39 research outputs found
Cognitive mapping style relates to posterior-anterior hippocampal volume ratio
As London taxi drivers acquire "the knowledge" and develop a detailed cognitive map of London, their posterior hippocampi (pHPC) gradually increase in volume, reflecting an increasing pHPC/aHPC volume ratio. In the mnemonic domain, greater pHPC/aHPC volume ratios in young adults have been found to relate to better recollection ability, indicating that the balance between pHPC and aHPC volumes might be reflective of cross-domain individual differences. Here, we examined participants' self-reported use of cognitive map-based navigational strategies in relation to their pHPC/aHPC hippocampal volume ratio. We find that greater reported cognitive map use was related to significantly greater posterior, relative to anterior, hippocampal volume in two separate samples of young adults. Further, greater reported cognitive map usage correlated with better performance on a self-initiated navigation task. Together, these data help to advance our understanding of differences between aHPC and pHPC and the greater role of pHPC in spatial mapping
The human medial temporal lobe processes online representations of complex objects.
There has been considerable debate as to whether structures in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) support both memory and perception, in particular whether the perirhinal cortex may be involved in the perceptual discrimination of complex objects with a large number of overlapping features. Similar experiments testing the discrimination of blended images have obtained contradictory findings, and it remains possible that reported deficits in object perception are due to subtle learning in controls, but not patients. To address this issue, a series of trial-unique object "oddity" tasks, in which subjects selected the odd stimulus from a visual array, were administered to amnesic patients with either selective bilateral damage to the hippocampus or more extensive damage to MTL regions, including the perirhinal cortex. Whereas patients with damage limited to the hippocampus performed similarly to controls on all conditions, patients with perirhinal damage were significantly impaired when the task required discrimination between objects with a large number of features in common. By contrast, when the same stimuli could be discriminated using simple visual features, patients with perirhinal damage performed normally. These results are consistent with a theoretical view which holds that rostral inferotemporal cortical regions, including perirhinal cortex, represent the complex conjunctions of stimulus features necessary for both perception and memory of objects
Going beyond LTM in the MTL: a synthesis of neuropsychological and neuroimaging findings on the role of the medial temporal lobe in memory and perception.
Studies in rats and non-human primates suggest that medial temporal lobe (MTL) structures play a role in perceptual processing, with the hippocampus necessary for spatial discrimination, and the perirhinal cortex for object discrimination. Until recently, there was little convergent evidence for analogous functional specialisation in humans, or for a role of the MTL in processes beyond long-term memory. A recent series of novel human neuropsychological studies, however, in which paradigms from the animal literature were adapted and extended, have revealed findings remarkably similar to those seen in rats and monkeys. These experiments have demonstrated differential effects of distinct stimulus categories on performance in tasks for which there was no explicit requirement to remember information across trials. There is also accruing complementary evidence from functional neuroimaging that MTL structures show differential patterns of activation for scenes and objects, even on simple visual discrimination tasks. This article reviews some of these key studies and discusses the implications of these new findings for existing accounts of memory. A non-modular view of memory is proposed in which memory and perception depend upon the same anatomically distributed representations (emergent memory account). The limitations and criticisms of this theory are discussed and a number of outstanding questions proposed, including key predictions that can be tested by future studies
The contribution of the human medial temporal lobe to perception: bridging the gap between animal and human studies.
The medial temporal lobe (MTL) has been considered traditionally to subserve declarative memory processes only. Recent studies in nonhuman primates suggest, however, that the MTL may also be critical to higher order perceptual processes, with the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex being involved in scene and object perception, respectively. The current article reviews the human neuropsychological literature to determine whether there is any evidence to suggest that these same views may apply to the human MTL. Although the majority of existing studies report intact perception following MTL damage in human amnesics, there have been recent studies that suggest that when scene and object perception are assessed systematically, significant impairments in perception become apparent. These findings have important implications for current mnemonic theories of human MTL function and our understanding of human amnesia as a result of MTL lesions
Invited Address at the Occasion of the Bertelson Award 2005 - Impairments in visual discrimination in amnesia: Implications for theories of the role of medial temporal lobe regions in human memory
A prominent and long-standing view of human long-term memory is that structures within the medial temporal lobe (MTL) work together to support the acquisition of memory for facts and events. In contrast to this view, recent studies in rats and non-human primates suggest dissociations in function between regions comprising the MTL. Evidence in support of such specialisation in humans, however, has been inconclusive, leading some researchers to propose that human MTL functions as a unitary system uniquely specialised for the acquisition and storage of long-term memory. This paper reviews some of the key studies from the animal and human literature that support an account of functional differentiation and discusses the different theoretical positions that have emerged from their findings. A series of recent experiments in humans designed to determine whether there is functional homogeneity in MTL regions across species are also reviewed and an alternative account of human memory - in which long-term memory is dependent upon representations distributed throughout the human brain rather than one specialised system - is proposed. © 2008 Psychology Press
Conjunctive coding of complex object features
Critical to perceiving an object is the ability to bind its constituent features into a cohesive representation, yet the manner by which the visual system integrates object features to yield a unified percept remains unknown. Here, we present a novel application of multivoxel pattern analysis of neuroimaging data that allows a direct investigation of whether neural representations integrate object features into a whole that is different from the sum of its parts. We found that patterns of activity throughout the ventral visual stream (VVS), extending anteriorly into the perirhinal cortex (PRC), discriminated between the same features combined into different objects. Despite this sensitivity to the unique conjunctions of features comprising objects, activity in regions of the VVS, again extending into the PRC, was invariant to the viewpoints from which the conjunctions were presented. These results suggest that the manner in which our visual system processes complex objects depends on the explicit coding of the conjunctions of features comprising them
Medial temporal lobe activity during complex discrimination of faces, objects, and scenes: Effects of viewpoint.
The medial temporal lobe (MTL), a set of heavily interconnected structures including the hippocampus and underlying entorhinal, perirhinal and parahippocampal cortex, is traditionally believed to be part of a unitary system dedicated to declarative memory. Recent studies, however, demonstrated perceptual impairments in amnesic individuals with MTL damage, with hippocampal lesions causing scene discrimination deficits, and perirhinal lesions causing object and face discrimination deficits. The degree of impairment on these tasks was influenced by the need to process complex conjunctions of features: discriminations requiring the integration of multiple visual features caused deficits, whereas discriminations that could be solved on the basis of a single feature did not. Here, we address these issues with functional neuroimaging in healthy participants as they performed a version of the oddity discrimination task used previously in patients. Three different types of stimuli (faces, scenes, novel objects) were presented from either identical or different viewpoints. Consistent with studies in patients, we observed increased perirhinal activity when participants distinguished between faces and objects presented from different, compared to identical, viewpoints. The posterior hippocampus, by contrast, showed an effect of viewpoint for both faces and scenes. These findings provide convergent evidence that the MTL is involved in processes beyond long-term declarative memory and suggest a critical role for these structures in integrating complex features of faces, objects, and scenes into view-invariant, abstract representations