2 research outputs found

    Implementation of the National Land Information Management System (SIMTANAS) at the Kupang City Land Agency

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    In an effort to change the pattern of serving the public, the National Land Agency, especially in the Kupang City Land Agency, has been providing computer-based services since 1997. Land Office Computerization (KKP) or Land Office Computerization (LOC) creates orderly land administration, improving the quality of land information. Case studies in the field, the informants in this study are employees who work in the Head of General Affairs and Personnel Affairs, Head of Land Measurement and Mapping Sub-section, Plan and Budget Compilation Officer, and Land Infrastructure Officer. Next, the researcher will carry out the stages of data collection according to Creswell as qualitative observation, qualitative interviews, qualitative documents search and qualitative audio and visual material and visual materials). The implementation model that researchers will use is the George Edward model to analyze the process of implementing the National Land Information and Management System (SIMTANAS) policy at the Kupang City Land Agency. On the side, the disposition found that SIMTANAS has only been running in its implementation in the survey, measurement and mapping sections. From the side of human resources, the budget has been fulfilled

    Dynamics of Mutations and Promotion of Structural Positions of Civil Servants in Malaka Regency

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    The purpose of effective transfers and promotions leads to increasing the effectiveness of local government organizations, but the good intentions of the regional leadership of Malacca Regency, in this case the Regent as PPK, to manage the performance of civil servants within the Malacca Regency Government, received criticism from several parties who stated that the transfer carried out violated procedures. not in accordance with the terms and conditions of KKN. This research is a qualitative research with primary and secondary data types collected through interviews, documentation and observation and then the data that has been collected is analyzed using data analysis techniques from Miles & Huberman (1992:16) consisting of three streams of activities that occur simultaneously, namely : data reduction, data presentation, conclusion/verification. Study's result found that the dynamics of mutation and promotion of structural positions of civil servants in Malacca Regency in terms of mutations were not effective because they were carried out as a form of sanction as a result of not supporting the elected Regent and Deputy Regent to win the 2020 Malacca Regional Election while promotions for PNS positions were carried out because there was a mechanism remuneration because the civil servants who will be promoted are the success team to win the elected regent in the 2020 Malacca regional elections, while the inhibiting factors for the effectiveness of the transfer and promotion of structural positions of civil servants in Malacca Regency are due to the patron client relationship and the promise of position compensation