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12 research outputs found
Clinical pharmacokinetics of clozapine in chronic schizophrenic patients
AC Sayers
B Anderman
+14 more
B Ekblom
CA Leon
G Bartholini
H Nybäck
J Angst
J Gerlach
L Hakman
M Gibaldi
M Rowland
M Thorup
MG Choc
NE Andén
P Hartvig
R Fog
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Primary sequence of a dimeric bacterial haemoglobin from Vitreoscilla
AM Lesk
B Runnegar
+21 more
B Tyree
CA Appleby
D Webster
DA Webster
DA Webster
DC Mayfield
EG Pringsheim
G Guidotti
JA McCray
JA Wittenberg
L Stryer
MF Perutz
MG Choc
OB Pritsyn
P Lamba
RA DeMaio
S Boerman
S Wakabayashi
Y Minami
Y Orii
Y Orii
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Systemic ciclosporin and tacrolimus in dermatology
Abu-Elmagd K
Behnam SM
+34 more
Bennett WM
Boss V
Choc MG
Di Gioacchino M
Dieperink H
Eisen DE
Elgart G
Feutren G
Fradin MS
Griffiths CEM
Gupta AK
Holschermann H
Jubran RF
Kaoukhov A
Kelly PA
Koga T
Kuhns DB
Lapidoth M
Lauerma AI
Lowe NJ
Marsland AM
Mihatsch MJ
Mihatsch MJ
Mobini N
Mueller W
Nikolaidis NL
Norris PG
Powles AV
Sawada S
Suss R
Thomson AW
Tricot L
Zackheim HS
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The University of Manchester - Institutional Repository
Studies on the bacterial hemoglobin fromVitreoscilla
B Tyree
B Tyree
+34 more
B Tyree
CD Georgiou
CD Georgiou
CY Liu
DA Webster
DA Webster
EC Hatchikan
FA Walker
FP Guengerich
GM Harris-Loew
H Beinert
HR Ruf
J Peisach
J Peisach
J Peisach
J Riester
JD Lipscomb
JH Dawson
K Asada
MF Perutz
MF Perutz
MG Choc
R Aasa
R Aasa
R Bache
S Vries De
S Wakabayashi
T Poulos
TL Bohan
TW Kirby
V Gonzales-Prevatt
WE Blumberg
Y Orii
Y Orii
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
EPR Studies of the Quinone Reaction Sites in Bacteria
A Azzi
AR Crofts
+39 more
AR Crofts
B Ludwig
BL Trumpower
C.A. Wraight
DE Robertson
EA Berry
H Weiss
J.S. Rieske
JA Fee
JA Fee
JA Fee
JM Siedow
JR Bowyer
K Hon-Nami
K Matsuura
K Takamiya
M Lorusso
MG Choc
N Sone
P Mitchell
P Mitchell
R Gellerfors
RA Capaldi
RC Prince
RM Lorence
S Nagaoka
S Vries De
S Vries De
S Vries De
T Ohnishi
T Ohnishi
T Yagi
T Yoshida
X Yang
Y Hatefi
Y Wei
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Systemic ciclosporin and tacrolimus in dermatology
Abu-Elmagd K
Behnam SM
+34 more
Bennett WM
Boss V
Choc MG
Di Gioacchino M
Dieperink H
Eisen DE
Elgart G
Feutren G
Fradin MS
Griffiths CEM
Gupta AK
Holschermann H
Jubran RF
Kaoukhov A
Kelly PA
Koga T
Kuhns DB
Lapidoth M
Lauerma AI
Lowe NJ
Marsland AM
Mihatsch MJ
Mihatsch MJ
Mobini N
Mueller W
Nikolaidis NL
Norris PG
Powles AV
Sawada S
Suss R
Thomson AW
Tricot L
Zackheim HS
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Drug metabolism by Escherichia coli expressing human cytochromes P450
A Parikh
A Tarragona-Fiol
+39 more
AL Shen
BE Schoner
CM Jenkins
D Larrey
EMJ Gillam
FP Guengerich
FP Guengerich
FP Guengerich
FP Guengerich
GJ Lieschke
H Murakami
H Yamazaki
HJ Barnes
J Dong
J Sambrook
JAR Blake
JB Schenkman
JR Larson
L Gold
LM Distlerath
M Riley
MD Burke
MD Burke
MG Choc
MS Shet
MS Shet
MZ Metz
PD Josephy
PO Olins
PP Guengerich
RG Knodell
SS Boddupalli
T Omura
TD Porter
UK Laemmli
W Wray
Y Shi
Y Yasukochi
Y-J Chun
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The unique structural features of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin from the sub-Antarctic fish Eleginops maclovinus
A Balsamo
A Fago
+54 more
A Merlino
A Merlino
A Merlino
A Merlino
A Riccio
A Vergara
A Vergara
A Vergara
A Vergara
AA Vagin
AJ McCoy
BL McClain
C Verde
C Verde
Carme Rovira
D Coppola
D Giordano
D Giordano
D Giordano
G Langer
HN Motlagh
IJ Finkelstein
JS Kavanaugh
L Boechi
L Mazzarella
L Mazzarella
L Mazzarella
L Mazzarella
L Ronda
L Vitagliano
L Vitagliano
L Vitagliano
M Brunori
M Laberge
M Levantino
MF Perutz
MF Perutz
MG Choc
N Balasco
N Balasco
N Shibayama
R Livermore
RA Laskowski
S Franzen
SC Shin
SN Vinogradov
T Burmester
T Yokoyama
TJ Near
VL Robinson
WD Tian
WH Zinkham
WT Potter
Z Otwinowski
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Evaluation of antioxidant therapy in experimental Chagas disease
Altino Luiz Silva Therezo
Benke KK
+55 more
Benzie IFF
Benzie IFF
Bessey OA
Beutler E
Billert H
Bjelakovic G
Brener Z
Bruno RS
Bruno RS
Buege JA
Camilla Chimelo Manca
Chan AC
Chen LH
Choc CK
Costagliola C
Cunningham AC
Drapper HH
Elane de Fátima Taipeiro
Fernando Frei
Gey KF
Godin DV
Gupta S
Gutierrez FRS
Hamilton IM
Hediger MA
Hernandez SM
Kawsar M
Kontush A
Levine M
Luciamáre Perinetti Alves Martins
Lígia Cangussu Tomaz Garcia
Marim RG
Martins LPA
Martins LPA
Maçao LB
Naidu KA
Niki E
Noh H
Riley PA
Roberto Esteves Pires Castanho
Saeftel M
Shaheen AA
Sharma MK
Siegel BV
Strain JJ
Taylor AW
Thais de Mello Tieghi
Traber MG
Venditti P
Wen JJ
Wen JJ
Witting LA
Wong RSY
Zacks MA
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Persistent effects of chronic clozapine on the cellular and behavioral responses to LSD in mice
A Ouagazzal
A Sawa
+64 more
Academies NRCotN
Adrienne Umali
AM Bradford
BJ Morris
BL Roth
C Singleton
D Dobbs
DE Nichols
DL Willins
E Dong
E Gouzoulis-Mayfrank
E Gouzoulis-Mayfrank
EE Garcia
EJ Nestler
F Sams-Dodd
FX Vollenweider
FX Vollenweider
J Gonzalez-Maeso
J Gonzalez-Maeso
J Gonzalez-Maeso
J Gonzalez-Maeso
J Gonzalez-Maeso
J Ichikawa
JA Gray
JA Lieberman
Javier González-Maeso
JC Beique
JC Gewirtz
JC Winter
JE Black
JH Gilmore
JM Hitchcock
José L. Moreno
KA Jones
L Gray
L Kargieman
LA Glantz
LV Kristiansen
M Kuoppamaki
MA Geyer
MG Choc
ML MacDonald
MW Jann
O Agid
O Kontkanen
O Kontkanen
P Celada
PN Yadav
PN Yadav
R Freedman
R Schreiber
RJ Baldessarini
RL Borison
RL Smith
RY Wang
S Miyamoto
SK Lin
Stuart C. Sealfon
Terrell Holloway
V Verma
Vinayak Rayannavar
WJ Freed
YF Cheng
YF Cheng
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text