28 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Orchestrations and Choreographies: Bridging the Gap between Supervisory Control and Coordination of Services

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    We present a number of contributions to bridging the gap between supervisorycontrol theory and coordination of services in order to explore the frontiersbetween coordination and control systems. Firstly, we modify the classicalsynthesis algorithm from supervisory control theory for obtaining the so-calledmost permissive controller in order to synthesise orchestrations andchoreographies of service contracts formalised as contract automata. The keyingredient to make this possible is a novel notion of controllability. Then, wepresent an abstract parametric synthesis algorithm and show that it generalisesthe classical synthesis as well as the orchestration and choreographysyntheses. Finally, through the novel abstract synthesis, we show that theconcrete syntheses are in a refinement order. A running example from theservice domain illustrates our contributions