131 research outputs found

    Extraversion and neuroticism in sexually dysfunctional men suffering from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: a cross-sectional study

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    The role of personality traits in sexual complaints and dysfunctions is ever more evident. However, the literature is very scarce as to the possible relationships between such personality traits and specific sexual dysfunctions like ED, PE or both, their subtypes as to time of onset and severity levels. The main aim of the present study was to investigate if Neuroticism and Extraversion have different roles and trends in men suffering from PE and/or ED, both lifelong and acquired. Moreover, we verified if, by adopting DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 criteria for diagnosing PE, some differences emerged in percentages of diagnosed cases. The sample consisted of 222 patients aged 18-70. The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-15) was used to assess erectile function, and the Premature Ejaculation Severity Index (PESI) was used to assess the severity of PE dysfunction. Neuroticism and Extraversion were measured with the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised (EPQ-R). In our results, Neuroticism and Extraversion were dependent on the kind of sexual dysfunction and its severity. These results suggest that type, time of onset and severity of sexual dysfunctions should be considered as related to specific personality characteristics and vice versa

    The liquefaction features in the area of the May-June 2012 Emilia seismic sequence: An investigation approach coupling Electric Resistivity Tomography (ERT) with coring

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    In order to geometrically characterize the liquefaction features observed in the epicentral sector of the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence and to evaluate the potential for recording palaeoseismic features of the area, we performed two electric resistivity tomographic sections and 4 shallow corings, coupled with 14C datings and archaeological age estimates in selected sites. Preliminary results show that there is a good agreement between ERT sections and core-logs; moreover a major role in determining the scalar relationships of the liquefaction features is played by the local geomorphological and topographic setting. The high sedimentation rates obtained through core datings (4 – 20 mm/yr) suggest that the described methodological approach can cover time windows of only a few centuries, thus hardly encompassing, in this tectonic setting, a significant period for paleoseismological purposes.Published206-2092T. Deformazione crostale attivaN/A or not JC

    L'impotentia erigendi e le protesi peniene: stato dell'arte in andrologia chirurgica e implicazioni sessuali

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    Relatore Prof. Furbetta A.; Coll.ne TSU-1991/2SIGLEITItal

    Regolazione affettiva e sessualità

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    Questo libro raccoglie l'esperienza di sei anni di lavoro clinico effettuato presso l'ambulatorio psico-sessuologico del Dipartimento di Urologia "Ulrico Bracci" del Policlinico Umberto I di Roma, dove le disfunzioni sessuali maschili vengono affrontate secondo il nuovo modello integrato della sessuologia clinica. Il professor Vincenzo Gentile, promotore di questo servizio innovativo, ha affiancato al gruppo di andrologi i consulenti psico-sessuologi per accogliere, insieme al tradizionale disagio del corpo, anche quello della psiche e della relazione di coppia che nella sessualità sono in una stretta interazione reciproca. Andando oltre la visione psicosomatica classica, questa sfida ha prestato attenzione anche ai forti segnali di somatopsichica, così frequenti in una clinica urologica dove problematiche francamente biologiche hanno esiti diversi in base alla storia del paziente o della coppia che si trovi ad affrontare un sintomo definito o un intervento chirurgico. All'interno del volume si chiarisce come i diversi specialisti, di fronte ad una disfunzione sessuale, lavorino sia in parallelo sia congiuntamente. È confrontandosi sui derivati biologici, psicometrici e dei colloqui individuali e di coppia che si riesce a formulare una diagnosi più articolata che consente di ipotizzare anche la prevalenza dei diversi fattori eziologici

    Disturbi Urologici e disfunzioni sessuali. In Simonelli C., Fabrizi A., Rossi R., Tripodi F (a cura di) Sessuologia clinica. Diagnosi, trattamento e linee guida internazionali.

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    La stretta contiguità fra apparato urinario ed apparato genitale maschile fa sì che frequentemente le patologie organiche che coinvolgono il primo abbiano effetti negativi sul secondo, e di conseguenza sulla sfera della sessualità nel suo complesso. Vengono presi in considerazione le principali patologie ed interventi urologici che sono causa in misura significativa di disfunzione sessuali (DS)

    Premature ejaculation and dysregulation of emotions: Research and clinical implications

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    The alexithymia construct describes a cluster of cognitive and affective characteristics initially observed among patients with classic psychosomatic diseases and later among patients with various medical and psychiatric disorders. The salient features of the construct are: difficulty in identifying and in describing subjective feelings, difficulty in distinguishing between feelings and the bodily sensations of emotional arousal, constricted imaginative activity and externally oriented cognitive style. This study shows significantly higher alexithymia levels in patients with lifelong premature ejaculation (PE) than in controls (p < 0.001). Moreover, alexithymia level is positively correlated with PE severity (p < 0.001). Alexithymia, assessed at baseline, could be a useful predictor of treatment outcome and could contribute to the therapeutic orientation. In the clinical relationship special attention should be paid to the patient's alexithymic difficulties. Body-oriented techniques, relaxation training, focalized body awareness, hypnosis, imaginative methods and combined pharmacological-psychological treatments could be particularly indicated in the treatment of alexithymic patients with PE. The partner's involvement is generally important in both the diagnostic process and the treatment of PE, but is particularly indicated if the PE patient presents alexithymic features. © 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved
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