17 research outputs found

    Bibliometria, história e geografia da pesquisa brasileira em erosão acelerada do solo

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    Univariate and bivariate distribution of growth traits in beef buffaloes from Brazil

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the weight at birth (BW) and adjusted at 205 (W205), 365 (W365) and 550 (W55O) days in beef buffaloes from Brazil, using two approaches: parametric, by normal distribution, and non-parametric, by kernel function, and thus estimating the genetic, environmental and phenotypic correlation among traits. Information of 5,169 animals at birth (BW), 3,792 at 205 days (W205), 3.883 at 365 days (W365) and 1,524 at 550 days of age (W550) were used. The birth weight distribution presented an evident discrepancy in relation to the normal distribution. However, W205, W365 and W550 presented normal distributions. The birth weight presented weak genetic, environmental, and phenotypic associations with the other weight measurements. On the other hand, the weight traits at 205, 365, 550 days of age showed a high genetic correlation

    Genetic and environmental effects over milk production of buffalo cows in Brazil

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    The objective of this paper was to evaluate the relevance of environmental and genetics effects on milk production of buffalo cows in Brazil. The data were based on the Buffalo Genetic Improvement Program - PROMEBUL, using information of 1,911 cows (107 Jafarabadi, 101 Mediterranean, 1,056 Murrah and 647 crossbred females) with parturition between 1982 and 2003. The mathematic model for evaluating milk production included the fixed effects of herd, parturition year (1982 to 2003) and month (January to December), calf&rsquo;s sex (male or female), genetic group (Jafarabadi, Mediterranean, Murrah, and crossbreed), number of milking (one or two), lactation order (1 to 12) and duration of lactation (as a linear effect). The mean milk production in herds was 1,590.36 &plusmn; 609.25 kg. All sources of variation were significant (P<0.05) for the studied characteristics, except calf&rsquo;s sex. The mean milk production per genetic group was 1,651.4; 1,592.2; 1,578.3 and 1,135.5 kg, for Murrah, Mediterranean, Crossbred and Jafarabadi, respectively. The duration of lactation was the most important source of variation over milk production, followed by the year of parturition, herd, parturition order, genetic group and month of parturition