7,501 research outputs found

    Development of strategies to improve quality and safety and reduce cost of production in organic and “low input” livestock production systems

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    The demand for organic livestock products is still increasing. To support this growth and to help remove potential obstacles the fourth Subproject of QLIF addresses several themes related to livestock farming. In this overview paper the main results to date are presented. It briefly discusses progress made on preventative treatments against pig and poultry parasites, as well as the reduction of rodent burdens on farm. The activities on probiotics and nutribiotics experiments are listed, as are studies undertaken to improve the meat quality of pigs through different protein sources and diet composition. Finally, work is being presented aiming to reduce the incidence of mastitis, and the reduction of faecal shedding of pathogens in cattle. The overview concludes that much work has been done, but that the main task of increasing competitiveness of the organic and low-input livestock sector through the implementation of our knowledge, still lies ahead of us

    Control methods for Dermanyssus gallinae in systems for laying hens: results of an international seminar

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    This paper reports the results of a seminar on poultry red mite (PRM), Dermanyssus gallinae. Eighteen researchers from eight European countries discussed life cycle issues of the mite, effects of mites on hens and egg production, and monitoring and control methods for PRM in poultry facilities. It was determined that PRM probably causes more damage than envisaged, with the cost in The Netherlands alone reaching 11 million euro per annum. However a great deal is still unknown about PRM (e.g. reproduction, survival methods, etc.) and that PRM monitoring is an important instrument in recognising and admitting the problem and in taking timely measures. Currently, the most promising control method combines heating the hen house in combination with chemical treatments. Future areas of development which show promise include the use of entomopathogenic fungi, vaccination and predatory mites. The final aim is to solve the problem of D. gallinae in housing systems for laying hens


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    Neurons of the mouse were labeled with [3H]thymidine during their prenatal period of proliferation. The 3H activity of the Purkinje cell nuclei was then studied autoradiographically 8, 25, 55, and 90 days after birth. The measured grain number per nucleus decreased by about 14% between the 8th and 25th postnatal days and then remained constant up to 90 days. There was no significant decrease of the 3H activity of the Purkinje cell nuclei after correction of the measured grain number per nucleus for increasing nuclear volume of the growing Purkinje cells and for the influence of [3H]β self-absorption in the material of the sections. Injection of a high dose of [3H]thymidine into young adult mice did not result in 3H labeling of either Purkinje or other neurons in other brain regions. The results agree with the concept of metabolic stability of nuclear DNA. "Metabolic" DNA could not be observed in these experiments

    Evaluation of large-eddy simulations forced with mesoscale model output for a multi-week period during a measurement campaign

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    Large-eddy simulations (LESs) of a multi-week period during the HD(CP)2 (High-Definition Clouds and Precipitation for advancing Climate Prediction) Observational Prototype Experiment (HOPE) conducted in Germany are evaluated with respect to mean boundary layer quantities and turbulence statistics. Two LES models are used in a semi-idealized setup through forcing with mesoscale model output to account for the synoptic-scale conditions. Evaluation is performed based on the HOPE observations. The mean boundary layer characteristics like the boundary layer depth are in a principal agreement with observations. Simulating shallow-cumulus layers in agreement with the measurements poses a challenge for both LES models. Variance profiles agree satisfactorily with lidar measurements. The results depend on how the forcing data stemming from mesoscale model output are constructed. The mean boundary layer characteristics become less sensitive if the averaging domain for the forcing is large enough to filter out mesoscale fluctuations. © Author(s) 2017.BMBF/01LK1203BBMBF/01LK1203

    Esparsette (Onobrychis viciifolia) als mögliche Futterpflanze zur Kontrolle von Magen-Darm-Strongyliden bei Schafen

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    In der Schaf- und Ziegenhaltung stellt der Befall mit Magen-Darm-Strongyliden (MDS) einen wesentlichen Problemfaktor für die Tiergesundheit dar. Klinische und subklinische Erkrankungen können von erheblicher wirtschaftlicher Relevanz sein. Eine zunehmende Resistenzentwicklung gegen seit langem eingesetzte Anthelminthika hat derzeit einen intensivierten Einsatz dieser Wirkstoffe zur Folge und verschärft das Problem somit zusätzlich. Die Entwicklung und Bereitstellung komplementärer Kontrollstrategien könnte zu einer erheblichen Reduktion des Anthelminthika-Einsatzes beitragen. Eine mögliche Strategie stellt der Einsatz tanninhaltiger Futterpflanzen dar. Wir beschreiben Ergebnisse aus einem in vivo Versuch zur antiparasitischen Wirkung von Esparsettenheu und Esparsettensilage (6,2 % und 4,4 % Tannine / Trockensubstanz) gegen Haemonchus contortus und Cooperia curticei in experimentell infizierten Lämmern. Nach 16-tägiger Fütterung mit Esparsettenheu war die H. contortus Wurmbürde im Vergleich zu einer isoproteisch und isoenergetisch gefütterten Kontrollgruppe (0,1 % Tannine / Trockensubstanz) um 53 % reduziert (P < 0,05). Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Lämmer, die mit Esparsettenheu gefüttert wurden, bereits 10 Tage nach Versuchsbeginn 44 % (P < 0,05) weniger H. contortus Eier pro Gramm Kot (EpG) ausschieden als die Kontrolltiere. Bei Versuchsende (16 Tage nach Fütterungsbeginn) war die H. contortus Eiausscheidung im Vergleich zur Kontrolle um 58 % reduziert (P < 0,01). Die Tagesgewichtszunahme der Lämmer in der Esparsettenheu-Gruppe war im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe tendenziell besser (163 g/Tag und 96 g/Tag; P = 0,07). Die Fütterung mit Esparsettensilage reduzierte die H. contortus Eiausscheidung verglichen mit der Kontrolle um 48 %. Dieses Resultat war allerdings nicht signifikant (P = 0,075). Im Vergleich zu den Kontrollgruppen wurde die C. curticei Eiausscheidung durch Esparsettenheu um 74 % (P < 0,001) und durch Esparsettensilage um 81 % (P < 0,001) reduziert. Es handelt sich bei dieser Studie um die erste, welche die für den Praxiseinsatz wichtige Verwendung einer konservierten, tanninhaltigen Futterpflanze gezielt gegen H. contortus und C. curticei untersucht

    Sainfoin – New Data on Anthelmintic Effects and Production in Sheep and Goats

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    Gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) are one of the most important problems affecting health and therefore performance and welfare in small ruminant husbandry. The control of these parasites in the past strongly relied on the repeated use of anthelmintic drugs. This has led to nematode populations which are resistant to most of the currently available anthelmintics. Furthermore customer’s demands for organic and residue free animal products are increasing. The aforementioned problems have given a strong impetus for the development of new non-chemical strategies to control GIN. Previous research has pointed out the anthelmintic potential of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) and other tanniferous (CT) feed sources in goats and lambs infected with GIN. A recent Swiss experiment focussed on the use of sainfoin and field bean (Vicia faba, cv. Scirocco) as single CT sources as well as in combination for additional synergic effects, to reduce periparturient GIN egg rise of ewes in late gestation and early lactation. Another experiment with Alpine goats concentrated on the influence of sainfoin on milk performance and cheese quality. The results of these experiments will be presented and discussed in connection with previous knowledge on (i) anthelmintic effects of sainfoin and (ii) the influence of sainfoin administration on performance

    Automated quantitative analysis of single and double label autoradiographs

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    A method for the analysis of silver grain content in both single and double label autoradiographs is presented. The total grain area is calculated by counting the number of pixels at which the recorded light intensity in transmission dark field illumination exceeds a selected threshold. The calibration tests included autoradiographs with low (3H- thymidin) and high (3H-desoxyuridin) silver grain density. The results are proportional to the customary visual grain count. For the range of visibly countable grain densities in single labeled specimens, the correlation coefficient between the computed values and the visual grain counts is better than 0.96. In the first emulsion of the two emulsion layer autoradiographs of double labeled specimens (3H-14C- thymidin) the correlation coefficient is 0.919 and 0.906. The method provides a statistical correction for the background grains not due to the isotope. The possibility to record 14C tracks by shifting the focus through the second emulsion of the double labeled specimens is also demonstrated. The reported technique is essentially independent of size, shape and density of the grains

    Multipartite Classical and Quantum Secrecy Monotones

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    In order to study multipartite quantum cryptography, we introduce quantities which vanish on product probability distributions, and which can only decrease if the parties carry out local operations or carry out public classical communication. These ``secrecy monotones'' therefore measure how much secret correlations are shared by the parties. In the bipartite case we show that the mutual information is a secrecy monotone. In the multipartite case we describe two different generalisations of the mutual information, both of which are secrecy monotones. The existence of two distinct secrecy monotones allows us to show that in multipartite quantum cryptography the parties must make irreversible choices about which multipartite correlations they want to obtain. Secrecy monotones can be extended to the quantum domain and are then defined on density matrices. We illustrate this generalisation by considering tri-partite quantum cryptography based on the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state. We show that before carrying out measurements on the state, the parties must make an irreversible decision about what probability distribution they want to obtain