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10 research outputs found
Rectal endometriosis causing colonic obstruction and concurrent endometriosis of the appendix: a case report
A Bergqvist
A Pisanu
+24Â more
A Shaw
AE Grimes Jr
AK Tsaroucha
CE Simopoulos
E Sivridis
HR Bailey
JA Rock
JB Prystowsky
JS Kim
JS Kim
K Dimakis
KD Jones
LC Giudice
M Montalto
M MourthĂŠ de Alvim Andrade
MG Manero
MG Pramateftakis
N Katsikogiannis
RH Marshak
RL Gustofson
S Ijaz
S Yildirim
TJ Williams
U Indraccolo
Publication venue
BioMed Central
Publication date
Field of study
Springer - Publisher Connector
PubMed Central
Prospective evaluation of stapled haemorrhoidopexy versus transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialisation for stage II and III haemorrhoids: three-year outcomes
A Bursics
A Lacerda-Filho
+27Â more
A Serventi
A. Davies
B Lestar
F Aigner
G. Gravante
H Ortiz
I Khubchandani
JJ Tjandra
JL Faucheron
JY Teo
K Morinaga
M Pescatori
M Scheyer
MG Pramateftakis
O BĂźyĂźkaĹik
P Giordano
P Giordano
P. Giordano
P. Nastro
PJ Lunniss
PJ Nisar
PP Dal Monte
RG Molloy
S Festen
W Khafagy
WH Thomson
WJ Shao
Publication venue
Springer Milan
Publication date
Field of study
Springer - Publisher Connector
PubMed Central
Systematic review: brain metastases from colorectal cancerâIncidence and patient characteristics
A Fowler
A Schoeggl
+70Â more
B Tran
BE Byrne
BH Kye
C Heisterkamp
C Nieder
C Taher
D Mege
D Moher
DF Temple
Dorte Lisbet Nielsen
E Fokas
E Magni
G Aprile
G DâAndrea
G Simonova
GD Maglio
GF Farnell
H Naito
H Onodera
H Yoshidome
HJ Kim
J Ferlay
J Tie
Jesper Andreas Palshof
JM Chiang
JP Mongan
JS Barnholtz-Sloan
JY Baek
K Damiens
Karen-Lise Garm Spindler
KE Smedby
KR Hess
L Nayak
L Weiss
LJ Schouten
M Higashiyama
M Jung
M Scartozzi
M Tampellini
M Wronski
M Zorrilla
MA Hammoud
MA Khattak
MC Jong de
MG Pramateftakis
MJ Duffy
ML Sundermeyer
N Hugen
NE Kemeny
NNA Howlader
O Tanriverdi
R Takagawa
R Tevlin
R Yaeger
S Bartelt
S Matsunaga
S Noura
T Tokoro
TJ Kruser
TL Cascino
Troels Dreier Christensen
V Patanaphan
WS Tan
XB Jiang
Y Chyun
Y Suzuki
YR Gestel van
YW Zang
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
Full text link
Robotic Versus Laparoscopic Rectal Surgery for Rectal Cancer: A Meta-Analysis of 7 Randomized Controlled Trials
Binbin Du
Debakey Y
+10Â more
Huichuan Yu
Laiyuan Li
Patriti A
Pramateftakis MG
Rodriguez RMJ
Weisheng Zhang
Xiaolin Wang
Xiongfei Yang
Yanxin Luo
Yinyin Guo
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Endometriosis of the Small Bowel: A Diagnostic Enigma
Al-Talib A
Bassi MA
+18Â more
Biscaldi E
Camagna O
Delpy R
Denève E
Giudice LC
Harada T
Katsikogiannis N
Langlois NE
Minh HN
Olive DL
Pisanu A
Pramateftakis MG
Quinn M
Shaw A
Taylor RN
Teke Z
Vercellini P
Witz CA
Publication venue
'Cureus, Inc.'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Wound care in patients with perineal reconstruction
Argenta LC
Buchel EW
+29Â more
Bullard KM
Campos ACL
Chessin DB
Foster JD
Guo Y
Hainsworth A
Heald RJ
Helewa R
Holm T
Johnson EE
Kidmose Christensen H
Lumbers M.
Marr R
Mughal M
Nagtegaal ID
Nelson RA
Nisar PJ
Peirce C
PelvEx Collaborative
Pramateftakis MG
Quyn AJ
Ramirez OM
Ross D
Shihab OC
Sørensen LT
Wagstaff MJD
West NP
Wibe A
Wilson JA
Publication venue
'Mark Allen Group'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Comparison of the short-term outcomes of using DST and PPH staplers in the treatment of grade III and IV hemorrhoids
A Sturiale
D Palimento
+37Â more
DE Rivadeneira
DF Altomare
E Aytac
E Ganio
ETC Milligan
G Aumann
G Naldini
G Naldini
J Burch
JA Ferguson
JF GraviĂŠ
JF Johanson
JJ Tjandra
JS Kim
JW Butterworth
K Laughlan
K-C Lee
M Pescatori
M Picchio
M Singer
M-H Kam
MG Pramateftakis
P Boccasanta
P Fueglistaler
P McDonald
PB Loder
PJ Nisar
RJ Wensen Van
S Giuratrabocchetta
S Jayaraman
S Petersen
S Slawik
W Whitehead
W-S Huang
Y Bilgin
Y-H Ho
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Metachronous metastasis- and survival-analysis show prognostic importance of lymphadenectomy for colon carcinomas
A Jemal
A Oberg
+44Â more
Andreas Ziegler
B Cady
C Wittekind
Claudia Hemmelmann
CM Rudenstam
Conny BĂźrk
D Holzel
D Schrag
DL Morton
Elisabeth Oevermann
Erik SchlĂśricke
GJ Chang
H Birgisson
Hamed Esnaashari
Hans-Peter Bruch
HP Bruch
I Fleming
J Wang
J Weitz
JA Chan
JE Gervasoni Jr
Jens K Habermann
JF Chou
JH Heinzerling
JK Habermann
L Sarli
M Gerling
M Ikeguchi
Markus Kleemann
Martin Hoffmann
MG Pramateftakis
NP West
Philipp Hildebrand
PM Johnson
PM van Schaik
Ralf Bouchard
S Oltedal
SL Wong
T Brabletz
Thomas Jungbluth
Tilman Laubert
Uwe J Roblick
W Schmiegel
Y Hashiguchi
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Risk factors for wound complications in patients undergoing primary closure of the perineal defect after total proctectomy
A Nissan
AK Chan
+66Â more
AK Jain
AK Khoo
Alberto Biondi
Alessandro Fichera
B Larsen
BC Wal van der
BD Minsky
BD Minsky
BD Minsky
CE Butler
CK Christian
Claudio Coco
CP Page
CR Selvasekar
D Shibata
DM Krabbenhoft
Domenico DâUgo
DP OâLeary
DY Artioukh
Essie Kueberuwa
ET Chen
F Gabrielli
FT Dombal De
G El-Gazzaz
G Theodoropoulos
Gianluca Rizzo
HB Stone
HG Moore
HH Kimose
HT Papaconstantinou
II Turner
IJ Mor
J Garcia-Aguilar
J Moreaux
JK Ritchie
JM Hay
K Matsuda
KM Bullard
L Linares
L Ridderstolpe
L Zorcolo
M Ferrante
M Zoccali
Marco Bertucci Zoccali
MC Kaminsky-Forrett
ME Charlson
MG Pramateftakis
MJ Johnston
MR Keighley
Mukta Krane
NA Janjan
NP Nguyen
P Luna-Perez
P Rouanet
PJ Nilsson
PS Hasleton
Roberto Persiani
Roger D. Hurst
S Pandey
SA Leadon
SJ Schluender
T Yamamoto
TM Tei
UA Heuschen
V Moutardier
WC Lim
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Complete mesocolic excision and extended (D3) lymphadenectomy for colonic cancer: is it worth that extra effort? A review of the literature
A Wibe
AE FĂŚrden
+76Â more
AL Gleisner
AL Martling
Amyn Haji
Andrew Emmanuel
C Kontovounisios
CA Bertelsen
CF Chow
CN Parnaby
CW Ang
D Moro-Valdezate
DK Monga
DL Munkedal
DP Han
DP Han
E Kapiteijn
EL Bokey
G Galizia
GJ Chang
H Bläker
H Chen
H Kessler
H Kobayashi
H-L Tsai
HW Yao
I Takemasa
J Hida
J Hida
J Kang
J Liang
J Lykke
J Murphy
J Rosenberg
JT Liang
JT Liang
JW Shin
K Culligan
K Culligan
K Kotake
K Nakajima
K Sondenaa
KE Storli
KE Storli
LM Siani
LM Siani
LV Titu
LY Zhao
M Mukai
MG Pramateftakis
MS Cho
N Gouvas
NP West
NP West
NP West
NP West
NP West
PM Johnson
R Cirocchi
R Rosenberg
R Sehgal
S Killeen
S Mori
S Tagliacozzo
S Toyota
S Yamamoto
SH Ovesen
SL Chen
SU Bae
T Watanabe
TE Voyer Le
VL Tsikitis
W Hohenberger
W Willaert
W Willaert
Y Hashiguchi
Y Kanemitsu
YT Lan
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text