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5 research outputs found
Children's Exposure to Violence and Distress Symptoms: Influence of Caretakers' Psychological Functioning
A Shahinfar
AC McFarlane
+44 more
BS Rosenthal
C Campbell
CC Thomson
D Kindlon
David C. Bellinger
DE Howard
DE Howard
DR Offord
E Aisenberg
E Shemesh
G Margolin
H Hurt
H Schubiner
J Osofsky
JE Richters
JP Hanrahan
JW Bryce
K Sheehan
KJ Preacher
L Taylor
LN Freeman
Louise Ryan
LR Derogatis
M Kuo
M Schwab-Stone
MB Selner-O'Hagan
MH Boyle
Michelle Bosquet Enlow
P Crittendon
P Martinez
P Smith
R Brennan
RJ Wright
RK Mulhern
Rosalind J. Wright
S Holt
SF Suglia
SF Suglia
SH Goodman
Shakira Franco Suglia
T Field
TM Achenbach
V Ruchkin
WM Skilbeck
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Variation in Exposure to Violence in Early Adolescence Distinguishes between Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Perpetration among Young Men Involved in the Justice System
A Holtzworth-Munroe
A Holtzworth-Munroe
+61 more
A López-Quílez
AR Gover
AR Piquero
AR Piquero
AR Piquero
B van der Kolk
BH Fox
C Farrell
CA Anderson
CA Schubert
CB Dierkhising
CB Dierkhising
CM Forke
D Finkelhor
D Finkelhor
D Finkelhor
D Nesi
D Theobald
DJ Sonkin
DJ Whitaker
DL Haynie
DM Capaldi
E Aisenberg
E Gaarder
E Pence
EM Givens
EP Mulvey
EP Shulman
F Perepletchikova
FW Putnam
G Farrell
G Sweeten
H Zehr
J Thijssen
JA Reid
JA Reid
JK Cochran
KL Chan
KM Heide
LM Renner
M Cui
MA Cohen
MA Straus
MB Selner-O'Hagan
MH Teicher
MK Ehrensaft
MM Cavanaugh
MP Johnson
MP Johnson
MT Baglivio
PA Fritz
RL Gobin
RP Dobash
SM Wagers
TE Moffitt
TE Moffitt
TE Moffitt
WG Jennings
WG Jennings
X Fang
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
USFSP Digital Archive
University of Miami: Scholarship Miami
Scholar Commons - University of South Florida
Indirect violence exposure and mental health symptoms among an urban public-school population: Prevalence and correlates
AL Roberts
BD Perry
+60 more
BD Perry
BD Perry
BS Gershuny
CC Bell
CC McDonald
CF Saylor
D Finkelhor
D Finkelhor
D Finkelhor
D Finkelhor
D. Finkelhor
Denese Shervington
DG Kilpatrick
DL Broussard
E. Richards MHR
EC South
EF Cassidy
Erica L. Gollub
G Low
H Cecil
Ilyssa Kaplan
J.D. Kessler RCM
JA Bender
Jakevia Green
JL Crouch
JM Bland
JM Fleckman
K Kracke
K Kracke
K Zona
K Zona
KM Fitzpatrick
KM Fitzpatrick
KS White
L.M. Hunt TKAB
Lisa Richardson
LJ Hickman
LK Reynolds
LS Jemmott
MB Selner‐O'Hagan
MD Weist
ME Schwab-Stone
MR McCart
N Hornstein
Network NOPO
NK Gaylord-Harden
NK Gaylord‐Harden
P Martinez
PJ Fowler
R Pabayo
RC Kessler
RJ Burke
RS Pynoos
S Javdani
S Mrug
S Mrug
S. Overstreet
SL Buka
Soraya Seedat
T Scherzer
Publication venue
'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Hopelessness and Delinquent Behavior as Predictors of Community Violence Exposure in Ethnic Minority Male Adolescent Offenders
A Fine
A Mahler
+79 more
AA Baumann
Amanda N. Burnside
AT Beck
CB Dierkhising
CC Bell
CM López
D Baskin
D Eitle
D Finkelhor
D Finkelhor
D Huizinga
D Landis
D Oyserman
D Oyserman
DA O’Donnell
DM Myers
DR Voisin
E Kimonis
E Ryan
E Shulman
EV Cardemil
EV Cardemil
G Boyle
G Sweeten
GF Jensen
GM Zimmerman
H Foster
H Markus
IW Borowsky
J Bryant
J Cohen
J Davis
J Park-Taylor
JD Ford
JL Crouch
JL Lauritsen
JM Bolland
JM Bolland
JM Twyford
JR Abela
K Riele
KJ Kim
KJ Preacher
KM Abram
KM Abram
KM Fitzpatrick
KS White
LD Coyle
LK Reynolds
M Cooley-Strickland
M Lynch
M Stimmel
MA Allwood
MB Selner-O'Hagan
MD Hinton-Nelson
MD Weist
MR Cooley-Quille
MW Lipsey
N Copeland-Linder
N Pyle
NK Gaylord-Harden
NK Gaylord-Harden
Noni K. Gaylord-Harden
PJ Fowler
PK Kerig
R Brame
R Ceballo
R Stark
RH DuRant
RH DuRant
RL Simons
S Mrug
S Salzinger
SA Stoddard
SF Lambert
SS Clinkinbeard
T Loughran
TE Joiner
TM Kennedy
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The Role of Exposure to Violence and Psychopathy on Violent Crime Perpetration
A Bandura
A Baskin-Sommers
+86 more
A Baskin-Sommers
AF Hayes
AJ Calder
AL Glenn
AL Glenn
BD Stein
BL Weiler
CA Brinkley
CA Cecil
CC Henrich
CD Spielberger
CF Mulford
CV Schraft
D Eitle
D Finkelhor
D Gorman-Smith
DJ Flannery
DJ Hawes
DL Haynie
DP Bernstein
DP Farrington
DR Baskin
DR Baskin
DR Lynam
DR Williams
DS Ng-Mak
DS Ng-Mak
DT Lykken
EM Cale
ER Kimonis
ER Kimonis
ES Winer
GD Walters
GK Levenston
J Sprague
JA Bender
JI Flight
JJ Asscher
JL Skeem
JP Newman
JW Patchin
K Kaspar
KM McCabe
LA Borofsky
LR Huesmann
M Cooley-Quille
M Docherty
M Friedson
M Selner-O'Hagan
M Tracy
MB First
MH Richards
MK Krischer
NG Guerra
NJ Kolla
NK Gaylord-Harden
NK Gaylord-Harden
NMG Fontaine
OC Mosteiro
OF Colins
P Sharkey
PJ Fowler
RA Zachary
RD Hare
RD Hare
RH Durant
RJ Blair
RJ Wright
RM Adelman
RM Bond
RT Salekin
S Salzinger
S Salzinger
SN Garfinkel
SN Naicker
SV Paunonen
SV Paunonen
T Canli
TE Moffitt
TE Moffitt
TL McNulty
TO Ireland
TP Thornberry
Y van Baardewijk
Z Gomez-Smith
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text