating “TGFβ remodeling of the extracellular matrix” as the most significantly enriched pathway. Data showed significant differences in immune cell populations, collagen matrix, and cytokine expression between ARID1A(wt) and ARID1A(mut) CCOC, which may reflect different paths of tumorigenesis and the relationship to endometriosis. Increased infiltration of CD8(+) T cells within the MCA and CD4(+) T cells at the LE and stroma significantly associated with decreased overall survival

    Cognitive and behavioral predictors of light therapy use

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    Objective: Although light therapy is effective in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other mood disorders, only 53-79% of individuals with SAD meet remission criteria after light therapy. Perhaps more importantly, only 12-41% of individuals with SAD continue to use the treatment even after a previous winter of successful treatment. Method: Participants completed surveys regarding (1) social, cognitive, and behavioral variables used to evaluate treatment adherence for other health-related issues, expectations and credibility of light therapy, (2) a depression symptoms scale, and (3) self-reported light therapy use. Results: Individuals age 18 or older responded (n = 40), all reporting having been diagnosed with a mood disorder for which light therapy is indicated. Social support and self-efficacy scores were predictive of light therapy use (p's<.05). Conclusion: The findings suggest that testing social support and self-efficacy in a diagnosed patient population may identify factors related to the decision to use light therapy. Treatments that impact social support and self-efficacy may improve treatment response to light therapy in SAD. © 2012 Roecklein et al

    Three-Dimensional Myocardial Perfusion Maps by Contrast Echocardiography

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    We evaluated the clinical applicability of a system for three-dimensional (3-D) display of a perfusion map following myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE). The system was used in 12 patients (9 males and 3 females, mean age 52 ± 10 years) undergoing interventional treatment of chronic total coronary occlusion. In each patient three standard apical views were acquired at baseline with sonicated IopamidolR injections into the left coronary artery (LCA) and into the right coronary artery (RCA). Following successful recanalization of the occluded artery MCE was repeated. The patients tolerated the procedure well. Acquisition of three standard apical views provided sufficient information for the reconstruction of 3-D perfusion maps containing the 16 standard left ventricular (LV) segments. Side-by-side display of the perfusion maps obtained following LCA and RCA echocontrast injections allowed us to classify the myocardial segments (192) into three groups: (1) those supplied by one major artery (124); (2) those supplied by collaterals from contralateral or both major arteries (58); and (3) segments supplied by none of the major arteries (10). Decreased opacification was observed in 50 segme

    Sri Lankan tsunami refugees: a cross sectional study of the relationships between housing conditions and self-reported health

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    BACKGROUND: On the 26th December 2004 the Asian tsunami devastated the Sri Lankan coastline. More than two years later, over 14,500 families were still living in transitional shelters. This study compares the health of the internally displaced people (IDP), living in transitional camps with those in permanent housing projects provided by government and non-government organisations in Sri Lanka. METHODS: This study was conducted in seven transitional camps and five permanent housing projects in the south west of Sri Lanka. Using an interviewer-led questionnaire, data on the IDPs' self-reported health and housing conditions were collected from 154 participants from transitional camps and 147 participants from permanent housing projects. Simple tabulation with non-parametric tests and logistic regression were used to identify and analyse relationships between housing conditions and the reported prevalence of specific symptoms. RESULTS: Analysis showed that living conditions were significantly worse in transitional camps than in permanent housing projects for all factors investigated, except 'having a leaking roof'. Transitional camp participants scored significantly lower on self-perceived overall health scores than those living in housing projects. After controlling for gender, age and marital status, living in a transitional camp compared to a housing project was found to be a significant risk factor for the following symptoms; coughs OR: 3.53 (CI: 2.11-5.89), stomach ache 4.82 (2.19-10.82), headache 5.20 (3.09-8.76), general aches and pains 6.44 (3.67-11.33) and feeling generally unwell 2.28 (2.51-7.29). Within transitional camp data, the only condition shown to be a significant risk factor for any symptom was household population density, which increased the risk of stomach aches 1.40 (1.09-1.79) and headaches 1.33 (1.01-1.77). CONCLUSION: Internally displaced people living in transitional camps are a vulnerable population and specific interventions need to be targeted at this population to address the health inequalities that they report to be experiencing. Further studies need to be conducted to establish which aspects of their housing environment predispose them to poorer health

    A Systematic Review of Mosquito Coils and Passive Emanators: Defining Recommendations for Spatial Repellency Testing Methodologies.

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    Mosquito coils, vaporizer mats and emanators confer protection against mosquito bites through the spatial action of emanated vapor or airborne pyrethroid particles. These products dominate the pest control market; therefore, it is vital to characterize mosquito responses elicited by the chemical actives and their potential for disease prevention. The aim of this review was to determine effects of mosquito coils and emanators on mosquito responses that reduce human-vector contact and to propose scientific consensus on terminologies and methodologies used for evaluation of product formats that could contain spatial chemical actives, including indoor residual spraying (IRS), long lasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs) and insecticide treated materials (ITMs). PubMed, (National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), U.S. National Library of Medicine, NIH), MEDLINE, LILAC, Cochrane library, IBECS and Armed Forces Pest Management Board Literature Retrieval System search engines were used to identify studies of pyrethroid based coils and emanators with key-words "Mosquito coils" "Mosquito emanators" and "Spatial repellents". It was concluded that there is need to improve statistical reporting of studies, and reach consensus in the methodologies and terminologies used through standardized testing guidelines. Despite differing evaluation methodologies, data showed that coils and emanators induce mortality, deterrence, repellency as well as reduce the ability of mosquitoes to feed on humans. Available data on efficacy outdoors, dose-response relationships and effective distance of coils and emanators is inadequate for developing a target product profile (TPP), which will be required for such chemicals before optimized implementation can occur for maximum benefits in disease control

    DNA barcoding unveils skate (Chondrichthyes: Rajidae) species diversity in ‘ray’ products sold across Ireland and the UK

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    Skates are widely consumed across the globe, but many large species are subject toconsiderable concern regarding their conservation and management. Within Europesuch issues have recently driven policy changes so that, for the first time, reports ofskate landings now have to be made under species-specific names. Total allowablecatches have also been established for many groups, which have been set to zero fora number of the most vulnerable species (e.g., Dipturus batis, Raja undulata andRostoraja alba. Whilst accurate species identification has become an important issuefor landings, the sale of skates is still usually made under a blanket term of “skate”or “ray”. The matter of identifying species of skate is further complicated by theirmorphologically conservative nature and the fact that they are commercially valuedfor their wings. Thus, before sale their bodies are usually discarded (i.e., “winged”)and often skinned, making morphological identification impossible. For the firsttime, DNA barcoding (of the mitochondrial COI gene) was applied to samples ofskate wings from retail outlets across the British Isles, providing insight into whichspecies are sold for consumption. A total of 98 wing samples were analysed, revealingthat six species were sold; blonde ray (Raja brachyura), spotted ray (Raja montagui),thornback ray (Raja clavata), cuckoo ray (Leucoraja naevus) small-eyed ray (Rajamicroocellata) and shagreen ray (Leucoraja fullonica). Statistical testing demonstratedthat there were significant differences in the species sold in the distinct retail groupswhich suggests complex drivers behind the patterns of sale in skates. The results alsoindicate that endangered species are not commonly being passed on to consumers.In addition, the practice of selling skate wings under ambiguous labels is highlightedas it makes it extremely difficult for consumers to exercise a right to avoid speciesof conservation concern. Interestingly, a single retailer chain labelled their wings asoriginating from three smaller-growing species (generally to be considered of lowerconservation concern); of the six samples analysed from this company a third weremislabelled and originated from the thornback ray (a larger species that is currentlyundergoing population declines)

    Observation of contemporaneous optical radiation from a gamma-ray burst

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    The origin of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) has been enigmatic since their discovery. The situation improved dramatically in 1997, when the rapid availability of precise coordinates for the bursts allowed the detection of faint optical and radio afterglows - optical spectra thus obtained have demonstrated conclusively that the bursts occur at cosmological distances. But, despite efforts by several groups, optical detection has not hitherto been achieved during the brief duration of a burst. Here we report the detection of bright optical emission from GRB990123 while the burst was still in progress. Our observations begin 22 seconds after the onset of the burst and show an increase in brightness by a factor of 14 during the first 25 seconds; the brightness then declines by a factor of 100, at which point (700 seconds after the burst onset) it falls below our detection threshold. The redshift of this burst, approximately 1.6, implies a peak optical luminosity of 5 times 10^{49} erg per second. Optical emission from gamma-ray bursts has been generally thought to take place at the shock fronts generated by interaction of the primary energy source with the surrounding medium, where the gamma-rays might also be produced. The lack of a significant change in the gamma-ray light curve when the optical emission develops suggests that the gamma-rays are not produced at the shock front, but closer to the site of the original explosion.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Nature. For additional information see http://www.umich.edu/~rotse

    The validity of using ICD-9 codes and pharmacy records to identify patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Background: Administrative data is often used to identify patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), yet the validity of this approach is unclear. We sought to develop a predictive model utilizing administrative data to accurately identify patients with COPD. Methods: Sequential logistic regression models were constructed using 9573 patients with postbronchodilator spirometry at two Veterans Affairs medical centers (2003-2007). COPD was defined as: 1) FEV1/FVC <0.70, and 2) FEV1/FVC < lower limits of normal. Model inputs included age, outpatient or inpatient COPD-related ICD-9 codes, and the number of metered does inhalers (MDI) prescribed over the one year prior to and one year post spirometry. Model performance was assessed using standard criteria. Results: 4564 of 9573 patients (47.7%) had an FEV1/FVC < 0.70. The presence of ≥1 outpatient COPD visit had a sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 67%; the AUC was 0.75 (95% CI 0.74-0.76). Adding the use of albuterol MDI increased the AUC of this model to 0.76 (95% CI 0.75-0.77) while the addition of ipratropium bromide MDI increased the AUC to 0.77 (95% CI 0.76-0.78). The best performing model included: ≥6 albuterol MDI, ≥3 ipratropium MDI, ≥1 outpatient ICD-9 code, ≥1 inpatient ICD-9 code, and age, achieving an AUC of 0.79 (95% CI 0.78-0.80). Conclusion: Commonly used definitions of COPD in observational studies misclassify the majority of patients as having COPD. Using multiple diagnostic codes in combination with pharmacy data improves the ability to accurately identify patients with COPD.Department of Veterans Affairs, Health Services Research and Development (DHA), American Lung Association (CI- 51755-N) awarded to DHA, the American Thoracic Society Fellow Career Development AwardPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/84155/1/Cooke - ICD9 validity in COPD.pd