469 research outputs found

    Peccei-Quinn Symmetry Breaking via Asymptotically Safe Dynamical Scalegenesis: A Walking Axicolor and Axion

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    Pecci-Quinn (PQ) symmetry breaking by perturbative dynamics would suffer from a hierarchy problem, just like the electroweak symmetry breaking in the standard model. The dynamics of the axion, associated with the PQ symmetry breaking, would also involve a triviality problem. We provide a paradigm to resolve those two problems potentially existing in the PQ symmetry breaking scenario, with keeping successful axion relaxation for the QCD strong CP phase. The proposed theory includes an axicolor dynamics with the axicolored fermions partially gauged by the QCD color, and is shown to be governed by an asymptotically safe (AS) fixed point: quantum scale invariance is built. The AS axicolor is actually a ``walking" dynamics, which dynamically breaks a PQ symmetry, a part of the chiral symmetry carried by the axicolored fermions. The PQ scale generation is then triggered by the nonperturbative dimensional transmutation in the ``walking" dynamics. A composite axion emerges as the assosiated Nambu-Goldstone boson. That is, no hierarchy or triviality problem is present there. The composite axion can potentially be light due to the characteristic feature of the AS axicolor (``walking" axicolor), becomes the QCD axion in the anti-Veneziano limit, and gets heavier by the subleading correction. The composite axion relaxes the QCD theta parameter, involving heavier relaxation partners such as axicolored pseudoscalar mesons, and the ultraviolet correction to the relaxation mechanism is protected by the established (near) scale invariance during the ``walking" regime.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure; minor revisions mad

    Gravitational wave footprints from Higgs-portal scalegenesis with multiple dark chiral scalars

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    We discuss the gravitational wave (GW) spectra predicted from the electroweak scalegenesis of the Higgs portal type with a large number of dark chiral flavors, which many flavor QCD would underlie and give the dynamical explanation of the negative Higgs portal coupling required to trigger the electroweak symmetry breaking. We employ the linear-sigma model as the low-energy description of dark many flavor QCD and show that the model undergoes ultra-supercooling due to the produced strong first-order thermal phase transition along the (approximately realized) flat direction based on the Gildener-Weinberg mechanism. Passing through evaluation of the bubble nucleation/percolation, we address the reheating and relaxation processes, which are generically non-thermal and nonadiabatic. Parametrizing the reheating epoch in terms of the e-folding number, we propose proper formulae for the redshift effects on the GW frequencies and signal spectra. It then turns out that the ultra-supercooling predicted from the Higgs-portal scalegenesis generically yields none of GW signals with the frequencies as low as nano Hz, unless the released latent heat is transported into another sector other than reheating the universe. Instead, models of this class prefer to give the higher frequency signals and still keeps the future prospected detection sensitivity, like at LISA, BBO, and DECIGO, etc. We also find that with large flavors in the dark sector, the GW signals are made further smaller and the peak frequencies higher. Characteristic phenomenological consequences related to the multiple chiral scalars include the prediction of dark pions with the mass much less than TeV scale, which is also briefly addressed.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamical realization of the small field inflation in the post supercooled universe

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    The small field inflation (SFI) of Coleman-Weinberg (CW) type suffers from precise tuning of the initial inflaton field value to be away from the true vacuum one. We propose a dynamical trapping mechanism to solve this problem: an ultra-supercooling caused by an almost scale-invariant CW potential traps the inflaton at the false vacuum, far away from the true vacuum dominantly created by the quantum scale anomaly, and allows the inflaton to dynamically start the slow-roll down due to a classical explicit-scale breaking effect. To be concrete, we employ a successful CW-SFI model and show that the proposed mechanism works consistently with the observed bounds on the inflation parameters. The proposed new mechanism thus provides new insights for developing small field inflation models.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Photoelectron detection from transient species in organic semiconducting thin films by dual laser pulse irradiation

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    An Nd3+:YAG pulsed laser was employed as a light source for two-photon photoemission from organic semiconducting thin films in low vacuum and air. Photoionization by the two-photon process was confirmed in both the environments by measuring photoemission current. By constructing a pump–probe system, photoemissions from transient species formed by the pump light irradiation were detected by probe light irradiation as a result of a linear increase in the photocurrent with the pump power via a one-photon process. Thus, we propose a novel method called two-photon photoelectron yield spectroscopy to determine the excited-state energy levels in ambient environments

    Chemical and isotopic compositions in acid residues from three meteorites

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    Chemical compositions of acid residues obtained from three types of meteorites, 1) Canyon Diablo (IA), 2) Allende (CV3) and 3) Nuevo Mercurio (H5) were determined. Refractory elements were generally enriched in these acid residues. The results match the features that acid residues contain primary condensates from the cooling solar gas as well as extra-solar grains. In the cases of Allende and Canyon Diablo, the contents of a series of refractory siderophile elements such as W, Re, Os, Ir, Mo, Ru and Pt were determined by INAA and AAS. Particularly, in acid residue of Allende, enrichment factors of these elements relative to CI are generally higher (7-20 times/CI), whereas in the cases of W and Mo, they are slightly depleted compared with those of Canyon Diablo. Since both elements would be the first metals to be oxidized under high oxygen fugacity, acid residue of Allende should contain fractions that were produced under oxidizing conditions. In these samples, the isotopic compositions of Ru have been measured by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. So far, in the measurements of acid residue of Allende, all Ru isotope ratios were found to be indistinguishable from terrestrial values within the experimental errors, though errors were large because of small Ru ion beam intensities

    Application of compound-specific 14C dating to IODP Exp.318 U1357A core

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム 横断セッション「海・陸・氷床から探る後期新生代の南極寒冷圏環境変動」11月27日(火) 国立国語研究所 2階講