17 research outputs found

    The Novel Mouse Mutation Oblivion Inactivates the PMCA2 Pump and Causes Progressive Hearing Loss

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    Progressive hearing loss is common in the human population, but we have few clues to the molecular basis. Mouse mutants with progressive hearing loss offer valuable insights, and ENU (N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea) mutagenesis is a useful way of generating models. We have characterised a new ENU-induced mouse mutant, Oblivion (allele symbol Obl), showing semi-dominant inheritance of hearing impairment. Obl/+ mutants showed increasing hearing impairment from post-natal day (P)20 to P90, and loss of auditory function was followed by a corresponding base to apex progression of hair cell degeneration. Obl/Obl mutants were small, showed severe vestibular dysfunction by 2 weeks of age, and were completely deaf from birth; sensory hair cells were completely degenerate in the basal turn of the cochlea, although hair cells appeared normal in the apex. We mapped the mutation to Chromosome 6. Mutation analysis of Atp2b2 showed a missense mutation (2630C→T) in exon 15, causing a serine to phenylalanine substitution (S877F) in transmembrane domain 6 of the PMCA2 pump, the resident Ca2+ pump of hair cell stereocilia. Transmembrane domain mutations in these pumps generally are believed to be incompatible with normal targeting of the protein to the plasma membrane. However, analyses of hair cells in cultured utricular maculae of Obl/Obl mice and of the mutant Obl pump in model cells showed that the protein was correctly targeted to the plasma membrane. Biochemical and biophysical characterisation showed that the pump had lost a significant portion of its non-stimulated Ca2+ exporting ability. These findings can explain the progressive loss of auditory function, and indicate the limits in our ability to predict mechanism from sequence alone

    An ENU-Induced Mutation of Nrg1 Causes Dilated Pupils and a Reduction in Muscarinic Receptors in the Sphincter Pupillae

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    BACKGROUND: N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU)-induced mutagenesis is a powerful tool for the study of gene function and the generation of human disease models. A large number of mouse mutants obtained by ENU-induced mutagenesis with a variety of phenotypes have been recovered. However, after genetic confirmation testing, only approximately 50% of the abnormal phenotypes were found to be heritable. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A mouse mutant, Dp1, with a dilated pupil phenotype was induced with an N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) mutagenesis strategy. Sequence analysis for Nrg1 reveals a G>A base substitution that flanks exon E59, encoding for an EGFβ domain, in the 5' splice donor site. The mutation affects but does not abolish the splicing of EGFβ-type Nrg1 mRNA in Dp1 mice and produces several different transcripts by activating other, cryptic splice sites. These types of protein isoforms are expected, and the result shows that, in the mutant, the effect is a decrease in but not an elimination of the high affinity EGFβ-type Nrg1 isoforms. This is partially compensated for by an increase in expression of the low affinity alpha forms or inactive proteins, suggesting that the mutation results in a hypomorphic allele. Interestingly, genetic model testing shows that Dp1 is a mutation that results in a dilated pupil phenotype that is inherited with very low penetrance when heterozygous and with complete penetrance when homozygous. Pharmacological and immunohistochemical tests show a reduction of muscarinic (M) receptors in the sphincter pupillae of Dp1 mice, which is a major cause of dilated pupils. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This study is the first report of an Nrg1 mutation being associated with a dilated pupil phenotype and the reduction of M receptors. This report may help in establishing more mutant mouse lines and models of human genetic disease and can be applied to other organisms. Dp1 mice are a valuable resource for the further clarification of Nrg1 biological function